Experiments for fake news explainability project
This repository only contains the notebooks used to train the models and evaluate them. The data and models can be found here:
Experiments for fake news explainability project
This repository only contains the notebooks used to train the models and evaluate them. The data and models can be found here:
PPGNet: Learning Point-Pair Graph for Line Segment Detection PyTorch implementation of our CVPR 2019 paper: PPGNet: Learning Point-Pair Graph for Line
Unsupervised Video Interpolation using Cycle Consistency Project | Paper | YouTube Unsupervised Video Interpolation using Cycle Consistency Fitsum A.
CAPE Individual Treatment Effect Estimation Run CAPE python train_causal.py --loop 10 -m cape_cau -d NI --i_t 1 Run a baseline model python train_cau
This is part of the code to reproduce the results of the paper Do Neural Networks for Segmentation Understand Insideness? [pdf] by K. Villalobos (*),
PENet: Precise and Efficient Depth Completion This repo is the PyTorch implementation of our paper to appear in ICRA2021 on "Towards Precise and Effic
Paddle-Skeleton-Action-Recognition DecoupleGCN-DropGraph, ASGCN, AGCN, STGCN. Yo
Software Used python - programming language used, tested on v3.8 miniconda - for managing virtual environment Libraries Used opencv - pip install open
wseg Overview The Pytorch implementation of Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation by Pixel-to-Prototype Contrast. [arXiv] Though image-level weakly
Semi-Supervised Learning for Fine-Grained Classification This repo contains the code of: A Realistic Evaluation of Semi-Supervised Learning for Fine-G
PREDATOR: Registration of 3D Point Clouds with Low Overlap An inofficial PyTorch implementation of PREDATOR based on KPConv. The code has been tested
Safe Control for Black-box Dynamical Systems via Neural Barrier Certificates Installation Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/Zengyi-Qi
Learning a Probabilistic Latent Space of Object Shapes via 3D Generative-Adversarial Modeling This repository contains pre-trained models and sampling
LSTM model trained on a small dataset of 3000 names. Model generates names from model by selecting one out of top 3 letters suggested by model at a time until an EOS (End Of Sentence) character is no
Learning Representational Invariances for Data-Efficient Action Recognition Official PyTorch implementation for Learning Representational Invariances
Status: Maintenance (expect bug fixes and minor updates) OpenAI Gym OpenAI Gym is a toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algori
AGIS-Net Introduction This is the official PyTorch implementation of the Artistic Glyph Image Synthesis via One-Stage Few-Shot Learning. paper | suppl
CopyRun This program runs Python code which is copied in clipboard WARNING!! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! NO GUARANTIES IF ANYTHING GETS BROKEN. DO NOT COPY
Nirs-Pls-Corn This code is a near-infrared spectrum modeling method based on PCA and pls 近红外光谱分析技术属于交叉领域,需要化学、计算机科学、生物科学等多领域的合作。为此,在(北邮邮电大学杨辉华老师团队)指导下
A parametric soroban written in CADQuery The purpose of this project is to demonstrate how "code CAD" can be intuitive to learn. See soroban.py for a
Mesh Transformer Jax A haiku library using the new(ly documented) xmap operator in Jax for model parallelism of transformers. See enwik8_example.py fo