4 Repositories
Latest Python Libraries
Large Scale Multi-Illuminant (LSMI) Dataset for Developing White Balance Algorithm under Mixed Illumination
Large Scale Multi-Illuminant (LSMI) Dataset for Developing White Balance Algorithm under Mixed Illumination (ICCV 2021) Dataset License This work is l
Deep Illuminator is a data augmentation tool designed for image relighting.
Deep Illuminator Deep Illuminator is a data augmentation tool designed for image relighting. It can be used to easily and efficiently genera
Deep Illuminator is a data augmentation tool designed for image relighting. It can be used to easily and efficiently generate a wide range of illumination variants of a single image.
Deep Illuminator Deep Illuminator is a data augmentation tool designed for image relighting. It can be used to easily and efficiently generate a wide
Neural Factorization of Shape and Reflectance Under An Unknown Illumination
NeRFactor [Paper] [Video] [Project] This is the authors' code release for: NeRFactor: Neural Factorization of Shape and Reflectance Under an Unknown I