FluxTraining.jl gives you an endlessly extensible training loop for deep learning



Docs (master)

A powerful, extensible neural net training library.

FluxTraining.jl gives you an endlessly extensible training loop for deep learning inspired by fastai's training loop. It is the training backend for FastAI.jl.

It exposes a small set of extensible interfaces and uses them to implement

  • hyperparameter scheduling
  • metrics
  • logging
  • training history; and
  • model checkpointing

Install using ]add FluxTraining.

Read getting started first and the user guide if you want to know more.

  • TagBot trigger issue

    TagBot trigger issue

    This issue is used to trigger TagBot; feel free to unsubscribe.

    If you haven't already, you should update your TagBot.yml to include issue comment triggers. Please see this post on Discourse for instructions and more details.

    opened by JuliaTagBot 15
  • Use SnoopPrecompile.jl

    Use SnoopPrecompile.jl

    This adds a basic precompile statement using SnoopPrecompile.jl.

    This reduces the Time-to-first-fit! by


    • using FluxTraining: 21s (this PR), 19s (master) -> 2s slower
    • fit!(testlearner(), 1): 14.5s (this PR), 30s (master) -> 15s faster
    • both: 35.5s (this PR), 49s (master) -> 13.5s/40% faster

    This seems like a clear win for me, except for the longer precompilation time which will only occur once for regular package usage. Has anyone tried using SnoopPrecompile.jl for other packages in the FluxML org?

    opened by lorenzoh 8
  • `Scheduler` causes cycle in execution DAG?

    `Scheduler` causes cycle in execution DAG?

    I have the following script:

    lossfn = Flux.Losses.logitcrossentropy
    # define schedule and optimizer
    initial_lr = 0.1
    schedule = Step(initial_lr, 0.5, 20)
    optim = Flux.Optimiser(Momentum(initial_lr), WeightDecay(1e-3))
    # callbacks
    logger = TensorBoardBackend("tblogs")
    schcb = Scheduler(LearningRate => schedule)
    hlogcb = LogHyperParams(logger)
    mlogcb = LogMetrics(logger)
    valcb = Metrics(Metric(accuracy; phase = TrainingPhase, name = "train_acc"),
                    Metric(accuracy; phase = ValidationPhase, name = "val_acc"))
    # setup learner object
    learner = Learner(m, lossfn;
                      data = (trainloader, valloader),
                      optimizer = optim,
                      callbacks = [ToGPU(), mlogcb, valcb])

    Any time I add schcb to the list of callbacks passed to the Learner, I get an error from FluxTraining that there is a cycle in the DAG. This did not happen in previous versions of FluxTraining (though I haven't been able to bisect the change yet).

    opened by darsnack 4
  • Use Optimisers.jl

    Use Optimisers.jl

    With Flux.jl 0.13 moving to use the explicit optimisers in Optimisers.jl, I think FluxTraining.jl should also use those as a default.

    This would also allow easier integration with alternative ADs like, PyCallChainRules.jl, see https://github.com/rejuvyesh/PyCallChainRules.jl/issues/19.

    @ToucheSir can this be done in a backward-compatible way, i.e. supporting Flux v0.12 and below or does Optimisers.jl depend on Flux v0.13?

    opened by lorenzoh 4
  • Break out Schedule

    Break out Schedule

    Does it make sense to break out Schedule from FluxTraining.jl? It seems like you hit upon a cool Julia package to use for scheduling, and we could use it as the base for implementing several common LR schedules. Would be nice to be able to write something like Cyclic(period = n) etc.

    I can give this a shot in a repo if you think it makes sense.

    opened by darsnack 4
  • Record time trained, training loss, validation loss and performance

    Record time trained, training loss, validation loss and performance

    For my application, I would love to be able to record the time trained, training loss, validation loss and classification performance at a given time-interval in the training loop. But currently, the History seems only able to store number of epochs, steps, and steps in current epoch.

