Project Smoothie Společný projekt dua Hacker Ninjas. První pokus o hříčku po třech týdnech učení se programování.
- Jakub Kolář e:\ [email protected]
- Martin Holomek e:\ [email protected]
radar-to-lidar-place-recognition This page is the coder of a pre-print, implemented by PyTorch. If you have some questions on this project, please fee
DroneCrowd Paper Detection, Tracking, and Counting Meets Drones in Crowds: A Benchmark. Introduction This paper proposes a space-time multi-scale atte
CoMIR: Contrastive Multimodal Image Representation for Registration Framework 🖼 Registration of images in different modalities with Deep Learning 🤖
Joint Learning of 3D Shape Retrieval and Deformation Joint Learning of 3D Shape Retrieval and Deformation Mikaela Angelina Uy, Vladimir G. Kim, Minhyu
Unsupervised Learning for Cuboid Shape Abstraction via Joint Segmentation from Point Clouds This repository is a PyTorch implementation for paper: Uns
JOKR: Joint Keypoint Representation for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Motion Retargeting Pytorch implementation for the paper "JOKR: Joint Keypoint Repres
Multi YOLO V5——Detection and Semantic Segmentation Overeview This is my undergraduate graduation project which based on ultralytics YOLO V5 tag v5.0.
Joint Discriminative and Generative Learning for Person Re-identification [Project] [Paper] [YouTube] [Bilibili] [Poster] [Supp] Joint Discriminative
Frozen️ in Time ❄️ ️️️️ ⏳ A Joint Video and Image Encoder for End-to-End Retrieval project page | arXiv | webvid-data Repository containing the code,
Zjistit zdali je moznost nejakym prikazem nebo formou entrovani usporadat text aby se na konci formoval do stejne roviny ( pokud nejde neda se nic delat )
systém hryNapadl mě systém tří životů a smrt. Když 3x blbě odpovíš, nebo zvolíš špatnou možnost, ubere ti to život. Jelikož terminál neumí zobrazit znak srdíčka, dal bych místo toho třeba kolečko. Zobrazený by to bylo asi takhle: [OOO] přičemž ty kolečka bych zkusil udělat červená. zobrazený by to bylo pod obrázkem vpravo, ať to okno používáme tak nějak celý a není všechno jenom vlevo. Co ty na to?
systém hrySem zapisujme seznam všech postav obsažených v příběhu. Vždy jméno postavy, pak jestli je žívá/mrtvá = True/False ( pokud je mrtvá tak jak umřel, popřípadě kdo jí zabil ) a když bude nutné klidně i nějaké malé info o postavě
Verbs in COCO (V-COCO) Dataset This repository hosts the Verbs in COCO (V-COCO) dataset and associated code to evaluate models for the Visual Semantic
ProMP: Proximal Meta-Policy Search Implementations corresponding to ProMP (Rothfuss et al., 2018). Overall this repository consists of two branches: m
Official Implementation of SWAGAN: A Style-based Wavelet-driven Generative Model SWAGAN: A Style-based Wavelet-driven Generative Model Rinon Gal, Dana
SRNTT: Image Super-Resolution by Neural Texture Transfer Tensorflow implementation of the paper Image Super-Resolution by Neural Texture Transfer acce
Reducing Information Bottleneck for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation (NeurIPS 2021) The implementation of Reducing Infromation Bottleneck for W
MMSceneGraph Introduction MMSceneneGraph is an open source code hub for scene graph generation as well as supporting downstream tasks based on the sce
This project builds a LoRa radio frequency fingerprint identification (RFFI) system based on deep learning techiniques.
PyTorch Marvelous ChatBot [Update] it's 2019 now, previously model can not catch up state-of-art now. So we just move towards the future a transformer
Combining Events and Frames using Recurrent Asynchronous Multimodal Networks for Monocular Depth Prediction This is the code for the paper Combining E
libfacedetection This is an open source library for CNN-based face detection in images. The CNN model has been converted to static variables in C sour
tensorflow_hmm Tensorflow and numpy implementations of the HMM viterbi and forward/backward algorithms. See Keras example for an example of how to use
Introduction Codebase for the paper Transformer Embeddings of Irregularly Spaced Events and Their Participants. This codebase contains two packages: a
What is Detectron2-FC Detectron2-FC a fast construction platform of neural network algorithm based on detectron2. We have been working hard in two dir
SADRNet Paper link: SADRNet: Self-Aligned Dual Face Regression Networks for Robust 3D Dense Face Alignment and Reconstruction Requirements python
swin-transformer-ocr ocr with swin-transformer Overview Simple and understandable swin-transformer OCR project. The model in this repository heavily r
SentiMent Analysis In this project I built a model to classify movie reviews fromn the IMDB dataset of 50K reviews. WordtoVec : Neural networks only w
Re-implementation of the paper 'Grokking: Generalization beyond overfitting on small algorithmic datasets' Paper Original paper can be found here Data
InvTorch: Memory-Efficient Invertible Functions This module extends the functionality of torch.utils.checkpoint.checkpoint to work with invertible fun
QuadTree Image Segmentation Animation using QuadTree concepts. Usage usage: [-h] [-fps FPS] [-i ITERATIONS] [-ws WRITESTART] [-b] [-img] [-s S
tinykernel - A minimal Python kernel so you can run Python in your Python