Lane assist for ETS2, built with the ultra-fast-lane-detection model.



Lane assist for ETS2, built with the ultra-fast-lane-detection model.

This project was made possible by the amazing people behind the original Ultra Fast Lane Detection paper. In addition to ibaiGorordo for his example scripts for Pytorch and rdbender for his sun valley theme for ttk.

Example Video

It is important to note that in the video I overlayed the laneAssist window on top of ETS2, unfortunately I do not yet know how to get it on top without messing with the screen capture.


Copy the repository ( Code -> Download zip ) and unpack it to a folder. Now install all the requirements.


You must have at least python 3.7 installed for pytorch to work. To install pytorch go to their website and select the appropriate options. If you have an nvidia graphics card then select cuda, otherwise go for cpu. If you download cuda then you also have to download the cuda api from NVIDIA.

Other requirements can be installed with pip like this (if you have > python 3.10, then use pip3.10):

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Lane Detection models

In addition to the normal requirements this application requires a lane detection model to work. This is a new deeper model from Adorable Jiang. So far from the very little testing all the models work. These models will likely run slower but work better, I have added support for these so choose if you want these or the defaults.

To download a pretrained model go to the Ultra Fast Lane Detection github page and scroll down until you see Trained models.

There are two different models to choose from. CUlane is a more stable model, but might not work in more difficult situations (like the road being white). On the other hand Tusimple is a more sporadic model that will almost certainly work in any situation. It is also worth noting that Tusimple in some cases requires some of the top of the dashboard and steering wheel to show, while CUlane doesn't. There is a tradeoff to both but I have included a way to switch between them while running the app, so downloading both of them is no issue. After you have downloaded a model, make a models folder in the root folder of the app (the folder where is) and move the model there.


Before even starting the app make sure your ETS2 or any other game is in borderless mode. It is not required for the app to work, but for setting it up it is highly recommended. Also disable automatic indicators in game. To start the app, open a command prompt or terminal in the app's folder ( on windows this can be done by holding alt and right clicking ). Once the terminal is open type:


This will start the application and you should see two windows. One is the main window where you can start the program and change the settings. The other is the preview to show you what the program sees. Don't worry if it's black, that doesn't mean that it isn't working.

Before pressing Toggle Enable it is important to head over to the settings to configure a couple of important options.

The first is to change the position of the video capture from the general tab. I recommend starting up ETS 2 and setting the game on pause. Then move the window around by changing the position values (I recommend setting them to 0x0 and then going from there) so that the app sees the road, but preferably not the steering wheel as this can throw off the lane detection. Even though it's not recommended you might also need to change the dimensions of the screen capture. This might have to be done on 1080 or 4k monitors for example. Just if you do try to keep the aspect ratio the same (16:9)

The second important option is your input device. Even if you play on a keyboard you must have a controller selected otherwise the app will crash. The default selection is for my G29. If you also have one then be sure to make sure the controller is correct, after that you can head over to the next step.

If you do not play on a G29 then select your controller and additionally select the steering axis ( the blue slider will move with the axis ) and the button to toggle the Lane Assist ( this can usually be found by searching on google for controller button numbers ). In addition you will have to select your indicator buttons.

After that go to the final tab, and if you do have a nvidia gpu then you can enable Use GPU, after that you can hit Change Model.

Finally if you want to save your settings, most of them can be easily changed by editing


Once all the preparations are done let's actually use the lane assist. When you start the program it will make a virtual xbox 360 controller. You have to set the ingame steering axis to this controller, it will not recognize the controller unless put it as a secondary device. Under the main device (Should be Keyboard + controller) there are a multitude of slots, one of these slots must be the 360. This controller follows your own wheel/gamepad so managing to set it in the settings can be hard. Unfortunately this virtual controller means you will lose all force feedback from your main wheel.

Once the controller is setup in game it's time to use the app. To start the lane assist you can either press the set button on your controller or manually toggle it with Toggle Enable. You should see the lane show up on the preview and after that, Happy Trucking!

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  • "Use GPU" not functioning properly

    Hi there, I believe that "Use GPU" isn't working properly, I'm running Python 3.8.5 & OpenCV compiled with CUDA enabled as well as the Drivers and Toolkits needed.

    Clicking "Use GPU" does not save the checkmark (is that intended?), and the FPS remains the same, so I believe that it has no effect.

    Any tips to get it running with the GPU? It's unusable with 1.6 FPS so I'd love to get this working at a higher frame rate, thank you!

    PS: My GPU is a RTX 2060 so it should fit the specs.

    opened by ceddose 7
  • Software crashes upon pressing

    Software crashes upon pressing "settings"

    I followed the installation video, step by step and got the software installed. Upon launch, I press settings where the whole software crashes. I get the message "NameError: name 'wheel' is not defined. Screenshot_1

    opened by shambala12 3
  • V0.1.4


    V0.1.4 - 20.8.2022

    Minor Update


    • Removed a debug print.
    • Removed reduntant width and height from
    • Set default screencapture position to 0x0 to avoid confusion.
    opened by Tumppi066 0
  • v.1.0.0(Aug 8, 2022)

    It seems that there is a problem with python 3.11 and 3.10 during installation of pyarrow, to fix this downgrade your python version to 3.9

    (This is fixed with the experimental version, as pyarrow is no longer a requirement.)

    Either download updater.exe or

    • They are both the same application, but I got some requests for an exe so it is now included. The exe will not detect the current installed version, so the .py is superior.
    • The installation script will always download the most up to date version of the app (optionally even development versions). It will also handle updates and show the current version change log.

    Current installer version is 0.5 (18.11.2022):

    • Added full support for the experimental branch, to see the current features head to my Trello.

    This is the only "release" the app will get (for the foreseeable future atleast) as the installation script always downloads the newest source.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    updater.exe(9.25 MB) KB)
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