BEAMetrics: Benchmark to Evaluate Automatic Metrics in Natural Language Generation


BEAMetrics: Benchmark to Evaluate Automatic Metrics in Natural Language Generation

Installing The Dependencies

$ conda create --name beametrics python>=3.8
$ conda activate beametrics

WARNING: You need to install, before any package, correct version of pytorch linked to your cuda version.

(beametrics) $ conda install pytorch cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch

Install BEAMetrics:

(beametrics) $ cd BEAMetrics
(beametrics) $ pip install -e .

Install Nubia metric (not on PyPI, 16/08/2021):

(beametrics) git clone
(beametrics) pip install -r requirements.txt

Alternatively, you can remove nubia from _DEFAULT_METRIC_NAMES in metrics.metric_reporter.

Reproducing the results

First you need to get the processed files, which include the metric scores. You can do that either by simply downloading the processed data (see Section Download Data), or by re-computing the scores (see Section Compute Correlations).

Then, the first bloc in the notebook visualize.ipynb allows to get all the tables from the paper (and also to generate the latex code in data/correlation).

Download the data

All the dataset can be downloaded from this zip file. It needs to be unzipped into the path data before running the correlations.


The data folder contains:

  • a subfolder raw containing all the original dataset
  • a subfolder processed containing all the dataset processed in a unified format
  • a subfolder correlation containing all the final correlation results, and the main tables of the paper
  • a subfolder datacards containing all the data cards

Computing the correlations

Processing the files to a clean json with the metrics computed:

python beametrics/

The optional argument --dataset allows to compute only on a specific dataset, e.g.:

python --dataset SummarizationCNNDM.

The list of the datasets and their corresponding configuration can be found in configs/__init__.

When finished, you can print the final table as in the paper, see the notebook visualize.ipynb.

Data Cards:

For each dataset, a data card is available in the datacard folder. The cards are automatically generated when running, by filling the template with the dataset configuration as detailed bellow, in Adding a new dataset.

Adding a new dataset:

In configs/, you need to create a new .py file that inherites from ConfigBase (in configs/co' You are expected to fill the mandatory fields that allow to run the code and fill the data card template:

  • file_name: the file name located in data/raw
  • file_name_processed: the file name once processed and formated
  • metric_names: you can pass _DEFAULT_METRIC_NAMES by default or customize it, e.g. metric_names = metric_names + ('sari',) where sari corresponds to a valid metric (see the next section)
  • name_dataset: the name of the dataset as it was published
  • short_name_dataset: few letters that will be used to name the dataset in the final table report
  • languages: the languages of the dataset (e.g. [en] or [en, fr])
  • task: e.g. 'simplification', 'data2text
  • number_examples: the total number of evaluated texts
  • nb_refs: the number of references available in the dataset
  • dimensions_definitions: the evaluated dimensions and their corresponding definition e.g. {'fluency: 'How fluent is the text?'}
  • scale: the scale used during the evaluation, as defined in the protocol
  • source_eval_sets: the dataset from which the source were collected to generate the evaluated examples
  • annotators: some information about who were the annotators
  • sampled_from: the URL where was released the evaluation dataset
  • citation: the citation of the paper where the dataset was released

Your class needs its custom method format_file. The function takes as input the dataset's file_name and return a dictionary d_data. The format for d_data has to be the same for all the datasets:

d_data = {
    key_1: {
        'source': "a_source", 
        'hypothesis': "an_hypothesis",
        'references': ["ref_1", "ref_2", ...],
        'dim_1': float(a_score),
        'dim_2': float(an_other_score),
    key_n: {

where 'key_1' and 'key_n' are the keys for the first and nth example, dim_1 and dim_2 dimensions corresponding to self.dimensions.

Finally, you need to add your dataset to the dictionary D_ALL_DATASETS located in config/__init__.

Adding a new metric:

First, create a class inheriting from metrics/metrics/MetricBase. Then, simply add it to the dictionary _D_METRICS in metrics/__init__.

For the metric to be computed by default, its name has to be added to either

  • _DEFAULT_METRIC_NAMES: metrics computed on each dataset
  • _DEFAULT_METRIC_NAMES_SRC: metrics computed on dataset that have a text format for their source (are excluded for now image captioning and data2text). These two tuples are located in metrics/metric_reported.

Alternatively, you can add the metric to a specific configuration by adding it to the attribute metric_names in the config.

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