Simulating Sycamore quantum circuits classically using tensor network algorithm.


Simulating the Sycamore quantum supremacy circuit

This repo contains data we have obtained in simulating the Sycamore quantum supremacy circuits with $n=53$ qubits, $m=20$ cycles using the tensor network method proposed in arXiv:2103.03074.

We plan to release the code soon.

Explanation of data

  1. data/ is the circuit file which has been download from the Google's data repository for the Sycamore circuits.
  2. data/bipartition_n53_m20_s0_ABCD_s24_simplify_.txt is the initial bipartition of the simplified tensor network corresponding to Sycamore circuit with 53 qubits, 20 cycles, seed 0, elide 0 and ABCDCDAB sequence. There are two lines in the file, the first line indicates the tail partition which includes 21 open qubits, while the second line includes the head partition with 32 closed qubits. The simplification of the tensor network is done by sequentially contracting tensors with 2 or less dimensions.
  3. data/n53_m20_s0_ABCD_s24_simplify_gpulimit_30_edges.txt contains the 23 slicing edges which splits the overall contraction task into $2^{23}$ subtasks, each of which has space complexity $2^{30}$ hence can be contracted using fit into 32G memory.
  4. data/n53_m20_s0_ABCD_s24_simplify_gpulimit_30_ordernew.txt includes the contraction order. For each edge in the contraction order, say $i, j$, the $i$th and $j$th tensor in the head partition will be contracted by tracing out the shared indices. Then the resulting tensor will be put back into the $i$th position.
  5. contains the cut tensor of of the head partition whose overall dimension is $2^{23}$ and the annotations of corresponding dimensions. The file is saved using pytorch, one can use torch.load to load the data.
  6. The obtained $2^{21}$ samples for the Sycamore circuits with $n=53$ qubits and $m=20$ cycles and their probabilities and amplitudes are listed in probs.txt file. Notice that the configuration we assigned to all closed qubits are fixed to $\underbrace{0,0,0,\cdots,0}_{32}$, and the open qubit ids are 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46.


We noticed that in our paper arXiv:2103.03074 we have a misprint in the first row of Tab.III, where the amplitude should be |amplitude|. Neverthless, we put the refined table below.


The $2^{21}$ bitstrings with amplitudes and probabilities can be download here.

Feng Pan
PHD candidate on theoretical physics. Personal interest in learning theory by statistical physics approaches.
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