    Would there be a way to make the History for extendable, so that users can record anything they want?

    A final detail would be that I want to record these stats only after a factor increase in training time, so that when I plot e.g. training loss again a logarithmic time scale, I get somewhat evenly distributed numbers. I am not sure how to make that happen, and I do not expect it to be built in functionality. I am just mentioning it in case it would be simple enough to implement.

    opened by KronosTheLate 3
  • Add SanityCheck callback

    Add SanityCheck callback

    Adds a SanityCheck callback as discussed on Zulip.

    If some checks don't pass the output will look like this:

    1/4 sanity checks failed:
    1: Model and loss function compatible with data (ERROR)
    To perform the optimization step, model and loss function need
    to be compatible with the data. This means the following must work:
    - `(x, y), _ = iterate(learner.data.training)`
    - `ŷ = learner.model(x)`
    - `loss = learner.lossfunction(learner.model(x), y)
    opened by lorenzoh 3
  • How not to have printing callbacks?

    How not to have printing callbacks?

    Is there a way of constructing a Learner without certain callbacks?

    julia> Learner(predict, lossfn; callbacks = [Metrics(accuracy)]).callbacks
    FluxTraining.Callbacks(FluxTraining.SafeCallback[Metrics(Loss(), Metric(Accuracy)), ProgressPrinter(), MetricsPrinter(), StopOnNaNLoss(), Recorder()], FluxTraining.LinearRunner(), {5, 5} directed simple Int64 graph, false)
    julia> Learner(predict, lossfn).callbacks
    FluxTraining.Callbacks(FluxTraining.SafeCallback[ProgressPrinter(), MetricsPrinter(), StopOnNaNLoss(), Recorder(), Metrics(Loss())], FluxTraining.LinearRunner(), {5, 5} directed simple Int64 graph, false)

    Or at least, to remove callbacks after construction? image

    opened by KronosTheLate 2
  • docs oddities

    docs oddities

    At the very top of this doc page https://fluxml.ai/FluxTraining.jl/dev/i/?id=documents%2Fdocs%2Fcallbacks%2Fusage.md

    using FluxTraining
    using FluxTraining: Callback, Read, Write, stateaccess
    model, data, lossfn = nothing, (), nothing, nothing

    Is that intended?

    Also, if from that page I follow a couple of links and land to https://fluxml.ai/FluxTraining.jl/dev/i/?id=documents%2FREADME.md&id=documents%2Fdocs%2Fcallbacks%2Fcustom.md&id=documents%2Fdocs%2Ftutorials%2Ftraining.md but then i don't see any buttons for closing all those panes or for going back. Even the browser back button doesn't have any effect.

    One last thing is that I don't see a link when visualizing the docstring of types/methods to jump to the source code.

    opened by CarloLucibello 2
  • (Documentation) Document `Learner` components

    (Documentation) Document `Learner` components

    This adds better documentation for the components of a Learner, i.e. model, data iterator, optimizer and loss function.

    Also makes the README clearer and fixes some broken links.

    opened by lorenzoh 2
  • Error displaying EarlyStopper

    Error displaying EarlyStopper

    Show method for EarlyStopping throws an error:

