dyld_shared_cache processing / Single-Image loading for BinaryNinja


Dyld Shared Cache Parser

Author: cynder (kat)

Dyld Shared Cache Support for BinaryNinja

BinaryNinja Screenshot

BinaryNinja Screenshot

Without any of the fuss of requiring manually loading several unrelated images, or the awful off-image addresses, and with better output than IDA, Hopper, or any other disassembler on the market.

Installation + Usage

  1. Open the plugin manager
  2. Search for "Dyld" and install this plugin


  1. Open Dyld Shared Cache file with BN
  2. Select the Image you would like to disassemble
  3. Congrats, you are now Reverse Engineering the Mach-O


This project acts as an interface for two seperate projects; DyldExtractor, and ktool. Mainly DyldExtractor.

DyldExtractor is a project written primarily by 'arandomdev' designed for CLI standalone dyld_shared_cache extraction. It is the best tool for the job, and reverses the majority of "optimizations" that make DSC reverse engineering ugly and painful. Utilizing this plugin, Binja's processing should outperform IDAs, and wont require IDA's need for repeatedly right clicking and manually loading tons of modules.

This version of DyldExtractor has a lot of modifications (read: a lot of commented out lines) from the original designed to make it function better in the binja environment.

ktool is a multifaceted project I wrote for, primarily, MachO + ObjC Parsing.

It is mainly used for super basic parsing of the output, as we need to properly write the segments to the VM (and scrap all the dsc data that was originally in this file) so the Mach-O View knows how to parse it.


This plugin, along with ktool and dyldextractor are released under an MIT license. Both of these plugins are vendored within this project to make installation slightly simpler.

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  • TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object

    TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object

    Tried this just now, and got this, trying to extract the macOS 13.1 x86_64h cache:

    Successfully installed: Dyld Shared Cache Processor
    Loaded python3 plugin 'cxnder_bndyldsharedcache'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Applications/Binary Ninja.app/Contents/MacOS/plugins/../../Resources/python/binaryninja/binaryview.py", line 2818, in _init
        return self.init()
      File "/Users/torarne/Library/Application Support/Binary Ninja/repositories/community/plugins/cxnder_bndyldsharedcache/dsc.py", line 101, in init
      File "/Users/torarne/Library/Application Support/Binary Ninja/repositories/community/plugins/cxnder_bndyldsharedcache/DyldExtractor/converter/stub_fixer.py", line 1681, in fixStubs
      File "/Users/torarne/Library/Application Support/Binary Ninja/repositories/community/plugins/cxnder_bndyldsharedcache/DyldExtractor/converter/stub_fixer.py", line 1011, in run
        self._symbolizer = _Symbolizer(self._extractionCtx)
      File "/Users/torarne/Library/Application Support/Binary Ninja/repositories/community/plugins/cxnder_bndyldsharedcache/DyldExtractor/converter/stub_fixer.py", line 59, in __init__
      File "/Users/torarne/Library/Application Support/Binary Ninja/repositories/community/plugins/cxnder_bndyldsharedcache/DyldExtractor/converter/stub_fixer.py", line 101, in _enumerateExports
        if depInfo := self._getDepInfo(dylib, self._machoCtx):
      File "/Users/torarne/Library/Application Support/Binary Ninja/repositories/community/plugins/cxnder_bndyldsharedcache/DyldExtractor/converter/stub_fixer.py", line 179, in _getDepInfo
        imageOff, dyldCtx = self._dyldCtx.convertAddr(imageAddr)
    TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object
    BinaryView of type 'DyldSharedCache' failed to initialize!
    No available/valid debug info parsers for `Raw` view
    Found more than 'analysis.limits.stringSearch' (0x100000) strings aborting search for range: 0 - 0x33be0000
    Analysis update took 12.239 seconds
    opened by torarnv 1
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    The other step is to make a release, then we can add the plugin directly to the plugin manager which would be really handy!

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