Code for NeurIPS2021 submission "A Surrogate Objective Framework for Prediction+Programming with Soft Constraints"


This repository is the code for NeurIPS 2021 submission "A Surrogate Objective Framework for Prediction+Programming with Soft Constraints".

Edit 2021/8/30: KKT-based (Decision-focused) baseline is added to the first experiment.




gurobipy (and Gurobi>=9.1 license - you can get Academic license for free at; download and install Gurobi first.)











Running Experiments

You should be able to run all experiments by fulfilling the requirements and cloning this repo to your local machine.

Synthetic Linear Programming

The dataset for this problem is generated at runtime. To run a single problem instance, type the following command:

python --method=2 --dim_context=40 --dim_hard=40 --dim_soft=20 --seed=2006 --dim_features=80 --loss=l1 --K=0.2

The four methods (L1,L2,SPO+,ours) we used in the experiment are respectively

--method=0 --loss=l1 # L1
--method=0 --loss=l2 # L2
--method=1 --loss=l1 # SPO+
--method=2 --loss=l1 # ours
--method=3 --loss=l1 # decision-focused (KKT-based)

The other parameters can be seen in and To get multiple data for a single method, modify with the parameters listed above, and then run The outcome containing prediction error and regret is in the result folder. See for a reference on how to interpret the data; the data with suffix "...test.txt" is used for evaluation. Also, to change batch size and training set size, alter the default parameters in

Portfolio Optimization

The dataset for this problem will be automatically downloaded when you first run this code, as Wilder et al.'s code does[1]. It is the daily price data of SP500 from 2004 to 2017 downloaded by Quandl API. To run a single problem instance, type the following command:

python --method=3 --n=50 --seed=471298479

The four methods (L1, DF, L2, ours) are labeled as method 0, 1, 2 and 3. To get multiple data for a single method, run

The result is in the res/K100 folder.

Resource Provisioning

The dataset of this problem is attached in the github repository, which are the eight csv file, one for each region. It is the ERCOT dataset taken from ( be filled...), and is processed by resource_provisioning/data_energy/ at runtime. When you first run this code, it will generate several large .npy file as the cached feature, which will accelerate the preprocessing of the following runs. This experiment requires large memory and is recommended to run on a server. To run a single problem instance, type the following command:

python --method=1 --seed=16900000 --loss=l1

The four methods (L1, L2, weighted L1, ours) are respectively

--method=0 --loss=l1 # L1
--method=0 --loss=l2 # L2
--method=0 --loss=l3 # weighted L1
--method=1 --loss=l1 # ours

To run different ratio of alpha1/alpha2, modify line 157-158 in

 alpha1 = torch.ones(dim_context, 1) * 50
 alpha2 = torch.ones(dim_context, 1) * 0.5

to a desired ratio. Furthermore, modify line 174 in

netname = "50to0.5"

to "5to0.5"/"1to1"/"0.5to5"/"0.5to50", and line 199 in

self.alpha1, self.alpha2 = 0.5, 50

to (0.5, 5)/(1, 1)/(5, 0.5)/(50, 0.5) respectively.

run to get multiple data. The result is in the result/2013to18_+str(netname)+newnet folder. The interpretation of output data is similar to synthetic linear programming.

[1] Automatically Learning Compact Quality-aware Surrogates for Optimization Problems, Wilder et al., 2020 (

Empirical Evaluation of Lambda_max in Theorem 6

run directly to get results (note it takes a long time to finish the whole run, especially for the option of beta distribution). The results for uniform, Gaussian and beta are respectively in test1.txt, test2.txt and test3.txt.

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