Rainbow DQN implementation that outperforms the paper's results on 40% of games using 20x less data 🌈


Rainbow 🌈

An implementation of Rainbow DQN which outperforms the paper's (Hessel et al. 2017) results on 40% of tested games while using 20x less data. This was developed as part of an undergraduate university course on scientific research and writing. The results are also available as a spreadsheet here. A selection of videos is available here.

Key Changes and Results

  • We implemented the large IMPALA CNN with 2x channels from Espeholt et al. (2018).
  • The implementation uses large, vectorized environments, asynchronous environment interaction, mixed-precision training, and larger batch sizes to reduce training time.
  • Integrations and recommended preprocessing for >1000 environments from gym, gym-retro and procgen are provided.
  • Due to compute and time constraints, we only trained for 10M frames (compared to 200M in the paper).
  • We implemented all components apart from distributional RL (we saw mixed results with C51 and QR-DQN).

When trained for only 10M frames, this implementation outperforms:

google/dopamine trained for 10M frames on 96% of games
google/dopamine trained for 200M frames on 64% of games
Hessel, et al. (2017) trained for 200M frames on 40% of games
Human results on 72% of games

Most of the observed performance improvements compared to the paper come from switching to the IMPALA CNN as well as some hyperparameter changes (e.g. the 4x larger learning rate).


Install necessary prerequisites with

sudo apt install zlib1g-dev cmake unrar
pip install wandb gym[atari]==0.18.0 imageio moviepy torchsummary tqdm rich procgen gym-retro torch stable_baselines3 atari_py==0.2.9

If you intend to use gym Atari games, you will need to install these separately, e.g., by running:

wget http://www.atarimania.com/roms/Roms.rar 
unrar x Roms.rar
python -m atari_py.import_roms .

To set up gym-retro games you should follow the instructions here.

How to use

To get started right away, run

python train_rainbow.py --env_name gym:Qbert

This will train Rainbow on Atari Qbert and log all results to "Weights and Biases" and the checkpoints directory.

Please take a look at common/argp.py or run python train_rainbow.py --help for more configuration options.

Some Notes

  • With a single RTX 2080 and 12 CPU cores, training for 10M frames takes around 8-12 hours, depending on the used settings
  • About 15GB of RAM are required. When using a larger replay buffer or subprocess envs, memory use may be much higher
  • Hyperparameters can be configured through command line arguments; defaults can be found in common/argp.py
  • For fastest training throughput use batch_size=512, parallel_envs=64, train_count=1, subproc_vecenv=True


We are very grateful to the TU Wien DataLab for providing the majority of the compute resources that were necessary to perform the experiments.

Here are some other implementations and resources that were helpful in the completion of this project:

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