ViSER: Video-Specific Surface Embeddings for Articulated 3D Shape Reconstruction



Installation with conda

conda env create -f viser.yml
conda activate viser-release
# install softras
cd third_party/softras; python install; cd -;
# install manifold remeshing
git clone --recursive git://; cd Manifold; mkdir build; cd build; cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release;make -j8; cd ../../

Data preparation

Create folders to store intermediate data and training logs

mkdir log; mkdir tmp; 

Download pre-processed data (rgb, mask, flow) following the link here and unzip under ./database/DAVIS/. The dataset is organized as:

    FlowBW/ and FlowFw/
            sequence-name/ and optionally seqname-name_{%02d}/ (frame interval)

To run preprocessing scripts on other videos, see

Example: breakdance-flare


bash scripts/ breakdance-flare

To monitor optimization, run

tensorboard --logdir log/

To render optimized breakdance-flare

bash scripts/ breakdance-flare log/breakdance-flare-1003-ft2/pred_net_20.pth 36

Example outputs:

Example: elephants


bash scripts/

To monitor optimization, run

tensorboard --logdir log/

To render optimized breakdance-flare

bash scripts/ log/elephant-walk-1003-6/pred_net_10.pth

Additional Notes

Distributed training

The current codebase supports single-node multi-gpu training with pytorch distributed data-parallel. Please modify dev and ngpu in scripts/ to select devices.

Potential bugs
  • When setting batch_size to 3, rendered flow may become constant values.


The code borrows the skeleton of CMR

External repos:


To cite our paper
  title={ViSER: Video-Specific Surface Embeddings for Articulated 3D Shape Reconstruction},
  author={Yang, Gengshan 
      and Sun, Deqing
      and Jampani, Varun
      and Vlasic, Daniel
      and Cole, Forrester
      and Liu, Ce
      and Ramanan, Deva},
  booktitle = {NeurIPS},
  title={LASR: Learning Articulated Shape Reconstruction from a Monocular Video},
  author={Yang, Gengshan 
      and Sun, Deqing
      and Jampani, Varun
      and Vlasic, Daniel
      and Cole, Forrester
      and Chang, Huiwen
      and Ramanan, Deva
      and Freeman, William T
      and Liu, Ce},


  • data pre-processing scripts
  • evaluation data and scripts
  • code clean up
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