Some useful blender add-ons for SMPL skeleton's poses and global translation.


Blender add-ons for SMPL skeleton's poses and trans

There are two blender add-ons for SMPL skeleton's poses and trans.The first is for making an offline visual demo.The second is to make a live visual demo.

Offline Motion Capture

Show one demo image

You need to follow these steps to use the first add-on.

  1. Open a blender file and import the fbx file of a model with SMPL skeleton

I downloaded a model on Mixamo that happened to be an SMPL skeleton, and I changed the name of each bone so that the code could find the bones and act on them.You can find it in sources folder.

If you want to use your own model, make sure that the skeleton is SMPL skeleton and that the bones are named the same as in the code.

Also, you need to change the name of model to Armature1.

  1. Prepare the pkl file

You need to prepare a pkl file, datas can be read by pickling.load(f)['model'], where f stands for pkl file.

Datas are lists of [N,75], where N stands for the number of frames.The 75 elements represent SMPL's poses and global translation.The first 72 elements are SMPL poses, and the last 3 elements are global translation.

You then modify the file path in the code so that it can read your pkl file.

  1. Install the addon-on
  2. Make the skeleton and model active,then presh ctrl+R to run the add-on

Inserting keyframes takes a long time, you have to wait, and it's best not to insert more than 10000 frames at a time.

Real Time Motion Capture

ROMP outputs SMPL's poses and trans more than 20 times per second. With ROMP and the plugin, the output of ROMP can be input into Blender's skeleton in real time to achieve the effect of human-driven animation characters.

Of course, every model that outputs SMPL's poses and trans can use this plugin to drive animation characters in Blender.

  • How to run .fbx file to control the charater

    How to run .fbx file to control the charater

    Hello. I have successfully run the demo of ROMP, which exported .fbx file. And currently I want to use the .fbx to control the character. Can you provide steps for the video demo? I can only see the camera one

    opened by CheungBH 31
  • [simple-romp] How to use it?

    [simple-romp] How to use it?

    I tried to use it with simple-romp but it did not work. I already created an issue at the ROMP repository and described my problem here and here in detail.

    The author of the ROMP repository answered there:

    About live blender driving, please refer to this repo. My colleague is responsible for maintaining this funciton now. Best regard.

    and closed the issue.

    @yanch2116 So how to solve it?

    My goal is to send the positions and quaternions of ROMP (or any other SMPL based solution) over the VMC protocol to other application (not Blender). Any ideas, whats the best way to do it?

    opened by vivi90 26
  • Could I ask for a detailed instruction on how to change the 3D Character?

    Could I ask for a detailed instruction on how to change the 3D Character?

    Also, I would like to know if there is a way to replace the 3D Character before I run the script and process the video so that I don't have to manually change it every time?

    opened by XXZhe 12
  • Can't connect ROMP into addon

    Can't connect ROMP into addon

    I use ROMP v1.1 on Windows machine. But CDBA works with version 1.0 of ROMP I read installation and using documentation of ROMP v1.0 but i can't figured out all How can i use this addon properly? I'm not good at programming i'm animator and interested in your project. Can you write steps how to install and use ROMP with this addon,please?


    opened by hasanleiva 11
  • Hi, Looks like change another mixamo character not work

    Hi, Looks like change another mixamo character not work

    I have ROMP driven SMPL model looks OK, but when using CDBA (I using script locally) driven mixamo model, result looks wrong:


    I am using this bone mapper in your repo:

    bones_mixamo_smpl_mapper = {
        "Hips": "Pelvis",
        "LeftUpLeg": "L_Hip",
        "RightUpLeg": "R_Hip",
        "Spine2": "Spine3",
        "Spine1": "Spine2",
        "Spine": "Spine1",
        "LeftLeg": "L_Knee",
        "RightLeg": "R_Knee",
        "LeftFoot": "L_Ankle",
        "RightFoot": "R_Ankle",
        "LeftToeBase": "L_Foot",
        "RightToeBase": "R_Foot",
        "Neck": "Neck",
        "LeftShoulder": "L_Collar",
        "RightShoulder": "R_Collar",
        "Head": "Head",
        "LeftArm": "L_Shoulder",
        "RightArm": "R_Shoulder",
        "LeftForeArm": "L_Elbow",
        "RightForeArm": "R_Elbow",
        "LeftHand": "L_Wrist",
        "RightHand": "R_Wrist",
        "LeftHandIndex1": "L_Hand",
        "LeftHandMiddle1": "L_Hand",
        "RightHandMiddle1": "R_Hand",
        "RightHandIndex1": "R_Hand",
    bones_smpl_mixamo_mapper = {v: k for k, v in bones_mixamo_smpl_mapper.items()}
    bone_name_from_index_character = {
        k: bones_smpl_mixamo_mapper[v] for k, v in bone_name_from_index.items()

    Do u know why?

    also the hand look not right.


    opened by jinfagang 11
  • Detection variable: outputs = {'poses': poses, 'trans': trans[0]}

    Detection variable: outputs = {'poses': poses, 'trans': trans[0]}

    Hey, Yanchxx,

    May I ask, what is the output variable, I think "trans" is the translation between camera and object.

    What are the poses, is it the location x, y, z, or rotation x, y, z, degrees?

    Thank you 👍

    opened by zhangby2085 10
  • 导入fbx时骨骼方向乱了


    @yanch2116 你好,非常酷的工作!我基本把整个项目跑通了,但我有两个问题想进一步请教一下你。 、 1.导入fbx时骨骼的方向错乱了,参见: 。但是这个文章里的方法没有完全解决方向错乱的问题,所以我想请问一下你,你是怎么解决这个问题的呢? 2.我想请教一下,如何将编辑骨架让其和smpl的骨架一致呢? 望不吝赐教!万分感谢!

    opened by syguan96 8
  • Use keyframes to prevent pose shaking

    Use keyframes to prevent pose shaking

    I found that the avatar will shake drastically when running the webcam demo. And I set the mode =1 to insert keyframe record the webcam results for playback.

    Now, if we set one more condition for inserting keyframe, only the frame_idx % 3 == 0 or frame_idx % 5 == 0. This would allow the avatar to move along these keyframes much smoother.

    However, is there a way to let the webcam demo runs in real-time using the keyframe strategy I said? This skip keyframe strategy only seems to work with the recorded playback. The character is still moving on each frame when we are actually running in real-time.

    opened by ZhengdiYu 4
  • Can I rotate the scene while running scripts?

    Can I rotate the scene while running scripts?

    Hi, I'm able to run to demo with blender now, but it turns out that the view is locked while the script is running.

    If there's a way to enable rotation?

    opened by anzisheng 4
  • Which version of Blender are you using?

    Which version of Blender are you using?

    I met the following error while running Beta.blend. I'm using blender 2.83.9. What's the expected version?

    Read blend: E:\Workspace\blender_test\addons\CharacterDriven-BlenderAddon-master\blender\Beta.blend 0 meshes freed Error: File written by newer Blender binary (290.0), expect loss of data!

    opened by sylyt62 4
  • multiple people

    multiple people

    Hey, yanch2116, very impressive job done in visualizing 3D characters. I tested and it works, one question to ask, the code has the setting.show_largest=True, I am thinking, what is the condition with multiple people in the webcamera, when there are many people, the blender character keeps on shifting. Are they ways to solve this? 1, keep on the object tracker in single object_ID 2, visualize multiple 3D characters as input in the camera

    opened by zhangby2085 3
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