An Empirical Investigation of Model-to-Model Distribution Shifts in Trained Convolutional Filters



An Empirical Investigation of Model-to-Model Distribution Shifts in Trained Convolutional Filters
Paul Gavrikov, Janis Keuper

Distribution shifts of trained 3x3 convolution filters


Abstract: We present first empirical results from our ongoing investigation of distribution shifts in image data used for various computer vision tasks. Instead of analyzing the original training and test data, we propose to study shifts in the learned weights of trained models. In this work, we focus on the properties of the distributions of dominantly used 3x3 convolution filter kernels. We collected and publicly provide a data set with over half a billion filters from hundreds of trained CNNs, using a wide range of data sets, architectures, and vision tasks. Our analysis shows interesting distribution shifts (or the lack thereof) between trained filters along different axes of meta-parameters, like data type, task, architecture, or layer depth. We argue, that the observed properties are a valuable source for further investigation into a better understanding of the impact of shifts in the input data to the generalization abilities of CNN models and novel methods for more robust transfer-learning in this domain.


Number Changes
v1.0 Initial dataset as presented in the NeurIPS 2021 DistShift Workshop


We have executed this with Python 3.8.8 on Linux 3.10.0-1160.24.1.el7.x86_64. The scripts should however work with most python3 versions and OS.

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pip install -r requirements.txt

or install these modules manually with your desired package manager:



Download dataset.h5 from This file contains the filters and meta information as individual datasets.

The filters are linked as a Nx9 numpy.float32 array under the /filter dataset. Every row is one filter and the row number is also the filter ID (i.e. the first row is filter ID 0). To reshape a filter f back to its original shape use f.reshape(3, 3).

The meta information is stored as a pandas.DataFrame under /meta. Following is an out of order list of column keys with a short description. Other column keys can and should be ignored. The table has a Multiindex on [model_id, conv_depth, conv_depth].

Column Description
model_id Unique int ID of the model.
conv_depth Convolution depth of the extracted filter i.e. how many convolution layers were hierarchically below the layer this filter was extracted from.
conv_depth_norm Similar to conv_depth but normalized by the maximum conv_depth. Will be a flaot betwenn 0 (first layers) .. 1 (towards head).
filter_ids List of Filter IDs that belong to this record. These can directly be mapped to the rows of the filter array.
model Unique string ID of the model. Typically, but not reliably in the format {name}{trainingset}{onnx opset}.
producer Producer of the ONNX export. Typically various versions of PyTorch.
op_set Version of the ONNX operator set used for export.
depth Total hierarchical depth of the model including all layers.
Name Name of the model. Not necessarily unique.
Paper Link to the Paper. Not always populated.
Pretraining-Dataset Name of the pretraining dataset(s) if pretrained. Multiple datr sets are seperated by commas.
Training-Dataset Name of the training dataset(s). Multiple datr sets are seperated by commas.
Datatype Visual, manual categorization of the training datatsets.
Task Task of the model.
Accessible Represents where the model can be found. Typically this is a link to GitHub.
Dataset URL URL of the training dataset. Usually only entered for exotic datasets.
total_filters Total number of convolution filters in this model.
3x3_filter_share The share of 3x3 filters compared to all other conv filters.
(X, Y) filters Represents how often filters of shape (X, Y) were found in the source model.
Conv, Add, Relu, MaxPool, Reshape, MatMul, Transpose, BatchNormalization, Concat, Shape, Gather, Softmax, Slice, Unsqueeze, Mul, Exp, Sub, Div, Pad, InstanceNormalization, Upsample, Cast, Floor, Clip, ReduceMean, LeakyRelu, ConvTranspose, Tanh, GlobalAveragePool, Gemm, ConstantOfShape, Flatten, Squeeze, Less, Loop, Split, Min, Tile, Sigmoid, NonMaxSuppression, TopK, ReduceMin, AveragePool, Dropout, Where, Equal, Expand, Pow, Sqrt, Erf, Neg, Resize, LRN, LogSoftmax, Identity, Ceil, Round, Elu, Log, Range, GatherElements, ScatterND, RandomNormalLike, PRelu, Sum, ReduceSum, NonZero, Not Represents how often this ONNX operator was found in the original model. Please note that individual operators may have been fused in later ONNX opsets.


Adjust dataset_path in and run the cells.


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

title={An Empirical Investigation of Model-to-Model Distribution Shifts in Trained Convolutional Filters},
author={Gavrikov, Paul and Keuper, Janis},
booktitle={NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Distribution Shifts: Connecting Methods and Applications},
Paul Gavrikov
Paul Gavrikov
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