Multi-Object Tracking in Satellite Videos with Graph-Based Multi-Task Modeling

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Deep LearningTGraM


Multi-Object Tracking in Satellite Videos with Graph-Based Multi-Task Modeling,
Qibin He, Xian Sun, Zhiyuan Yan, Beibei Li, Kun Fu


Recently, satellite video has become an emerging means of earth observation, providing the possibility of tracking moving objects. However, the existing multi-object trackers are commonly designed for natural scenes without considering the characteristics of remotely sensed data. In addition, most trackers are composed of two independent stages of detection and re-identification (ReID), which means that they cannot be mutually promoted. To this end, we propose an end-to-end online framework, which is called TGraM, for multi-object tracking in satellite videos. It models multi-object tracking as a graph information reasoning procedure from the multi-task learning perspective. Specifically, a graph-based spatiotemporal reasoning module is presented to mine the potential high-order correlations between video frames. Furthermore, considering the inconsistency of optimization objectives between detection and ReID, a multi-task gradient adversarial learning strategy is designed to regularize each task-specific network. Additionally, aiming at the data scarcity in this field, a large-scale and high-resolution Jilin1 satellite video dataset for multi-object tracking (AIR-MOT) is built for the experiments. Compared with state-of-the-art multi-object trackers, TGraM achieves efficient collaborative learning between detection and ReID, improving the tracking accuracy by 1.2 MOTA.


Please cite our paper if you find the code or dataset useful for your research.

  author={Q. {He} and X. {Sun} and Z. {Yan} and B. {Li} and K. {Fu}},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}, 
  title={Multi-Object Tracking in Satellite Videos with Graph-Based Multi-Task Modeling}, 


  • Clone this repo, and we'll call the directory that you cloned as ${TGRAM_ROOT}
  • Install dependencies. We use python 3.7 and pytorch >= 1.2.0
conda create -n TGraM
conda activate TGraM
conda install pytorch==1.2.0 torchvision==0.4.0 cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • We use DCNv2 in our backbone network and more details can be found in their repo.
git clone
cd DCNv2
  • In order to run the code for demos, you also need to install ffmpeg.

Data preparation

   |        └——————train
   |        └——————test

Then, you can change the seq_root and label_root in src/ and run:

cd src

to generate the labels of AIR-MOT.


  • Download the training data
  • Change the dataset root directory 'root' in src/lib/cfg/data.json and 'data_dir' in src/lib/
  • Train on AIR-MOT:
sh experiments/


  • The default settings run tracking on the testing dataset from AIR-MOT. Using the trained model, you can run:
cd src
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python mot --load_model ../exp/airmot/210529_airmot_tgrammbseg/model_last.pth --conf_thres 0.4 --val_mot17 True --gpus 5 --data_dir '/workspace/tgram/src/data/' --arch tgrammbseg  --num_frames 3 --num_workers 2 --output_dir '/workspace/tgram/result/' --save_images --down_ratio 4 --exp_name 210526_tgrammbseg_cam

to obtain the tracking results. You can also set save_images=True in src/ to save the visualization results of each frame.

Train on custom dataset

You can train TGraM on custom dataset by following several steps bellow:

  1. Generate one txt label file for one image. Each line of the txt label file represents one object. The format of the line is: "class id x_center/img_width y_center/img_height w/img_width h/img_height". You can modify src/ to generate label files for your custom dataset.
  2. Generate files containing image paths. The example files are in src/data/. Some similar code can be found in src/
  3. Create a json file for your custom dataset in src/lib/cfg/. You need to specify the "root" and "train" keys in the json file. You can find some examples in src/lib/cfg/.
  4. Add --data_cfg '../src/lib/cfg/your_dataset.json' when training.


A large part of the code is borrowed from Zhongdao/Towards-Realtime-MOT and xingyizhou/CenterNet. Thanks for their wonderful works.

Qibin He
Qibin He
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