KIDA: Knowledge Inheritance in Data Aggregation
This project releases our 1st place solution on NeurIPS2021 ML4CO Dual Task.
Slide and model weights are available.
Paper and training code will be released soon.
This project releases our 1st place solution on NeurIPS2021 ML4CO Dual Task.
Slide and model weights are available.
Paper and training code will be released soon.
Multi-Scale Context Aggregation by Dilated Convolutions Introduction Properties of dilated convolution are discussed in our ICLR 2016 conference paper
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[NeurIPS 2021] A weak-shot object detection approach by transferring semantic similarity and mask prior.
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GAT Graph Attention Networks (Veličković et al., ICLR 2018): GAT layer t-SNE + Attention coefficients on Cora Overvie
Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning on CIFAR-10 Paper "Towards the Generalization of Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning", Weiran Huang, Mingyang Yi
Note: This repo is adpoted from Due to technical reasons, I did not fork their code. Introd
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OpenStereo This is an awesome open source toolbox for stereo matching. Supported Methods: BM SGM(T-PAMI'07) GCNet(ICCV'17) PSMNet(CVPR'18) StereoNet(E
Feature Aggregation and Refinement Network for 2D Anatomical Landmark Detection Overview Localization of anatomical landmarks is essential for clinica
Reinforcement Learning with Learned Fourier Features State-space Soft Actor-Critic Experiments Move to the state-SAC-LFF repository. cd state-SAC-LFF
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TransformerFusion: Monocular RGB Scene Reconstruction using Transformers Project Page | Paper | Video TransformerFusion: Monocular RGB Scene Reconstru
Proxy Synthesis: Learning with Synthetic Classes for Deep Metric Learning Official PyTorch implementation of "Proxy Synthesis: Learning with Synthetic
Best-practice-for-network-segmentation What is this? This project was created to publish the best practices for segmentation of the corporate network