Building blocks for uncertainty-aware cycle consistency presented at NeurIPS'21.



This repository provides the building blocks and the API for the work presented in the NeurIPS'21 paper Robustness via Uncertainty-aware Cycle Consistency. Translation methods often learn deterministic mappings without explicitly modelling the robustness to outliers or predictive uncertainty, leading to performance degradation when encountering unseen perturbations at test time. To address this, we propose a method based on Uncertainty-aware Generalized Adaptive Cycle Consistency (UGAC), which models the per-pixel residual by generalized Gaussian distribution, capable of modelling heavy-tailed distributions.


python >= 3.6.10
pytorch >= 1.6.0
jupyter lab

The structure of the repository is as follows:

 |-ckpt/ (will save all the checkpoints)
 |-data/ (save your data and related script)
 |-src/ (contains all the source code)

Preparing Datasets

To prepare your datasets to use with this repo, place the root directory of the dataset in data/. The recommended way to structure your data is shown below.


Note the images need not be paired. The python script src/ provides the PyTorch Dataset class to read such a dataset, used as explained below.

class Images_w_nameList(data.Dataset):
    can act as supervised or un-supervised based on flists
    def __init__(self, root1, root2, flist1, flist2, transform=None):

Here root1 and root2 represents the root directory for domain A and B, respectively. flist1 and flist2 contain image names for domain A and domain B. Note, if flist1 and flist2 are aligned then dataset will load paired images. To use it as unsupervised dataset loader ensure that flist1 and flist2 are not aligned.

Learning models with uncertainty

src/ provides the generator and discriminator architectures.

src/ provides the training API train_UGAC. The API is to train a pair of GANs, with the generators modified to predict the parameters of the generalized Gaussian distribution GGD ($\alpha$, $\beta$, $\mu$), as depicted in the above figure.

An example command to use the first API is:

#first instantiate the generators and discriminators
netG_A = CasUNet_3head(3,3)
netD_A = NLayerDiscriminator(3, n_layers=4)
netG_B = CasUNet_3head(3,3)
netD_B = NLayerDiscriminator(3, n_layers=4)

netG_A, netD_A, netG_B, netD_B = train_UGAC(
    netG_A, netG_B,
    netD_A, netD_B,
    list_of_hp = [1, 0.015, 0.01, 0.001, 1, 0.015, 0.01, 0.001, 0.05, 0.05, 0.01],

This will save checkpoints in ckpt/ named as ugac_eph*.pth. The arguement list_of_hp is a list of all the hyper-parameters representing weights of different weigths in the loss function.

Apart from the code in this repository, we also use the code from many other repositories like this, this, and this.


If you find the bits from this project helpful, please cite the following works:

EML Tübingen
Explainable Machine Learning group at University of Tübingen
EML Tübingen
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