EEGEyeNet is benchmark to evaluate ET prediction based on EEG measurements with an increasing level of difficulty


Introduction EEGEyeNet

EEGEyeNet is a benchmark to evaluate ET prediction based on EEG measurements with an increasing level of difficulty.


The repository consists of general functionality to run the benchmark and custom implementation of different machine learning models. We offer to run standard ML models (e.g. kNN, SVR, etc.) on the benchmark. The implementation can be found in the StandardML_Models directory.

Additionally, we implemented a variety of deep learning models. These are implemented and can be run in both pytorch and tensorflow.

The benchmark consists of three tasks: LR (left-right), Direction (Angle, Amplitude) and Coordinates (x,y)

Installation (Environment)

There are many dependencies in this benchmark and we propose to use anaconda as package manager.

You can install a full environment to run all models (standard machine learning and deep learning models in both pytorch and tensorflow) from the eegeyenet_benchmark.yml file. To do so, run:

conda env create -f eegeyenet_benchmark.yml

Otherwise you can also only create a minimal environment that is able to run the models that you want to try (see following section).

General Requirements

Create a new conda environment:

conda create -n eegeyenet_benchmark python=3.8.5 

First install the general_requirements.txt

conda install --file general_requirements.txt 

Pytorch Requirements

If you want to run the pytorch DL models, first install pytorch in the recommended way. For Linux users with GPU support this is:

conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch 

For other installation types and cuda versions, visit

Tensorflow Requirements

If you want to run the tensorflow DL models, run

conda install --file tensorflow_requirements.txt 

Standard ML Requirements

If you want to run the standard ML models, run

conda install --file standard_ml_requirements.txt 

This should be installed after installing pytorch to not risk any dependency issues that have to be resolved by conda.


The model configuration takes place in The training configuration is contained in

We start by explaining the settings that can be made for running the benchmark:

Choose the task to run in the benchmark, e.g.

config['task'] = 'LR_task'

For some tasks we offer data from multiple paradigms. Choose the dataset used for the task, e.g.

config['dataset'] = 'antisaccade'

Choose the preprocessing variant, e.g.

config['preprocessing'] = 'min'

Choose data preprocessed with Hilbert transformation. Set to True for the standard ML models:

config['feature_extraction'] = True

Include our standard ML models into the benchmark run:

config['include_ML_models'] = True 

Include our deep learning models into the benchmark run:

config['include_DL_models'] = True

Include your own models as specified in For instructions on how to create your own custom models see further below.

config['include_your_models'] = True

Include dummy models for comparison into the benchmark run:

config['include_dummy_models'] = True

You can either choose to train models or use existing ones in /run/ and perform inference with them. Set

config['retrain'] = True 
config['save_models'] = True 

to train your specified models. Set both to False if you want to load existing models and perform inference. In this case specify the path to your existing model directory under

config['load_experiment_dir'] = path/to/your/model 

In the model configuration section you can specify which framework you want to use. You can run our deep learning models in both pytorch and tensorflow. Just specify it in, make sure you set up the environment as explained above and everything specific to the framework will be handled in the background. also allows to configure hyperparameters such as the learning rate, and enable early stopping of models.

Here we define our models. Standard ML models and deep learning models are configured in a dictionary which contains the object of the model and hyperparameters that are passed when the object is instantiated.

You can add your own models in the your_models dictionary. Specify the models for each task separately. Make sure to enable all the models that you want to run in

Running the benchmark

Create a /runs directory to save files while running models on the benchmark.

In we load all models specified in Each model is fitted and then evaluated with the scoring function corresponding to the task that is benchmarked.

To start the benchmark, run


A directory of the current run is created, containing a training log, saving console output and model checkpoints of all runs.

Add Custom Models

To benchmark models we use a common interface we call trainer. A trainer is an object that implements the following methods:


Implementation of custom models

To implement your own custom model make sure that you create a class that implements the above methods. If you use library models, make sure to wrap them into a class that implements above interface used in our benchmark.

Adding custom models to our benchmark pipeline

In add your custom models into the your_models dictionary. You can add objects that implement the above interface. Make sure to enable your custom models in

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