Large Scale Multi-Illuminant (LSMI) Dataset for Developing White Balance Algorithm under Mixed Illumination


Large Scale Multi-Illuminant (LSMI) Dataset for Developing White Balance Algorithm under Mixed Illumination (ICCV 2021)

스크린샷 2021-08-21 오후 3 30 22

Dataset License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


[Project site] [Arxiv] [Download Dataset] [Video]

This is an official repository of "Large Scale Multi-Illuminant (LSMI) Dataset for Developing White Balance Algorithm under Mixed Illumination", which is accepted as a poster in ICCV 2021.

This repository provides

  1. Preprocessing code of "Large Scale Multi Illuminant (LSMI) Dataset"
  2. Code of Pixel-level illumination inference U-Net
  3. Pre-trained model parameter for testing U-Net


Our running environment is as follows:

  • Python version 3.8.3
  • Pytorch version 1.7.0
  • CUDA version 11.2

We provide a docker image, which supports all extra requirements (ex. dcraw,rawpy,tensorboard...), including specified version of python, pytorch, CUDA above.

You can download the docker image here.

The following instructions are assumed to run in a docker container that uses the docker image we provided.

Getting Started

Clone this repo

In the docker container, clone this repository first.

git clone

Download the LSMI dataset

You should first download the LSMI dataset from here.

The dataset is composed of 3 sub-folers named "galaxy", "nikon", "sony".

Folders named by each camera include several scenes, and each scene folder contains full-resolution RAW files and JPG files that is converted to sRGB color space.

Move all three folders to the root of cloned repository.

Preprocess the LSMI dataset

  1. Convert raw images to tiff files

    To convert original 1-channel bayer-pattern images to 3-channel RGB tiff images, run following code:


    You should modify SOURCE and EXT variables properly.

    The converted tiff files are generated at the same location as the source file.

  2. Make mixture map


    Change the CAMERA variable properly to the target directory you want.

    .npy tpye mixture map data will be generated at each scene's directory.

  3. Crop


    The image and the mixture map are resized as a square with a length of the SIZE variable inside the code, and the ground-truth image is also generated.

    We set the size to 256 to test the U-Net, and 512 for train the U-Net.

    Here, to test the pre-trained U-Net, set size to 256.

    The new dataset is created in a folder with the name of the CAMERA_SIZE. (Ex. galaxy_256)

Use U-Net for pixel-level AWB

You can download pre-trained model parameter here.

Pre-trained model is trained on 512x512 data with random crop & random pixel level relighting augmentation method.

Locate downloaded models folder into SVWB_Unet.

  • Test U-Net

    cd SVWB_Unet
  • Train U-Net

    cd SVWB_Unet
DongYoung Kim
Research Assistant of CIPLAB
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