Code for "Graph-Evolving Meta-Learning for Low-Resource Medical Dialogue Generation". [AAAI 2021]


Graph Evolving Meta-Learning for Low-resource Medical Dialogue Generation

Code to be further cleaned...

This repo contains the code of the following paper:

Graph Evolving Meta-Learning for Low-resource Medical Dialogue Generation

Shuai Lin, Pan Zhou, Xiaodan Liang, Jianheng Tang, Ruihui Zhao, Ziliang Chen, Liang Lin.
AAAI 2021


  1. Allennlp (0.9.1-unreleased)

  2. pytorch == 1.4.0

  3. Others should be found in ./allennlp/requirements.txt

[Note]: You need to install allennlp with the editable mode, i.e.,

cd ./allennlp
pip install --editable .
cd ..

since we have modified this toolkit (including added the in the directory ./allennlp/training and so on).


Please download both datasets from the google drive as follows:

tar zxvf cy.tar.gz
tar zxvf fd.tar.gz
  1. CMDD: The directory fd/dis_pk_dir, which includes raw_data, meta_train and meta_test. (The number of the file name represents the ID of a disease.) You can also obtain it at the link

  2. MDG-Chunyu: The directory cy/dis_pk_dir, which also includes the raw_data, meta_train and meta_test. The ID of diseases and symptoms are recorded in the user_dict.txt. The disease IDs are as follows:

  '胃炎': 2,
  '普通感冒': 13,
  '肺炎': 73,
  '便秘': 6,
  '胃肠功能紊乱': 42,
  '肠炎': 9,
  '肠易激综合征': 40,
  '食管炎': 27,
  '胃溃疡': 30,
  '阑尾炎': 35,
  '胆囊炎': 33,
  '胰腺炎': 48,
  '肠梗阻': 52,
  '痔疮': 18,
  '肝硬化': 46,

Quick Start

Most of the running commands are written in the script, which follows the offical train/fine-tune/evaluate way of the allennlp. Take the following one as an example:

[1]. Training:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 allennlp train -s $save_directory$ \
  $config_file(.json)$ \
  --include-package $model_file$

[2]. Fine-tuning:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 allennlp fine-tune -m $old save_directory$ \
  -c $config_file(.json)$ \
  --include-package $model_file$
  -s $new save_directory$

[3]. Testing:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 allennlp evaluate  $new save_directory$ \
  $test_data$ \
  --include-package $model_file$ \
  --output-file $output_directory$
Shuai Lin
Master student @sysu, mainly focus on ML/NLP.
Shuai Lin
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