A compilation of several single-beam bathymetry surveys of the Caribbean


Caribbean - Single-beam bathymetry

This dataset is a compilation of several single-beam bathymetry surveys of the Caribbean ocean displaying a wide range of tectonic activity, uneven distribution, and even clear systematic errors in some of the survey lines.

The original data file was compressed with LZMA to save space and make it possible to upload it to this GitHub repository (see raw/) since there is not direct download link we could use.

Bathymetric depth trackline data.

File caribbean-bathymetry.csv.xz
Size 7.8 Mb
Version v1
DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5882211
License CC-BY
MD5 md5:a7332aa6e69c77d49d7fb54b764caa82
SHA256 sha256:9adaa2ead1cd354206235105489b511c4c46833b2e137a3eadc917243d16f09e
Original license public domain
Processing code prepare.ipynb

Changes made

These are the changes made to the original dataset.

  • Convert from MGD77 to a simpler compressed CSV format.
  • Retain only the survey ID, coordinates, and depth.
  • Cut the data to a slightly smaller region.

About this repository

This is a place to format and prepare the original dataset for use in our tutorials and documentation.

We include the source code that prepares the datasets for redistribution by filtering, standardizing, converting coordinates, compressing, etc. The goal is to make loading the data as easy as possible (e.g., a single call to pandas.read_csv or xarray.load_dataset). Whenever possible, the code also downloads the original data (otherwise the original data are included in this repository).

💡 Tip: The easiest way to download this dataset is using Pooch, particularly to download straight from the DOI of a release.


See our Contributing Guidelines for information on proposing new datasets and making changes to this repository.


All Python source code is made available under the BSD 3-clause license. You can freely use and modify the code, without warranty, so long as you provide attribution to the authors.

Unless otherwise specified, all data files and figures created by the code are available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC-BY).

See LICENSE.txt for the full text of each license.

The license for the original data is specified in this README.md file.

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  • Add track information to the bathymetry data

    Add track information to the bathymetry data

    This info usually comes into play during processing but we're not capturing it right now. Check if the original data has it and include it in the derived product.

    Any help doing this would be more than welcome!

    enhancement good first issue 
    opened by leouieda 0
  • v1(Jan 20, 2022)

    Date: 2022/01/20

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5882211

    Note: This is a processed and formatted version of the source dataset below. It's mean for use in documentation and tutorials of the Fatiando a Terra project. Please cite the original authors when using this dataset.

    Data source: NOAA NCEI


    • 🎉 First release of the curated version of the Caribbean bathymetry data.

    | | Checksums | |--:|:--| | MD5 | md5:a7332aa6e69c77d49d7fb54b764caa82 | | SHA256 | sha256:9adaa2ead1cd354206235105489b511c4c46833b2e137a3eadc917243d16f09e |

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    caribbean-bathymetry.csv.xz(7.44 MB)
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