    julia> using FluxTraining
    julia> FluxTraining.EarlyStopping(1)
    Error showing value of type EarlyStopping:
    ERROR: type EarlyStopping has no field stopper
      [1] getproperty(x::EarlyStopping, f::Symbol)
        @ Base ./Base.jl:33
      [2] show(io::IOContext{Base.TTY}, cb::EarlyStopping)
        @ FluxTraining ~/.julia/packages/FluxTraining/LfCE3/src/callbacks/earlystopping.jl:56
      [3] show(io::IOContext{Base.TTY}, #unused#::MIME{Symbol("text/plain")}, x::EarlyStopping)
        @ Base.Multimedia ./multimedia.jl:47
      [4] (::REPL.var"#38#39"{REPL.REPLDisplay{REPL.LineEditREPL}, MIME{Symbol("text/plain")}, Base.RefValue{Any}})(io::Any)
        @ REPL /Users/julia/buildbot/worker/package_macos64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/REPL/src/REPL.jl:220
      [5] with_repl_linfo(f::Any, repl::REPL.LineEditREPL)
        @ REPL /Users/julia/buildbot/worker/package_macos64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/REPL/src/REPL.jl:462
      [6] display(d::REPL.REPLDisplay, mime::MIME{Symbol("text/plain")}, x::Any)
        @ REPL /Users/julia/buildbot/worker/package_macos64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/REPL/src/REPL.jl:213
      [7] display(d::REPL.REPLDisplay, x::Any)
        @ REPL /Users/julia/buildbot/worker/package_macos64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/REPL/src/REPL.jl:225
      [8] display(x::Any)
        @ Base.Multimedia ./multimedia.jl:328
      [9] (::Media.var"#15#16"{EarlyStopping})()
        @ Media ~/.julia/packages/Media/ItEPc/src/compat.jl:28
     [10] hookless(f::Media.var"#15#16"{EarlyStopping})
        @ Media ~/.julia/packages/Media/ItEPc/src/compat.jl:14
     [11] render(#unused#::Media.NoDisplay, x::EarlyStopping)
        @ Media ~/.julia/packages/Media/ItEPc/src/compat.jl:27
     [12] render(x::EarlyStopping)
        @ Media ~/.julia/packages/Media/ItEPc/src/system.jl:160
     [13] display(#unused#::Media.DisplayHook, x::EarlyStopping)
        @ Media ~/.julia/packages/Media/ItEPc/src/compat.jl:9
     [14] display(x::Any)
        @ Base.Multimedia ./multimedia.jl:328
     [15] #invokelatest#2
        @ ./essentials.jl:708 [inlined]
     [16] invokelatest
        @ ./essentials.jl:706 [inlined]
     [17] print_response(errio::IO, response::Any, show_value::Bool, have_color::Bool, specialdisplay::Union{Nothing, AbstractDisplay})
        @ REPL /Users/julia/buildbot/worker/package_macos64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/REPL/src/REPL.jl:247
     [18] (::REPL.var"#40#41"{REPL.LineEditREPL, Pair{Any, Bool}, Bool, Bool})(io::Any)
        @ REPL /Users/julia/buildbot/worker/package_macos64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/REPL/src/REPL.jl:231
     [19] with_repl_linfo(f::Any, repl::REPL.LineEditREPL)
        @ REPL /Users/julia/buildbot/worker/package_macos64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/REPL/src/REPL.jl:462
     [20] print_response(repl::REPL.AbstractREPL, response::Any, show_value::Bool, have_color::Bool)
        @ REPL /Users/julia/buildbot/worker/package_macos64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/REPL/src/REPL.jl:229
     [21] (::REPL.var"#do_respond#61"{Bool, Bool, REPL.var"#72#82"{REPL.LineEditREPL, REPL.REPLHistoryProvider}, REPL.LineEditREPL, REPL.LineEdit.Prompt})(s::REPL.LineEdit.MIState, buf::Any, ok::Bool)
        @ REPL /Users/julia/buildbot/worker/package_macos64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/REPL/src/REPL.jl:798
     [22] #invokelatest#2
        @ ./essentials.jl:708 [inlined]
     [23] invokelatest
        @ ./essentials.jl:706 [inlined]
     [24] run_interface(terminal::REPL.Terminals.TextTerminal, m::REPL.LineEdit.ModalInterface, s::REPL.LineEdit.MIState)
        @ REPL.LineEdit /Users/julia/buildbot/worker/package_macos64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/REPL/src/LineEdit.jl:2441
     [25] run_frontend(repl::REPL.LineEditREPL, backend::REPL.REPLBackendRef)
        @ REPL /Users/julia/buildbot/worker/package_macos64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/REPL/src/REPL.jl:1126
     [26] (::REPL.var"#44#49"{REPL.LineEditREPL, REPL.REPLBackendRef})()
        @ REPL ./task.jl:411

