SGoLAM - Simultaneous Goal Localization and Mapping

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SGoLAM - Simultaneous Goal Localization and Mapping

PyTorch implementation of the MultiON runner-up entry, SGoLAM: Simultaneous Goal Localization and Mapping [Talk Video]. Our method does not employ any training of neural networks, but shows competent performance in the MultiON benchmark. In fact, we outperform the winning entry by a large margin in terms of success rate.

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We encourage future participants of the MultiON challenge to use our code as a starting point for implementing more sophisticated navigation agents. If you have any questions on running SGoLAM please leave an issue.

Notes on Installation

To run experiments locally/on a server, follow the 'bag of tricks' below:

  1. Please abide by the steps provided in the original MultiON repository. (Don't bother looking at other repositories!)
  2. Along the installation process, numerous dependency errors will occur. Don't look for other workarounds and just humbly install what is missing.
  3. For installing Pytorch and other CUDA dependencies, it seems like the following command works: conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch.
  4. By the way, habitat-lab installation is much easier than habitat-sim. You don't necessarily need to follow the instructions provided in the MultiON repository for habitat-lab. Just go directly to the habitat-lab repository and install habitat-lab. However, for habitat-sim, you must follow MultiON's directions; or a pile of bugs will occur.
  5. One python is run, a horrifying pile of dependency errors will occur. Now we will go over some of the prominent ones.
  6. To solve AttributeError: module 'attr' has no attribute 's', run pip uninstall attr and then run pip install attrs.
  7. To solve ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imageio', run pip install imageio-ffmpeg.
  8. To solve ImportError: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'magnum', run pip install build/deps/magnum-bindings/src/python.
  9. The last and most important 'trick' is to google errors. The Habitat team seems to be doing a great job answering GitHub issues. Probably someone has already ran into the error you are facing.
  10. If additional 'tricks' are found, feel free to share by appending to the list starting from here. `

Docker Sanity Check (Last Modified: 2021.03.26:20:11)

A number of commands to take for docker sanity check.


First, login to the dockerhub repository. As our accounts don't support private repositories with multiple collaborators, we need to share a single ID. For the time being let's use my ID. Type the following command

docker login

Now one will be prompted a user ID and PW. Please type ID: esteshills PW: 82magnolia.

Pull Image

I have already built an image ready for preliminary submission. It can be easily pulled using the following command.

docker pull esteshills/multion_test:tagname

Run Evaluation

To make an evaluation for standard submission, run the following command. Make sure DATA_DIR and ORIG_DATA_DIR from scripts/ are modified before running.

cd scripts/

Playing around with Docker Images

One may want to further examine the docker image. Run the following command.

cd scripts/

Again, make sure DATA_DIR and ORIG_DATA_DIR from scripts/ are modified before running. Note that the commands provided in the MultiON repository can be run inside the container. For example:

python habitat_baselines/ --exp-config habitat_baselines/config/multinav/ppo_multinav_no_map.yaml --agent-type no-map --run-type eval

In order to run other baselines, i) modify the checkpoint path in the .yaml file, ii) download the model checkpoint, iii) change the agent type.

Preventing Hassles with Docker (Last Modified: 2021.04.08:09:07)

Now we probably don't need to develop with docker. Just plug in your favorite agent following the instructions provided below.

Plug-and-Play New Agents

One can easily test new agents by providing the file name containing agent implementation. To implement a new agent, please refer to agents/ To test a new agent and get evaluation results, run the following command (this is an example for the no_map baseline).

python --agent_module no_map_walker --exp_config habitat_baselines/config/multinav/ppo_multinav_no_map.yaml --checkpoint_path model_checkpoints/ckpt.0.pth --no_fill

In addition, one can change the number of episodes to be tested. However, this feature is only available in the annotated branch, as it requires a slight modification in the core habitat repository. Run the following command to change the number of episodes. While it will not produce any bugs in the main branch as well, the argument will have no effect.

python --agent_module no_map_walker --exp_config habitat_baselines/config/multinav/ppo_multinav_no_map.yaml --checkpoint_path model_checkpoints/ckpt.0.pth --no_fill --num_episodes 100

Plug-and-Play New Agents from Local Host

Running Agents

Suppose one has some implementations of navigation agents that are not yet pushed to agents/. These could be tested on-the-fly using a handy script provided in scripts. First, put all the agent implementations inside extern_agents/, similar to implementations in agents/. Then run the following command with the agent module you are trying to run, for example if the new agent module is located in extern_agents/, run

./scripts/ new_agent

Make sure the agents are located in the extern_agents/ folder. This way, there is no need to directly hassle with docker; docker is merely used as a black box for running evaluations.

Now suppose one needs to debug the agent in the docker environment. This could be done by running the following script; it will open bash with extern_agents/ mounted.


To run evaluations inside the docker container, run the following command with the agent module name (in this case new_agent) provided.

./scripts/ new_agent

Playing Agent Episodes with Video

Agent trajectories per episode can be visualized with the scripts in scripts/. Again, put all the agent implementations inside extern_agents/. Then run the following command with the agent module you are trying to run, for example if the new agent module is located in extern_agents/, run

./scripts/ new_agent 

Make sure the mount paths are set correctly inside ./scripts/

To run evaluations inside the docker container, run the following command with the agent module name (in this case new_agent) and video save directory (in this case ./test_dir) provided.

./scripts/ new_agent ./test_dir


The original implementations assume two GPUs to be given. Therefore bugs may occur if only a single GPU is present. In this case do not run the docker scripts directly, as it will return errors. Instead, connect to a docker container with bash and first modify the baseline .yaml configuration so that it only uses a single GPU. Then, run the *_eval*.sh scripts. I am planning on remedying this issue with a similar plug-and-play fashion, but for the time being, stick to this procedure.

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