This repository contains the PyTorch source Code for our paper: Understand me, if you refer to Aspect Knowledge: Knowledge-aware Gated Recurrent Memory Network. Bowen Xing and Ivor Tsang.
Under Review in TETCI.
Our framework:
Details of KaGRMN cell:
Our code relies on Python 3.6 and following libraries:
- transformers==1.1.0
- torch==1.2.0
- numpy==1.16.0
- tqdm==4.50.2
- scikit_learn==0.23.2
# Restaurant14
python run.py --cuda_id 0 --dataset_name rest --seed 2021 --embedding_type bert --self_num_heads 3 --rel_num_heads 4 --dropout 0.3 --bert_lr 5e-5 --learning_rate 1e-5 --weight_decay 0.05 --stack_num 4 --n_gcn 2
# Laptop14
python run.py --cuda_id 0 --dataset_name laptop --seed 2021 --embedding_type bert --self_num_heads 3 --rel_num_heads 2 --dropout 0.3 --bert_lr 1e-5 --learning_rate 5e-5 --weight_decay 0.001 --stack_num 4 --n_gcn 2
# Restaurant15
python run.py --cuda_id 0 --dataset_name res15 --seed 2021 --embedding_type bert --self_num_heads 6 --rel_num_heads 6 --dropout 0.3 --bert_lr 3e-5 --learning_rate 2e-5 --weight_decay 0.05 --stack_num 2 --n_gcn 2 --logging_steps 25
If you use our source code in this repo in your work, please cite the following paper. The bibtex are listed below:
@misc{bowen2021KaGRMN, title={Understand me, if you refer to Aspect Knowledge: Knowledge-aware Gated Recurrent Memory Network}, author={Bowen Xing and Ivor Tsang}, year={2021}, eprint={2108.02352}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} }