Method for facial emotion recognition compitition of Xunfei and Datawhale .



  1. 队名:W03KFgNOc
  2. 排名:3
  3. 正确率: 0.75564
  4. 队员:yyMoming,xkwang,RichardoMu
  5. 比赛链接:人脸情绪识别挑战赛
  6. 文章地址:link




conda create -n emotion python==3.8.0
conda activate emotion
cd {project_path}
pip install -r requirements.txt


打开,可以看到训练的命令行,依次注释和解注释随后运行。 因为是训练八个模型,分别是efficientnet_b2b, efficientnet_b3b, cbam_resnet50, resmasking,resmasking_dropout1,resnest269e,swin,hrnet_w64,所以要训练和测试,需要分别进行8次。

  1. 训练efficientnet_b2b
python --config ./config/efficientnet_b2b_config.json
  1. 训练efficientnet_b3b
python --config ./config/efficientnet_b3b_config.json
  1. 训练cbam_resnet50
python --config ./config/cbam_resnet50_config.json
  1. 训练hrnet_w64
python --config ./config/hrnet_w64_config.json
  1. 训练resmasking
python --config ./config/resmasking_config.json
  1. 训练resmasking_dropout1
python --config ./config/resmasking_dropout1_config.json
  1. 训练resnest269e
python --config ./config/resnest269e_config.json
  1. 训练swin
python --config ./config/swin_config.json



具体内容在test.sh文件中。各个模型我们存放在百度云盘 提取码 1gyh


  1. 预测efficientnet_b2b
python --config ./config/efficientnet_b2b_config.json --model_name efficientnet_b2b --checkpoint_path efficientnet_b2b_2021Jul25_17.08
  1. 预测efficientnet_b3b
python --config ./config/efficientnet_b3b_config.json --model_name efficientnet_b3b --checkpoint_path efficientnet_b3b_2021Jul25_20.08
  1. 测试cbam_resnet50
python --config ./config/cbam_resnet50_config.json --model_name cbam_resnet50 --checkpoint_path cbam_resnet50_test_2021Jul24_19.18
  1. 测试hrnet_w64
python --config ./config/hrnet_w64_config.json --model_name hrnet_w64 --checkpoint_path hrnet_test_2021Aug01_17.13
  1. 测试resmasking
python --config ./config/resmasking_config.json --model_name resmasking --checkpoint_path resmasking_test_2021Jul26_14.33
  1. 测试resmasking_dropout1
python --config ./config/resmasking_dropout1_config.json --model_name resmasking_dropout1 --checkpoint_path resmasking_dropout1_test_2021Aug01_17.13
  1. 测试resnest269e
python --config ./config/resnest269e_config.json --model_name resnest269e --checkpoint_path resnest269e_test_2021Aug02_11.39
  1. 测试swin
python --config ./config/swin_config.json --model_name swin_large_patch4_window7_224 --checkpoint_path swin_large_patch4_window7_224_test_2021Aug02_21.36






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