    Thanks for the awesome package! Should I open a PR to fix this?

    opened by awadell1 2
  • Question regarding ProgressPrinter

    Question regarding ProgressPrinter

    Hi first off: wonderful package :)

    I have some issues with the ProgressPrinter not showing up even when using the defaultcallbacks.

    learner = Learner(model, loss; optimizer=opt, callbacks=[ToGPU()], usedefaultcallbacks=true)
    FluxTraining.fit!(learner, epochs, (dl, val_dl)) # where dl, dl_val are both Flux.DataLoader objects

    Do I need to do something specific when constructing the Learner which I have missed? From the code it seems like I would need to give it a Progress object, do I have to construct that myself? What requirements does my data-iterator have to fullfill to show up with the defaultcallbacks?

    opened by hv10 5
  • CompatHelper: bump compat for PrettyTables to 2, (keep existing compat)

    CompatHelper: bump compat for PrettyTables to 2, (keep existing compat)

    This pull request changes the compat entry for the PrettyTables package from 1, 1.1, 1.2 to 1, 1.1, 1.2, 2. This keeps the compat entries for earlier versions.

    Note: I have not tested your package with this new compat entry. It is your responsibility to make sure that your package tests pass before you merge this pull request.

    opened by github-actions[bot] 0
  • `accuracy` doesn't work with `DataLoader`

    `accuracy` doesn't work with `DataLoader`

    since there's an example of using accuracy in Metric, it probably:

    1. should be documented
    2. should be made working with either learner or (model, dataloader)
    opened by Moelf 0
  • Improve printing during training

    Improve printing during training

    With the single metric accuracy, the output-tables (which I love) look like this:

    Epoch 11 TrainingPhase(): 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:00
    │         Phase │ Epoch │    Loss │ Accuracy │
    │ TrainingPhase │  11.0 │ 0.25969 │  0.92827 │
    │           Phase │ Epoch │    Loss │ Accuracy │
    │ ValidationPhase │  11.0 │ 0.26323 │  0.92731 │

    I suggest putting them into the same table, and making the Epoch vector of element type Int64, to make it look like this:

    Epoch 11 TrainingPhase(): 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:00
    │         Phase   │ Epoch │    Loss │ Accuracy │
    │ TrainingPhase   │  11   │ 0.25969 │  0.92827 │
    │ ValidationPhase │  11   │ 0.26323 │  0.92731 │
    opened by KronosTheLate 1
  • Quickstart tutorial broken

    Quickstart tutorial broken

    The example Training an image classifier currently uses the following code:

    xs, ys = (
        # convert each image into h*w*1 array of floats 
        [Float32.(reshape(img, 28, 28, 1)) for img in Flux.Data.MNIST.images()],
        # one-hot encode the labels
        [Float32.(Flux.onehot(y, 0:9)) for y in Flux.Data.MNIST.labels()],


    (Project) pkg> st Flux
          Status `C:\Users\Dennis Bal\ProjectFolder\Project.toml`
      [587475ba] Flux v0.13.0
    julia> using Flux
    julia> Flux.Data.MNIST
    ERROR: UndefVarError: MNIST not defined
     [1] getproperty(x::Module, f::Symbol)
       @ Base .\Base.jl:35
     [2] top-level scope
       @ REPL[16]:1

    So the example is broken. As a side note, I think the example would do great by using MLUtils instead of DataLoaders.jl and MLDataPattern. Also, Flux imports DataLoader so no need to explicitly import it.

