Semi-Supervised Learning for Fine-Grained Classification


Semi-Supervised Learning for Fine-Grained Classification

This repo contains the code of:

  • A Realistic Evaluation of Semi-Supervised Learning for Fine-Grained Classification, Jong-Chyi Su, Zezhou Cheng, and Subhransu Maji, CVPR 2021. [paper, poster, slides]
  • Semi-Supervised Learning with Taxonomic Labels, Jong-Chyi Su and Subhransu Maji, BMVC 2021. [paper, slides]

Preparing Datasets and Splits

We used the following datasets in the paper:

In addition the repository contains a new Semi-iNat dataset corresponding to the FGVC8 semi-supervised challenge:

  • Semi-iNat: This is a new dataset for the Semi-iNat Challenge at FGVC8 workshop at CVPR 2021. Different from Semi-Aves, Semi-iNat has more species from different kingdoms, and does not include in or out-of-domain label. For more details please see the challenge website.

The splits of each of these datasets can be found under data/${dataset}/${split}.txt corresponding to:

  • l_train -- labeled in-domain data
  • u_train_in -- unlabeled in-domain data
  • u_train_out -- unlabeled out-of-domain data
  • u_train (combines u_train_in and u_train_out)
  • val -- validation set
  • l_train_val (combines l_train and val)
  • test -- test set

Each line in the text file has a filename and the corresponding class label.

Please download the datasets from the corresponding websites. For Semi-Aves, put the data under data/semi_aves. FFor Semi-Fungi and Semi-CUB, download the images and put them under data/semi_fungi/images and data/cub/images.

Note 1: For the experiments on Semi-Fungi reported in the paper, the images are resized to a maximum of 300px for each side.
Note 2: We reported the results of another split of Semi-Aves in the appendix (for cross-validation), but we do not release the labels because it will leak the labels for unlabeled data.
Note 3: We also provide the species names of Semi-Aves under data/semi_aves_species_names.txt, and the species names of Semi-Fungi. The names were not shared in the competetion.

Training and Evaluation (CVPR paper)

We provide the code for all the methods included in the paper, except for FixMatch and MoCo. This includes methods of supervised training, self-training, PL, and curriculum PL. This code is developed based on this PyTorch implementation.

For FixMatch, we used the official Tensorflow code and an unofficial PyTorch code to reproduce the results. For MoCo, we use this PyContrast implementation.

To train the model, use the following command:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --task ${task} --init ${init} --alg ${alg} --unlabel ${unlabel} --num_iter ${num_iter} --warmup ${warmup} --lr ${lr} --wd ${wd} --batch_size ${batch_size} --exp_dir ${exp_dir} --MoCo ${MoCo} --alpha ${alpha} --kd_T ${kd_T} --trainval

For example, to train a supervised model initialized from a inat pre-trained model on semi-aves dataset with in-domain unlabeled data only, you will use:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --task semi_aves --init inat --alg supervised --unlabel in --num_iter 10000 --lr 1e-3 --wd 1e-4 --exp_dir semi_aves_supervised_in --MoCo false --trainval

Note that for experiments of Semi-Aves and Semi-Fungi in the paper, we combined the training and val set for training (use args --trainval).
For all the hyper-parameters, please see the following shell scripts:

  • for supervised training
  • for pseudo-labeling
  • for curriculum pseudo-labeling
  • for MoCo + supervised training
  • for self-training and MoCo + self-training

Training and Evaluation (BMVC paper)

In our BMVC paper, we added the hierarchical supervision of coarse labels on top of semi-supervised learning.

To train the model, use the following command:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --task ${task} --init ${init} --alg ${alg} --unlabel ${unlabel} --num_iter ${num_iter} --warmup ${warmup} --lr ${lr} --wd ${wd} --batch_size ${batch_size} --exp_dir ${exp_dir} --MoCo ${MoCo} --alpha ${alpha} --kd_T ${kd_T} --level ${level}

The following are the arguments different from the above:

  • ${level}: choose from {genus, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, species}
  • ${alg}: choose from {hierarchy, PL_hierarchy, distill_hierarchy}

For the settings and hyper-parameters, please see

Pre-Trained Models

We provide supervised training models, MoCo pre-trained models, as well as MoCo + supervised training models, for both Semi-Aves and Semi-Fungi datasets. Here are the links to download the model:${method}/${dataset}_${initialization}_${unlabel}.pth.tar

  • ${method}: choose from {supervised, MoCo_init, MoCo_supervised}
  • ${dataset}: choose from {semi_aves, semi_fungi}
  • ${initialization}: choose from {scratch, imagenet, inat}
  • ${unlabel}: choose from {in, inout}

You need these models for self-training mothods. For example, the teacher model is initialized from model/supervised for self-training. For MoCo + self-training, the teacher model is initialized from model/MoCo_supervised, and the student model is initialized from model/MoCo_init.

We also provide the pre-trained ResNet-50 model of iNaturalist-18. This model was trained using this github code.

Related Challenges


  author    = {Jong{-}Chyi Su and Zezhou Cheng and Subhransu Maji},
  title     = {A Realistic Evaluation of Semi-Supervised Learning for Fine-Grained Classification},
  booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  year      = {2021}

  author    = {Jong{-}Chyi Su and Subhransu Maji},
  title     = {Semi-Supervised Learning with Taxonomic Labels},
  booktitle = {British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},
  year      = {2021}

      title={The Semi-Supervised iNaturalist Challenge at the FGVC8 Workshop}, 
      author={Jong-Chyi Su and Subhransu Maji},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.01364}

      title={The Semi-Supervised iNaturalist-Aves Challenge at FGVC7 Workshop}, 
      author={Jong-Chyi Su and Subhransu Maji},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.06937}
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