Implementation of the HMAX model of vision in PyTorch


PyTorch implementation of HMAX

PyTorch implementation of the HMAX model that closely follows that of the MATLAB implementation of The Laboratory for Computational Cognitive Neuroscience:

The S and C units of the HMAX model can almost be mapped directly onto TorchVision's Conv2d and MaxPool2d layers, where channels are used to store the filters for different orientations. However, HMAX also implements multiple scales, which doesn't map nicely onto the existing TorchVision functionality. Therefore, each scale has its own Conv2d layer, which are executed in parallel.

Here is a schematic overview of the network architecture:

layers consisting of units with increasing scale
S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1
 \ /   \ /   \ /   \ /   \ /   \ /   \ /   \ /
  C1    C1    C1    C1    C1    C1    C1    C1
   \     \     \    |     /     /     /     /
   /     /     /    |     \     \     \     \
  S2    S2    S2    S2    S2    S2    S2    S2
   |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
  C2    C2    C2    C2    C2    C2    C2    C2


This script depends on the NumPy, SciPy, PyTorch and TorchVision packages.

Clone the repository somewhere and run the script:

git clone


See the script on how to run the model on 10 example images.

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  • Provide direct (not nested) path to stimuli

    Provide direct (not nested) path to stimuli


    great repo and effort. I really admire your courage to write HMAX in python. I have a question about loading data in, namely about this part of the code:

    I know that by default, the ImageFolder expects to have nested folders (as stated in docs or mentioned in this issue) but it's quite clumsy in this case. Eg even if you look at your example, having subfolders for each photo just doesn't look good. Would you have a way how to go around this? Any suggestion on how to provide only a path to all images and not this nested path? I was reading some discussions but haven't figured out how to implement it.

    One more question (I didn't want to open an extra issue for that), shouldn't in be batch_size=len(images)) instead of batch_size=10 (written symbolically)?


    opened by jankaWIS 5
  • Input of non-square images fails

    Input of non-square images fails

    Hi again, I was playing a bit around and discovered that it fails for non-square dimensional images, i.e. where height != width. Maybe I was looking wrong or missed something, but I haven't found it mentioned anywhere and the docs kind of suggests that it can be any height and any width. The same goes for the description of the layers (e.g. s1). In the other issue, you mentioned that

    One thing you may want to add to this transformer pipeline is a transforms.Resize followed by a transforms.CenterCrop to ensure all images end up having the same height and width

    but didn't mention why. Why is it not possible for non-square images? Is there any workaround if one doesn't want to crop? Maybe to pad like in this post*?

    To demonstrate the issue:

    import os
    import torch
    from import DataLoader
    from torchvision import datasets, transforms
    import pickle
    import hmax
    path_hmax = './'
    # Initialize the model with the universal patch set
    print('Constructing model')
    model = hmax.HMAX(os.path.join(path_hmax,'universal_patch_set.mat'))
    # A folder with example images
    example_images = datasets.ImageFolder(
            transforms.Resize((400, 500)),
            transforms.CenterCrop((400, 500)),
            transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x * 255),
    # A dataloader that will run through all example images in one batch
    dataloader = DataLoader(example_images, batch_size=10)
    # Determine whether there is a compatible GPU available
    device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
    # Run the model on the example images
    print('Running model on', device)
    model =
    for X, y in dataloader:
        s1, c1, s2, c2 = model.get_all_layers(

    will give an error in the forward function:

    RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
    [<ipython-input-7-a6bab15d9571>](https://localhost:8080/#) in <module>()
         33 model =
         34 for X, y in dataloader:
    ---> 35     s1, c1, s2, c2 = model.get_all_layers(
         37 # print('Saving output of all layers to: output.pkl')
    4 frames
    [/gdrive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/data_HMAX/pytorch_hmax/](https://localhost:8080/#) in forward(self, c1_outputs)
        285             conv_output = conv_output.view(
        286                 -1, self.num_orientations, self.num_patches, conv_output_size,
    --> 287                 conv_output_size)
        289             # Pool over orientations
    RuntimeError: shape '[-1, 4, 400, 126, 126]' is invalid for input of size 203616000

    *Code for that:

    import torchvision.transforms.functional as F
    class SquarePad:
        def __call__(self, image):
            max_wh = max(image.size)
            p_left, p_top = [(max_wh - s) // 2 for s in image.size]
            p_right, p_bottom = [max_wh - (s+pad) for s, pad in zip(image.size, [p_left, p_top])]
            padding = (p_left, p_top, p_right, p_bottom)
            return F.pad(image, padding, 0, 'constant')
    target_image_size = (224, 224)  # as an example
    # now use it as the replacement of transforms.Pad class
        transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)),
    opened by jankaWIS 1
  • v0.2(Jul 7, 2022)

    For this version, I've modified the HMAX code a bit to exactly match that of the original MATLAB code of Maximilian Riesenhuber. This is a bit slower and consumes a bit more memory, as the code needs to work around some subtle differences between the MATLAB and PyTorch functions. Perhaps in the future, we could add an "optimized" model that is allowed to deviate from the reference implementation for increased efficiency, but for now I feel it is more important to follow the reference implementation to the letter.

    Major change: default C2 activation function is now 'euclidean' instead of 'gaussian'.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1(Jul 7, 2022)

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