    But I take a look at the docs and try to get started. So I make the following code, that works with Flux's base capacities:

    julia> using Flux
    julia> using Flux: onehotbatch, onecold
    julia> using FluxTraining
    julia> using MLUtils: flatten, unsqueeze
    julia> using MLDatasets
    julia> labels = 0:9
    julia> traindata = MNIST.traindata(Float32) |> x->(unsqueeze(x[1], 3), onehotbatch(x[2], labels));
    julia> size.(traindata)
    ((28, 28, 1, 60000), (10, 60000))
    julia> trainloader = DataLoader(traindata, batchsize=128);
    julia> validdata = MNIST.testdata(Float32) |> x->(unsqueeze(x[1], 3), onehotbatch(x[2], labels)); 
    julia> size.(validdata)
    ((28, 28, 1, 10000), (10, 10000))
    julia> validloader = DataLoader(validdata, batchsize=128);
    julia> predict = Chain(flatten, Dense(28^2, 10))
      Dense(784 => 10),                     # 7_850 parameters
    julia> lossfunc(x, y) = Flux.Losses.logitbinarycrossentropy(predict(x), y)
    lossfunc (generic function with 1 method)
    julia> optimizer=ADAM()
    ADAM(0.001, (0.9, 0.999), 1.0e-8, IdDict{Any, Any}())
    julia> callbacks = [Metrics(accuracy)]
    1-element Vector{Metrics}:
     Metrics(Loss(), Metric(Accuracy))
    julia> learner = Learner(predict, lossfunc; optimizer, callbacks)

    At this point, I start checking loss and training with Flux's train!:

    julia> lossfunc(validdata...)
    julia> Flux.train!(lossfunc, Flux.params(predict), trainloader, optimizer)
    julia> lossfunc(validdata...)
    julia> Flux.train!(lossfunc, Flux.params(predict), trainloader, optimizer)
    julia> lossfunc(validdata...)
    julia> Flux.train!(lossfunc, Flux.params(predict), trainloader, optimizer)
    julia> lossfunc(validdata...)

    Training no problem. However, when I try to train my learner, it seems like a single float is passed to predict, and not an array:

