A mini lib that implements several useful functions binding to PyTorch in C++.



A mini library that implements several useful functions binding to PyTorch in C++.

What does gather do? Why do we need it?

When dealing with sequences, a common way of processing the variable lengths is padding them to the max length, which leads to quite a lot redundancies and waste on computing and memory as sequences length varies. So gather just removes their paddings and makes computation without waste of computation resource.


python setup.py install


Note that all the input tensors should be on cuda device.

  • gather.gathercat(x_padded:torch.FloatTensor, lx:torch.IntTensor)

    Return a concatence of given padded tensor x_padded according to its lengths lx.


    x_padded (torch.float): padded tensor of size (N, L, V), where L=max(lx).

    lx (torch.int): lengths of size (N, ).


    x_gather (torch.float): the gathered tensor without paddings of size (lx[0]+lx[1]+...+lx[N-1], V)


    >>> import torch
    >>> from gather import gathercat
    >>> lx = torch.randint(3, 20, (5, ), dtype=torch.int32, device='cuda')
    >>> x_padded = torch.randn((5, lx.max(), 64), device='cuda')
    >>> x_padded.size(), lx.size()
    (torch.Size([5, 19, 64]), torch.Size([5]))
    >>> x_gather = gathercat(x_padded, lx)
    >>> x_gather.size()
    torch.Size([81, 64])
    # another example, with V=1
    >>> x_padded = torch.tensor([[1., 2., 3.],[1.,2.,0.]], device='cuda').unsqueeze(2)
    >>> lx = torch.tensor([3,2], dtype=torch.int32, device='cuda')
    >>> x_padded
            [0.]]], device='cuda:0')
    >>> lx
    tensor([3, 2], device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.int32)
    >>> gathercat(x_padded, lx)
            [2.]], device='cuda:0')

    This function is easy to implement with torch python functions like torch.cat(), however, gathercat() is customized for specified tasks, and more efficient.

  • gather.gathersum(xs:torch.FloatTensor, ys:torch.FloatTensor, lx:torch.IntTensor, ly:torch.IntTensor)

    Return a sequence-matched broadcast sum of given paired gathered tensor xs and ys. For a pair of sequences in xs and ys, say xs_i and ys_i, gathersum() broadcast them so that they can be added up. The broadcast step can be understood as (xs_i.unsqueeze(1)+ys_i.unsqueeze(2)).reshape(-1, V) with python and torch.


    xs (torch.float): gathered tensor of size (ST, V), where ST=sum(lx).

    ys (torch.float): gathered tensor of size (SU, V), where SU=sum(ly).

    lx (torch.int): lengths of size (N, ). lx[i] denotes length of the $i_{th}$ sequence in xs.

    ly (torch.int): lengths of size (N, ). ly[i] denotes length of the $i_{th}$ sequence in ys.


    gathered_sum (torch.float): the gathered sequence-match sum of size (lx[0]ly[0]+lx[1]ly[1]+...+lx[N-1]ly[N-1], V)


    >>> import torch
    >>> from gather import gathersum
    >>> N, T, U, V = 5, 4, 4, 3
    >>> lx = torch.randint(1, T, (N, ), dtype=torch.int32, device='cuda')
    >>> ly = torch.randint(1, U, (N, ), dtype=torch.int32, device='cuda')
    >>> xs = torch.randn((lx.sum(), V), device='cuda')
    >>> ys = torch.randn((ly.sum(), V), device='cuda')
    >>> xs.size(), ys.size(), lx.size(), ly.size()
    (torch.Size([11, 3]), torch.Size([10, 3]), torch.Size([5]), torch.Size([5]))
    >>> gathered_sum = gathersum(xs, ys, lx, ly)
    >>> gathered_sum.size()
    torch.Size([20, 3])
    # let's see how the size 20 comes out
    >>> lx.tolist(), ly.tolist()
    ([2, 2, 1, 3, 3], [3, 1, 3, 1, 2])
    # still unclear? Uh, how about this?
    >>> (lx * ly).sum().item()

    This function seems doing something weird. Please refer to the discussion page for a specific usage example.


  • PyTorch binding refers to the 1ytic/warp-rnnt

  • For the specific usage of these functions, please refer to this discussion.

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