Lux AI environment interface for RLlib multi-agents


Lux AI interface to RLlib MultiAgentsEnv

For Lux AI Season 1 Kaggle competition.

Please let me know if you use this, I'd like to see what people build with it!


The only thing you need to customise is the interface class (inheriting from multilux.lux_interface.LuxDefaultInterface). The interface needs to:

  • Implement four "toward-agent" methods:
    • observation(joint_observation, actors)
    • reward(joint_reward, actors)
    • done(joint_done, actors)
    • info(joint_info, actors)
  • Implement one "toward-environment" method:
    • actions(action_dict)
  • Manage its own actor id creation, assignment, etc. (hint citytiles don't have ids in the game engine)

Implementation diagram


Example for training

import numpy as np

# (1) Define your custom interface for (obs, reward, done, info, actions) ---
from multilux.lux_interface import LuxDefaultInterface

class MyInterface(LuxDefaultInterface):
    def observation(self, joint_obs, actors) -> dict:
        return {a: np.array([0, 0]) for a in actors}

    def reward(self, joint_reward, actors) -> dict:
        return {a: 0 for a in actors}

    def done(self, joint_done, actors) -> dict:
        return {a: True for a in actors}

    def info(self, joint_info, actors) -> dict:
        return {a: {} for a in actors}

    def actions(self, action_dict) -> list:
        return []
# (2) Register environment --------------------------------------------------
from ray.tune.registry import register_env
from multilux.lux_env import LuxEnv

def env_creator(env_config):
    configuration = env_config.get(configuration, {})
    debug = env_config.get(debug, False)
    interface = env_config.get(interface, MyInterface)
    agents = env_config.get(agents, (None, "simple_agent"))
    return LuxEnv(configuration, debug,

register_env("multilux", env_creator)

# (3) Define observation and action spaces for each actor type --------------
from gym import spaces

u_obs_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(2,), dtype=np.float16)
u_act_space = spaces.Discrete(2)
ct_obs_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(2,), dtype=np.float16)
ct_act_space = spaces.Discrete(2)

# (4) Instantiate agent ------------------------------------------------------
import random
from ray.rllib.agents import ppo

config = {
    "env_config": {},
    "multiagent": {
        "policies": {
            # the first tuple value is None -> uses default policy
            "unit-1": (None, u_obs_space, u_act_space, {"gamma": 0.85}),
            "unit-2": (None, u_obs_space, u_act_space, {"gamma": 0.99}),
            "citytile": (None, ct_obs_space, ct_act_space, {}),
            lambda agent_id:
                "citytile"  # Citytiles always have the same policy
                if agent_id.startswith("u_")
                else random.choice(["unit-1", "unit-2"])  # Randomly choose from unit policies

trainer = ppo.PPOTrainer(env=LuxEnv, config=config)

# (5) Train away -------------------------------------------------------------
while True:

See examples/

See also the LuxPythonEnvGym OpenAI-gym port by @glmcdona.

Jaime Ruiz Serra

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