    julia> fit!(learner, 1, (traindata, validdata))
    Epoch 1 TrainingPhase() ...
    ERROR: MethodError: no method matching flatten(::Float32)
    Closest candidates are:
      flatten(::AbstractArray) at C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\MLUtils\QTRw7\src\utils.jl:424  
      [1] macro expansion
        @ C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\Zygote\Y6SC4\src\compiler\interface2.jl:0 [inlined]     
      [2] _pullback(ctx::Zygote.Context, f::typeof(flatten), args::Float32)
        @ Zygote C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\Zygote\Y6SC4\src\compiler\interface2.jl:9        
      [3] macro expansion
        @ C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\Flux\18YZE\src\layers\basic.jl:53 [inlined]
      [4] _pullback
        @ C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\Flux\18YZE\src\layers\basic.jl:53 [inlined]
      [5] _pullback(::Zygote.Context, ::typeof(Flux.applychain), ::Tuple{typeof(flatten), Dense{typeof(identity), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}}, ::Float32)
        @ Zygote C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\Zygote\Y6SC4\src\compiler\interface2.jl:0        
      [6] _pullback
        @ C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\Flux\18YZE\src\layers\basic.jl:51 [inlined]
      [7] _pullback(ctx::Zygote.Context, f::Chain{Tuple{typeof(flatten), Dense{typeof(identity), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}}}, args::Float32)
        @ Zygote C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\Zygote\Y6SC4\src\compiler\interface2.jl:0        
      [8] _pullback
        @ C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\FluxTraining\iBFSd\src\training.jl:54 [inlined]
      [9] _pullback(ctx::Zygote.Context, f::FluxTraining.var"#70#72"{FluxTraining.var"#handlefn#78"{Learner, TrainingPhase}, FluxTraining.PropDict{Any}, Learner}, args::Chain{Tuple{typeof(flatten), Dense{typeof(identity), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}}})
        @ Zygote C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\Zygote\Y6SC4\src\compiler\interface2.jl:0        
     [10] _pullback
        @ C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\FluxTraining\iBFSd\src\training.jl:70 [inlined]
     [11] _pullback(::Zygote.Context, ::FluxTraining.var"#73#74"{FluxTraining.var"#70#72"{FluxTraining.var"#handlefn#78"{Learner, TrainingPhase}, FluxTraining.PropDict{Any}, Learner}, Chain{Tuple{typeof(flatten), Dense{typeof(identity), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}}}})
        @ Zygote C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\Zygote\Y6SC4\src\compiler\interface2.jl:0        
     [12] pullback(f::Function, ps::Zygote.Params{Zygote.Buffer{Any, Vector{Any}}})
        @ Zygote C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\Zygote\Y6SC4\src\compiler\interface.jl:352       
     [13] gradient(f::Function, args::Zygote.Params{Zygote.Buffer{Any, Vector{Any}}})
        @ Zygote C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\Zygote\Y6SC4\src\compiler\interface.jl:75        
     [14] _gradient(f::FluxTraining.var"#70#72"{FluxTraining.var"#handlefn#78"{Learner, TrainingPhase}, FluxTraining.PropDict{Any}, Learner}, #unused#::ADAM, m::Chain{Tuple{typeof(flatten), Dense{typeof(identity), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}}}, ps::Zygote.Params{Zygote.Buffer{Any, Vector{Any}}})
        @ FluxTraining C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\FluxTraining\iBFSd\src\training.jl:70      
     [15] (::FluxTraining.var"#69#71"{Learner})(handle::FluxTraining.var"#handlefn#78"{Learner, TrainingPhase}, state::FluxTraining.PropDict{Any})
        @ FluxTraining C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\FluxTraining\iBFSd\src\training.jl:53      
     [16] runstep(stepfn::FluxTraining.var"#69#71"{Learner}, learner::Learner, phase::TrainingPhase, initialstate::NamedTuple{(:xs, :ys), Tuple{Float32, Float32}})
        @ FluxTraining C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\FluxTraining\iBFSd\src\training.jl:133     
     [17] step!
        @ C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\FluxTraining\iBFSd\src\training.jl:51 [inlined]
     [18] (::FluxTraining.var"#67#68"{Learner, TrainingPhase, Tuple{Array{Float32, 4}, Flux.OneHotArray{UInt32, 10, 1, 2, Vector{UInt32}}}})(#unused#::Function)
        @ FluxTraining C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\FluxTraining\iBFSd\src\training.jl:24      
     [19] runepoch(epochfn::FluxTraining.var"#67#68"{Learner, TrainingPhase, Tuple{Array{Float32, 4}, Flux.OneHotArray{UInt32, 10, 1, 2, Vector{UInt32}}}}, learner::Learner, phase::TrainingPhase)     
        @ FluxTraining C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\FluxTraining\iBFSd\src\training.jl:105     
     [20] epoch!
        @ C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\FluxTraining\iBFSd\src\training.jl:22 [inlined]
     [21] fit!(learner::Learner, nepochs::Int64, ::Tuple{Tuple{Array{Float32, 4}, Flux.OneHotArray{UInt32, 10, 1, 2, Vector{UInt32}}}, Tuple{Array{Float32, 4}, Flux.OneHotArray{UInt32, 10, 1, 2, Vector{UInt32}}}})
        @ FluxTraining C:\Users\usrname\.julia\packages\FluxTraining\iBFSd\src\training.jl:168     
     [22] top-level scope
        @ REPL[51]:1

    I am completely stuck as to what goes wrong. Pointers in that regard would be appreciated, but the main issue is making the example functional, and updating the packages used to load data and the utility functions that I take from MLUtils.

