An inofficial PyTorch implementation of PREDATOR based on KPConv.


PREDATOR: Registration of 3D Point Clouds with Low Overlap

An inofficial PyTorch implementation of PREDATOR based on KPConv.

The code has been tested on Ubuntu 16.4, Python 3.7, PyTorch (1.7.1+cu101), torchvision (0.8.2+cu101), GCC 5.4.0 and Open3D (0.9 or 0.13).

All experiments were run on a Tesla V100 GPU with an Intel 6133CPU at 2.50GHz CPU.

Download 3DMatch

We adopted the 3DMatch provided from PREDATOR, and download it from here [5.17G]. Unzip it, then we should get the following directories structure:

| -- indoor
    | -- train (#82, cats: #54)
        | -- 7-scenes-chess
        | -- 7-scenes-fire
        | -- ...
        | -- sun3d-mit_w20_athena-sc_athena_oct_29_2012_scan1_erika_4
    | -- test (#8, cats: #8)
        | -- 7-scenes-redkitchen
        | -- sun3d-home_md-home_md_scan9_2012_sep_30
        | -- ...
        | -- sun3d-mit_lab_hj-lab_hj_tea_nov_2_2012_scan1_erika

Compile python bindings and Reconfigure

# Compile

cd PREDATOR/cpp_wrappers
cd ..

# Reconfigure configs/threedmatch.yaml by updating the following values based on your dataset.

exp_dir: your_saved_path for checkpoints and summary.
checkpoint: your_ckpt_path; it's just required during evaluating and visualizing.
root: your_data_path for the indoor.



(Optional) Download pretrained weights

Download pretrained weights [baidu disk, 28.36M] with password 0zfl for the following evaluation and visualization.





Results on 3DMatch

npoints Inlier Ratio Feature Match Recall Registration Recall Weighted Registration Recall
5000 0.519 0.964 0.903 0.929
1000 0.518 0.962 0.898 0.918

Note: We calculate Registration Recall and Weighted Registration Recall based on equation (3) in PREDATOR Supplementary. It's a little different from implementation in OverlapPredator, which is reported in the paper.


Thanks for the open source code OverlapPredator, KPConv-PyTorch and KPConv.pytorch.

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