A curated list of awesome projects and resources related fastai
fastai is a deep learning library which provides practitioners with high-level components that can quickly and easily provide state-of-the-art results in standard deep learning domains, and provides researchers with low-level components that can be mixed and matched to build new approaches.
Note: Only resources that are related to fastai v2 are presented here.
Libraries built with fastai.
Computer Vision
- UPIT - a fastai/PyTorch package for unpaired image-to-image translation
- faststyle - aims to provide an easy and modular interface for image to image problems based on feature loss
- IceVision - an agnostic computer vision framework, pluggable to any training library
- SemTorch - brings state-of-the-art segmentation architectures into fastai
Natural Language Processing
- blurr - a library that integrates HuggingFace Transformers with version 2 of the fastai framework
- fasthugs - use fastai-v2 with HuggingFace's pretrained transformers
- AdaptNLP - a high-level framework and library for running, training, and deploying state-of-the-art NLP models for end-to-end tasks
- fastai_ulmfit - a library for pretraining, fine-tuning and training a ULM-FiT classifier
Medical Imaging
- fmi - additional functionality for use with fastai’s medical imaging module
- faimed3d - extension to fastai for volumetric medical data
Fastai extensions
- fastinference - a collection of inference modules for fastai2
- fastai_minima - minimal fastai code needed for working with pytorch
- walkwithfastai - fastai extensions and techniques
Other libraries
- fastaudio - an audio module for fastai v2
- tsai - state-of-the-art deep learning library for time series and sequences.
- FasterAI - a library to make smaller and faster models with fastai
- self_supervised - implementation of popular SOTA self-supervised learning algorithms as fastai callbacks
Github Repositories
Other Github repositories with useful fastai-related content.
- fastbook - the Jupyter notebooks for the current edition of fastai book and course.
- imagenette - a smaller subset of 10 easily classified classes from Imagenet, useful for quick prototyping.
- FastAI.jl - a version of the fastai libary for the Julia language
- EagerAI/fastai - an R interface for fastai
- Over9000 - different SOTA optimizers and fastai training script
- fast_tabnet - TabNet (SOTA neural network for tabular data) for fastai
- ManifoldMixupV2 - Manifold-Mixup implementation for fastai v2
- fastai-batch-size-finder - Implementation of OpenAI paper "An Empirical Model of Large-Batch Training" for fastai v2.
Kaggle Notebooks
Kaggle Notebooks that use fastai. Feel free to fork them and interactively try them out.
- Cassava classification - fastai starter
- Petfinder Pawpularity - fastai starter
- SETI ET Signal Detection - fastai starter
- Combined fastai tabular+vision notebook
- HuBMAP PyTorch/fast.ai starter
- fastai v2 Pipeline tutorial
- fastai medical imaging tutorials by Jeremy Howard:
Some of the best articles regarding fastai and deep learning.
- fastai: A Layered API for Deep Learning
- Pytorch to fastai, Bridging the Gap by Zach Mueller
- fastai and the New DataBlock API by Zach Mueller
- The Idea of a Transform by Zach Mueller
- Keypoint regression with heatmaps in fastai v2 by Elte Hupkes
- fastai models to torch.jit by Habib Bukhari
- Speeding Up fastai2 Inference - And A Few Things Learned by Zach Mueller
Online communities to discuss fastai.
- fast.ai forums - the OFFICIAL fast.ai forums. Any fastai questions should ideally be asked here. Also check if your questions have already been addressed here by a previous post using the search functionality. Finally, feel free to share your work and projects here.
- fast.ai Discord server - the OFFICIAL fast.ai Discord server. Useful for more informal discussion of fastai-related content, setting up and participating in study groups, and fastai library development.
Other links
Other relevant links.
- nbdev - Create delightful python projects using Jupyter Notebooks. fastai v2 is built with nbdev.
- nbverbose - An inplace extension on fastai's nbdev library to support documenting inputs
- nbagile - making nbdev compatible for agile frameworks and developments
- fastpages - An easy to use blogging platform with extra features for Jupyter Notebooks. A great blogging platform for you to share your fastai journey!
- fast.ai course - the fastai deep learning course.
- fastaidocs - a great set of cheatsheets for the fastai v2 API.
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