    To improve the reliability of this package, could doc testing be used to ensure that in the future, the documentation examples actually run?

    opened by KronosTheLate 8
  • Add metadata field to `Learner`

    Add metadata field to `Learner`

    This adds a "metadata" PropDict to Learner for storing information that is required for training but extraneous to the training state or callback state. This is useful for unconventional training methods (issue that I am currently dealing with). In the same way that the loss function is a "parameter" that needs to be specified to standard supervised training, the metadata field holds parameters that need to be specified for unconventional training. Of course, we can't know what these parameters will be like standard training, so instead of explicit names, we provide a container to hold them.

    opened by darsnack 7
  • v0.3.5(Dec 17, 2022)

  • v0.3.4(Oct 22, 2022)

  • v0.3.3(Sep 14, 2022)

    FluxTraining v0.3.3

    Diff since v0.3.2

    Closed issues:

    • docs oddities (#113)
    • Record time trained, training loss, validation loss and performance (#119)
    • How not to have printing callbacks? (#126)
    • ignore(f) is deprecated (#128)

    Merged pull requests:

    • How not to print docstring (#127) (@KronosTheLate)
    • Fix deprecate warnings (#129) (@yuehhua)
    • Fix the quickstart tutorial (#130) (@christiangnrd)
    • fix typo in docs (#133) (@Moelf)
    • Fix README links (#134) (@lorenzoh)
    • Add ability to record and log arbitrary learner values (#136) (@darsnack)
    • Use show method for phase in MetricsPrinter (#137) (@darsnack)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.2(Jun 10, 2022)

  • v0.3.1(May 27, 2022)

    FluxTraining v0.3.1

    Diff since v0.3.0

    Closed issues:

    • Simpler Learner API (#104)
    • Use Optimisers.jl (#112)
    • Add callback support for Optimisers.jl (#115)

    Merged pull requests:

    • Update Pollen documentation to new PkgTemplate workflow (#111) (@lorenzoh)
    • Add support for Optimisers.jl (#114) (@lorenzoh)
    • CompatHelper: add new compat entry for Optimisers at version 0.2, (keep existing compat) (#116) (@github-actions[bot])
    • Add callback support for Optimisers.jl (#117) (@lorenzoh)
    • CompatHelper: add new compat entry for Setfield at version 0.8, (keep existing compat) (#118) (@github-actions[bot])
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.0(Apr 16, 2022)

    FluxTraining v0.3.0

    Diff since v0.2.4

    Closed issues:

    • Switch to ParameterSchedulers.jl (#106)

    Merged pull requests:

    • Add more convenient Learner method (#105) (@lorenzoh)
    • Switch to ParameterSchedulers.jl (#107) (@rejuvyesh)
    • Prepare v0.3.0 (#108) (@lorenzoh)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.4(Mar 9, 2022)

    FluxTraining v0.2.4

    Diff since v0.2.3

    Closed issues:

    • Allow restricting phases during which a Metric runs (#84)

    Merged pull requests:

    • CompatHelper: bump compat for EarlyStopping to 0.2, (keep existing compat) (#92) (@github-actions[bot])
    • CompatHelper: bump compat for EarlyStopping to 0.3, (keep existing compat) (#94) (@github-actions[bot])
    • doc: fix link to TensorBoardLogger.jl (#95) (@visr)
    • Move documentation system to Pollen.jl (#96) (@lorenzoh)
    • Use ReTest.jl to run tests (#97) (@lorenzoh)
    • Add and improve a lot of docstrings and a few test cases (#99) (@lorenzoh)
    • Add phase argument to Metric (#100) (@lorenzoh)
    • CompatHelper: add new compat entry for InlineTest at version 0.2, (keep existing compat) (#101) (@github-actions[bot])
    • (Documentation) Document Learner components (#102) (@lorenzoh)
    • Add Flux 0.13 compatibility (#103) (@lorenzoh)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.3(Oct 21, 2021)

  • v0.2.2(Oct 12, 2021)

  • v0.2.1(Jul 26, 2021)

  • v0.2.0(Jul 3, 2021)

