[2021 MultiMedia] CONQUER: Contextual Query-aware Ranking for Video Corpus Moment Retrieval

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Deep LearningCONQUER

CONQUER: Contexutal Query-aware Ranking for Video Corpus Moment Retreival

PyTorch implementation of CONQUER: Contexutal Query-aware Ranking for Video Corpus Moment Retreival.

Task Definition

Given a natural language query, e.g., Addison is having a conversation with Bailey while checking on her baby, the problem of Video Corpus Moment Retrieval, is to locate a precise moment in a video retrieved from a large video corpus. And we are especially interested in the more pragmatic scenario, videos are additionally associated with the text descriptions such as subtitles or ASR (automatic speech transcript).


Model Overiew


  • Query-dependent Fusion (QDF)
  • Query-aware Feature Learning (QAL)
  • Moment localization (ML) head and optional video scoring (VS) head


Getting started


1 . Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/houzhijian/CONQUER.git

2 . Prepare feature files and data

Download tvr_feature_release.tar.gz (21GB). After downloading the feature file, extract it to YOUR DATA STORAGE directory:

tar zxvf path/to/tvr_feature_release.tar.gz 

You should be able to see tvr_feature_release under YOUR DATA STORAGE directory.

It contains visual features (ResNet, SlowFast) obtained from HERO authors and text features (subtitle and query, from fine-tuned RoBERTa) obtained from XML authors. You can refer to the code to learn details on how the features are extracted: visual feature extraction, text feature extraction.

Then modify root_path inside config/tvr_data_config.json to your own root path for data storage.

3 . Install dependencies.

  • Python
  • PyTorch
  • Cuda
  • tensorboard
  • tqdm
  • lmdb
  • easydict
  • msgpack
  • msgpack_numpy

To install the dependencies use conda and pip, you need to have anaconda3 or miniconda3 installed first, then:

conda create --name conquer
conda activate conquer 
conda install python==3.7.9 numpy==1.19.2 pytorch==1.6.0 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
conda install tensorboard==2.4.0 tqdm
pip install easydict lmdb msgpack msgpack_numpy

Training and Inference

NOTE: Currently only support train and inference using one gpu.

We give examples on how to perform training and inference for our CONQUER model.

1 . CONQUER training


TRAIN_SCRIPTS is a name string for training script. EXP_ID is a name string for current run. CUDA_DEVICE_ID is cuda device id.

Below are four examples of training CONQUER when

  • it adopts general similarity measure function without shared normalization training objective :
bash scripts/train_general.sh general 0 
  • it adopts general similarity measure function with three negative videos and extend pool size 1000:
bash scripts/train_sharednorm_general.sh general_extend1000_neg3 0 \
--use_extend_pool 1000 --neg_video_num 3 --bsz 16
  • it adopts disjoint similarity measure function with three negative videos and extend pool size 1000:
bash scripts/train_sharednorm_disjoint.sh disjoint_extend1000_neg3 0 \
--use_extend_pool 1000 --neg_video_num 3 --bsz 16
  • it adopts exclusive similarity measure function with three negative videos and extend pool size 1000:
bash scripts/train_sharednorm_exclusive_pretrain.sh exclusive_pretrain_extend1000_neg3 0 \
--use_extend_pool 1000 --neg_video_num 3 --bsz 16 --encoder_pretrain_ckpt_filepath YOUR_DATA_STORAGE_PATH/first_stage_trained_model/model.ckpt

NOTE: The training has randomness when we adopt shared normalization training objective, because we randomly sample negative videos via an adpative pool size. You will witness performance difference each time.

2 . CONQUER inference

After training, you can inference using the saved model on val or test_public set:

bash scripts/inference.sh MODEL_DIR_NAME CUDA_DEVICE_ID

MODEL_DIR_NAME is the name of the dir containing the saved model, e.g., tvr-general_extend1000_neg3-*. CUDA_DEVICE_ID is cuda device id.

By default, this code evaluates all the 3 tasks (VCMR, SVMR, VR), you can change this behavior by appending option, e.g. --tasks VCMR VR where only VCMR and VR are evaluated.

Below is one example of inference CONQUER which produce the best performance shown in paper.

2.1. Download the trained model tvr-conquer_general_paper_performance.tar.gz (173 MB). After downloading the trained model, extract it to the current directory:

tar zxvf tvr-conquer_general_paper_performance.tar.gz

You should be able to see results/tvr-conquer_general_paper_performance under the current directory.

2.2. Perform inference on validation split

bash scripts/inference.sh tvr-conquer_general_paper_performance 0 --nms_thd 0.7

We use non-maximum suppression (NMS) and set the threshold as 0.7, because NMS can contribute to a higher [email protected] and [email protected] score empirically.


If you find this code useful for your research, please cite our paper:

  title={CONQUER: Contextual Query-aware Ranking for Video Corpus Moment Retrieval},
  author={Zhijian, Hou and  Chong-Wah, Ngo and Wing-Kwong Chan},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia},


This code borrowed components from the following projects: TVRetrieval, HERO, HuggingFace, MMT, MME. We thank the authors for open-sourcing these great projects!


zjhou3-c [at] my.cityu.edu.hk

Hou zhijian
A PH.D student
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