Migration of Edge-based Distributed Federated Learning

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Deep LearningFedFly

FedFly: Towards Migration in Edge-based Distributed Federated Learning

About the research

Due to mobility, a device participating in Federated Learning (FL) may disconnect from one edge server and will need to connect to another edge server during FL training. This becomes more challenging when a Deep Neural Network (DNN) is partitioned between device and edge server referred to as edge-based FL. Moving a device without migrating the accompanying training data from a source edge server to the destination edge server will result in training for the device having to start all over again on the destination server. This will in turn affect the performance of edge-based FL and result in large training times. FedFly addresses the mobility challenge of devices in edge-based distributed FL. This research designs, develops and implements the technique for migrating DNN in the context of edge-based distributed FL.

FedFly is implemented and evaluated in a hierarchical cloud-edge-device architecture on a lab-based testbed to validate the migration technique of edge-based FL. The testbed that includes four IoT devices, two edge servers, and one central server (cloud-like) running the VGG-5 DNN model. The empirical findings uphold and validates our claims in terms of training time and accuracy using balanced and imbalanced datasets when compared to state-of-the-art approaches, such as SplitFed. FedFly has a negligible overhead of up to 2 seconds but saves a significant amount of training time while maintaining accuracy.

FedFly System width=

More information on the steps in relation to distributed FL and the mobility of devices within the FedFly system are presented in the research article entitled, "FedFly: Towards Migration in Edge-based Distributed Federated Learning".

Code Structure

The repository contains the source code of FedFly. The overall architecture is divided as follows:

  1. Central server (Central server, such as a cloud location, for running the FedAverage algorithm)
  2. Edge servers (separated as Source and Destination for migration)
  3. Devices

The repository also arranges the code according to the above described architecture.

The results are saved as pickle files in the results folder on the Central Server.

Currently, CIFAR10 dataset and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models are supported. The code can be extended to support other datasets and models.

Setting up the environment

The code is tested on Python 3 with Pytorch version 1.4 and torchvision 0.5.

In order to test the code, install Pytorch and torchvision on each IoT device (for example, Raspberry Pis as used in this work). One can install from pre-built PyTorch and torchvision pip wheel. Download respective pip wheel as follows:

Or visit https://github.com/Rehmatkhan/InstallPytrochScript and follow the simple steps:

# install and configure pytorch and torchvision on Raspberry devices
#move to sudo
sudo -i
apt update
apt install git
git clone https://github.com/Rehmatkhan/InstallPytrochScript.git
mv InstallPytrochScript/install_python_pytorch.sh .
chmod +x install_python_pytorch.sh
rm -rf InstallPytrochScript

All configuration options are given in config.py at the central server, which contains the architecture, model, and FL training hyperparameters. Therefore, modify the respective hostname and ip address in config.py. CLIENTS_CONFIG and CLIENTS_LIST in config.py are used for indexing and sorting. Note that config.py file must be changed at the source edge server, destination edge server and at each device.

# Network configration
UNIT_PORT = 51004

EDGE_SERVERS = {'Sierra.local': '', 'Rehmats-MacBook-Pro.local':''}

K = 4 # Number of devices

# Unique clients order
HOST2IP = {'raspberrypi3-1':'', 'raspberrypi3-2':'', 'raspberrypi4-1': '', 'raspberrypi4-2': ''}
CLIENTS_CONFIG= {'':0, '':1, '':2, '':3 }
CLIENTS_LIST= ['', '', '', ''] 

Finally, download the CIFAR10 datasets manually and put them into the datasets/CIFAR10 folder (python version).

To test the code:

Launch FedFly central server

python FedFly_serverrun.py --offload True #FedFly training

Launch FedFly source edge server

python FedFly_serverrun.py --offload True #FedFly training

Launch FedFly destination edge server

python FedFly_serverrun.py --offload True #FedFly training

Launch FedFly devices

python FedFly_clientrun.py --offload True #FedFly training


Please cite the paper as follows: Rehmat Ullah, Di Wu, Paul Harvey, Peter Kilpatrick, Ivor Spence and Blesson Varghese, "FedFly: Towards Migration in Edge-based Distributed Federated Learning", 2021.

      title={FedFly: Towards Migration in Edge-based Distributed Federated Learning}, 
      author={Rehmat Ullah and Di Wu and Paul Harvey and Peter Kilpatrick and Ivor Spence and Blesson Varghese},
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