    FluxTraining v0.2.0

    Diff since v0.1.3



    • Batch* renamed to Step*:
      • events: BatchBegin now StepBegin, BatchEnd now StepEnd
      • CancelBatchException now CancelStepException.
      • field Learner.batch now Learner.step
    • Learner.step/batch is no longer a special struct but now a PropDict, allowing you to set arbitrary fields.
    • Learner.model can now be a NamedTuple/Tuple of models for use in custom training loops. Likewise, learner.params now resembles the structure of learner.model, allowing separate access to parameters of different models.
    • Callbacks
      • Added init! method for callback initilization, replacing the Init event which required a Phase to implement.
      • Scheduler now has internal step counter and no longer relies on Recorder's history. This makes it easier to replace the scheduler without needing to offset the new schedules.
      • EarlyStopping callback now uses criteria from EarlyStopping.jl


    • Removed old training API. Methods fitbatch!, fitbatchphase!, fitepoch!, fitepochphase! have all been removed.

    Closed issues:

    • Scheduler applies schedules per batch by default (#68)
    • Recorder does not work with models with non-Array inputs. (#80)

    Merged pull requests:

    • CompatHelper: bump compat for "BSON" to "0.3" (#69) (@github-actions[bot])
    • use EarlyStopping.jl for stopping criteria (#72) (@lorenzoh)
    • CompatHelper: bump compat for "PrettyTables" to "0.12" (#73) (@github-actions[bot])
    • Move documentation to Pollen.jl (#77) (@lorenzoh)
    • Revert onecycle (#78) (@lorenzoh)
    • Remove samplesfield from History (#81) (@lorenzoh)
    • New training API and QoL improvements (v0.2.0) (#83) (@lorenzoh)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.3(Feb 21, 2021)

    FluxTraining v0.1.3

    Diff since v0.1.2

    Closed issues:

    • Metrics wraps Metric(s) in Metric(s) (#66)
    • Unnecessary softmax in accuracy? (#67)

    Merged pull requests:

    • Internal callback changes (#65) (@lorenzoh)
    • fix #66 make Metric subtype AbstractMetric (#70) (@lorenzoh)
    • Lorenzoh/fix/67 (#71) (@lorenzoh)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.2(Jan 28, 2021)

  • v0.1.1(Jan 18, 2021)

    FluxTraining v0.1.1

    Diff since v0.1.0

    Closed issues:

    • Link to Loss broken (#40)
    • Early stopping link broken (#41)
    • BatchEnd link broken (#42)
    • Break out Schedule (#44)
    • How to verify GPU is working? (#47)
    • What is the role of the test data? (#48)
    • What do you think of Data Modules? (#53)

    Merged pull requests:

    • Add testing as CI step (#36) (@lorenzoh)
    • Better docstrings (#37) (@lorenzoh)
    • Typo (#43) (@drozzy)
    • WRONG order of arguments to the Learner. (#45) (@drozzy)
    • Fix issue #42 - missing docstrings (#49) (@lorenzoh)
    • add EarlyStopping docstring (#50) (@lorenzoh)
    • Update callback reference section on metrics (#51) (@lorenzoh)
    • Remove no longer needed dependencies from Project.toml (#52) (@lorenzoh)
    • Add SanityCheck callback (#56) (@lorenzoh)
    • Fix GarbageCollect callback (#57) (@lorenzoh)
    • Fix TensorBoard image serialization (#58) (@lorenzoh)
    • Sanitycheck (#60) (@lorenzoh)
    • update compat bounds (#61) (@lorenzoh)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.0(Nov 7, 2020)

    FluxTraining v0.1.0

    Closed issues:

    • Collaborating on a FastAI port? (#13)

    Merged pull requests:

    • Remove unused package LearnBase (#26) (@nrhodes)
    • Fix protected tests (#28) (@nrhodes)
    • Log model histograms in TensorBoard (#30) (@ToucheSir)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
CompSci student from Berlin, currently working on FastAI.jl
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