git《Self-Attention Attribution: Interpreting Information Interactions Inside Transformer》(AAAI 2021) GitHub:

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Self-Attention Attribution

This repository contains the implementation for AAAI-2021 paper Self-Attention Attribution: Interpreting Information Interactions Inside Transformer. It includes the code for generating the self-attention attribution score, pruning attention heads with our method, constructing the attribution tree and extracting the adversarial triggers. All of our experiments are conducted on bert-base-cased model, our methods can also be easily transfered to other Transformer-based models.


  • Python version >= 3.5
  • Pytorch version == 1.1.0
  • networkx == 2.3

We recommend you to run the code using the docker under Linux:

docker run -it --rm --runtime=nvidia --ipc=host --privileged pytorch/pytorch:1.1.0-cuda10.0-cudnn7.5-devel bash

Then install the following packages with pip:

pip install --user networkx==2.3
pip install --user matplotlib==3.1.0
pip install --user tensorboardX six numpy tqdm scikit-learn

You can install attattr from source:

git clone
cd attattr
pip install --user --editable .

Download Pre-Finetuned Models and Datasets

Before running self-attention attribution, you can first fine-tune bert-base-cased model on a downstream task (such as MNLI) by running the file We also provide the example datasets and the pre-finetuned checkpoints at Google Drive.

Get Self-Attention Attribution Scores

Run the following command to get the self-attention attribution score and the self-attention score.

python examples/ --task_name ${task_name} --data_dir ${data_dir} \
       --bert_model bert-base-cased --batch_size 16 --num_batch 4 \
       --model_file ${model_file} --example_index ${example_index} \
       --get_att_attr --get_att_score --output_dir ${output_dir}

Construction of Attribution Tree

When you get the self-attribution scores of a target example, you could construct the attribution tree. We recommend you to run the file to summarize the data, or you can manually change the value of tokens in

python examples/ --attr_file ${attr_file} --tokens_file ${tokens_file} \
       --task_name ${task_name} --example_index ${example_index} 

You can generate the attribution tree from the provided example.

python examples/ --attr_file ${model_and_data}/mnli_example/attr_zero_base_exp16.json \
       --tokens_file ${model_and_data}/mnli_example/tokens_and_pred_100.json \
       --task_name mnli --example_index 16

Self-Attention Head Pruning

We provide the code of pruning attention heads with both our attribution method and the Taylor expansion method. Pruning heads with our method.

python examples/ --task_name ${task_name} --data_dir ${data_dir} \
       --bert_model bert-base-cased --model_file ${model_file}  --output_dir ${output_dir}

Pruning heads with Taylor expansion method.

python examples/ --task_name ${task_name} --data_dir ${data_dir} \
       --bert_model bert-base-cased --model_file ${model_file}  --output_dir ${output_dir}

Adversarial Attack

First extract the most important connections from the training dataset.

python examples/ --task_name ${task_name} --data_dir ${data_dir} \
       --bert_model bert-base-cased --batch_size 16 --num_batch 4 --zero_baseline \
       --model_file ${model_file} --output_dir ${output_dir}

Then use these adversarial triggers to attack the original model.

python examples/ --task_name ${task_name} --data_dir ${data_dir} \
       --bert_model bert-base-cased --model_file ${model_file} \
       --output_dir ${output_dir} --pattern_file ${pattern_file}


If you find this repository useful for your work, you can cite the paper:

  author = {Yaru Hao and Li Dong and Furu Wei and Ke Xu},
  title = {Self-Attention Attribution: Interpreting Information Interactions Inside Transformer},
  booktitle = {The Thirty-Fifth {AAAI} Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
  publisher = {{AAAI} Press},
  year      = {2021},
  url       = {}
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