Joint Channel and Weight Pruning for Model Acceleration on Mobile Devices

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Deep LearningJCW

Joint Channel and Weight Pruning for Model Acceleration on Mobile Devices



For practical deep neural network design on mobile devices, it is essential to consider the constraints incurred by the computational resources and the inference latency in various applications. Among deep network acceleration related approaches, pruning is a widely adopted practice to balance the computational resource consumption and the accuracy, where unimportant connections can be removed either channel-wisely or randomly with a minimal impact on model accuracy. The channel pruning instantly results in a significant latency reduction, while the random weight pruning is more flexible to balance the latency and accuracy. In this paper, we present a unified framework with Joint Channel pruning and Weight pruning (JCW), and achieves a better Pareto-frontier between the latency and accuracy than previous model compression approaches. To fully optimize the trade-off between the latency and accuracy, we develop a tailored multi-objective evolutionary algorithm in the JCW framework, which enables one single search to obtain the optimal candidate architectures for various deployment requirements. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the JCW achieves a better trade-off between the latency and accuracy against various state-of-the-art pruning methods on the ImageNet classification dataset.





Method Latency/ms Accuracy
Uniform 1x 537 69.8
DMCP 341 69.7
APS 363 70.3
JCW 160 69.2
194 69.7
196 69.9
224 70.2


Method Latency/ms Accuracy
Uniform 1x 167 70.9
Uniform 0.75x 102 68.4
Uniform 0.5x 53 64.4
AMC 94 70.7
Fast 61 68.4
AutoSlim 99 71.5
AutoSlim 55 67.9
USNet 102 69.5
USNet 53 64.2
JCW 31 69.1
39 69.9
43 69.8
54 70.3
69 71.4


Method Latency/ms Accuracy
Uniform 1x 114 71.8
Uniform 0.75x 71 69.8
Uniform 0.5x 41 65.4
APS 110 72.8
APS 64 69.0
DMCP 83 72.4
DMCP 45 67.0
DMCP 43 66.1
Fast 89 72.0
Fast 62 70.2
JCW 30 69.1
40 69.9
44 70.8
59 72.2


  • torch
  • torchvision
  • numpy
  • scipy


The JCW works in a two-step fashion. i.e. the search step and the training step. The search step seaches for the layer-wise channel numbers and weight sparsity for Pareto-optimal models. The training steps trains the searched models with ADMM. We give a simple example for resnet18.

The search step

  1. Modify the configuration file

    First, open the file experiments/res18-search.yaml:

    vim experiments/res18-search.yaml

    Go to the 44th line and find the following codes:

      data: ImageNet
      root: /path/to/imagenet

    and modify the root property of DATASET to the path of ImageNet dataset on your machine.

  2. Apply the search

    After modifying the configuration file, you can simply start the search by:

    python --config experiments/res18-search.yaml | tee experiments/res18-search.log

    After searching, the search results will be saved in experiments/search.pth

The training step

After searching, we can train the searched models by:

  1. Modify the base configuration file

    Open the file experiments/res18-train.yaml:

    vim experiments/res18-train.yaml

    Go to the 5th line, find the following codes:

    root: &root /path/to/imagenet

    and modify the root property to the path of ImageNet dataset on your machine.

  2. Generate configuration files for training

    After modifying the base configuration file, we are ready to generate the configuration files for training. To do that, simply run the following command:

    python scripts/ --base-config experiments/res18-train.yaml --search-result experiments/search.pth --output ./train-configs 

    After running the above command, the training configuration files will be written into ./train-configs/model-{id}/train.yaml.

  3. Apply the training

    After generating the configuration files, simply run the following command to train one certain model:

    python --config xxxx/xxx/train.yaml | tee xxx/xxx/train.log
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