Greedy Gaussian Segmentation

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Deep LearningGGS


Greedy Gaussian Segmentation (GGS) is a Python solver for efficiently segmenting multivariate time series data. For implementation details, please see our paper at

The GGS Solver takes an n-by-T data matrix and breaks the T timestamps on an n-dimensional vector into segments over which the data is well explained as independent samples from a multivariate Gaussian distribution. It does so by formulating a covariance-regularized maximum likelihood problem and solving it using a greedy heuristic, with full details described in the paper.

Download & Setup

  1. Download the source code in the terminal by running:
git clone [email protected]:davidhallac/GGS.git
  1. Confirm that the code was properly downloaded by running:
cd GGS
  1. To write your own Python function that uses ggs, simply make sure that is in the same directory as your new file, and then add the following code to the beginning of your script:
from ggs import *

Supported Functions

The GGS package has three main functions:

bps, objectives = GGS(data, Kmax, lamb)

Finds K breakpoints in the data for a given regularization parameter lambda


data - a n-by-T data matrix, with T timestamps of an n-dimensional vector

Kmax - the number of breakpoints to find

lamb - regularization parameter for the regularized covariance


bps - List of lists, where element i of the larger list is the set of breakpoints found at K = i in the GGS algorithm

objectives - List of the objective values at each intermediate step (for K = 0 to Kmax)

meancovs = GGSMeanCov(data, breakpoints, lamb)

Finds the means and regularized covariances of each segment, given a set of breakpoints.


data - a n-by-T data matrix, with T timestamps of an n-dimensional vector

breakpoints - a list of breakpoint locations

lamb - regularization parameter for the regularized covariance


meancovs - a list of (mean, covariance) tuples for each segment in the data

cvResults = GGSCrossVal(data, Kmax=25, lambList = [0.1, 1, 10])

Runs 10-fold cross validation, and returns the train and test set likelihood for every (K, lambda) pair up to Kmax


data - a n-by-T data matrix, with T timestamps of an n-dimensional vector

Kmax - the maximum number of breakpoints to run GGS on

lambList - a list of regularization parameters to test


cvResults - list of (lamb, ([TrainLL],[TestLL])) tuples for each regularization parameter in lambList. Here, TrainLL and TestLL are the average per-sample log-likelihood across the 10 folds of cross-validation for all K's from 0 to Kmax

Additional optional parameters (for all three functions above):

features = [] - select a certain subset of columns in the data to operate on

verbose = False - Print intermediate steps when running the algorithm

Example Usage

Running will yield the following plot, showing the objective (Equation 4 in the paper) vs. the number of breakpoints:

Objective vs. # of breakpoints

Once we have solved for the locations of the breakpoints, we can use the FindMeanCovs() function to find the means and covariances of each segment. In the example in, plotting the means, variances, and covariances of the three signals yields:

Means and covariances over time

To run cross-validation, which can be useful in determining optimal values of K and lambda, we can use the following code to load the data, run the cross-validation, and then plot the test and train likelihood:

from ggs import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

filename = "Returns.txt"
data = np.genfromtxt(filename,delimiter=' ')
feats = [0,3,7]

#Run cross-validaton up to Kmax = 30, at lambda = 1e-4
maxBreaks = 30
lls = GGSCrossVal(data, Kmax=maxBreaks, lambList = [1e-4], features = feats, verbose = False)

trainLikelihood = lls[0][1][0]
testLikelihood = lls[0][1][1]
plt.plot(range(maxBreaks+1), testLikelihood)
plt.plot(range(maxBreaks+1), trainLikelihood)
plt.legend(['Test LL','Train LL'], loc='best')

The resulting plot looks like:

Test and train likelihood


Greedy Gaussian Segmentation of Time Series Data -- D. Hallac, P. Nystrup, and S. Boyd


David Hallac, Peter Nystrup, and Stephen Boyd.

Stanford University Convex Optimization Group
Stanford University Convex Optimization Group
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