TrackFormer: Multi-Object Tracking with Transformers


TrackFormer: Multi-Object Tracking with Transformers

This repository provides the official implementation of the TrackFormer: Multi-Object Tracking with Transformers paper by Tim Meinhardt, Alexander Kirillov, Laura Leal-Taixe and Christoph Feichtenhofer. The codebase builds upon DETR, Deformable DETR and Tracktor.

As the paper is still under submission this repository will continuously be updated and might at times not reflect the current state of the arXiv paper.

MOT17-03-SDP MOTS20-07


The challenging task of multi-object tracking (MOT) requires simultaneous reasoning about track initialization, identity, and spatiotemporal trajectories. We formulate this task as a frame-to-frame set prediction problem and introduce TrackFormer, an end-to-end MOT approach based on an encoder-decoder Transformer architecture. Our model achieves data association between frames via attention by evolving a set of track predictions through a video sequence. The Transformer decoder initializes new tracks from static object queries and autoregressively follows existing tracks in space and time with the new concept of identity preserving track queries. Both decoder query types benefit from self- and encoder-decoder attention on global frame-level features, thereby omitting any additional graph optimization and matching or modeling of motion and appearance. TrackFormer represents a new tracking-by-attention paradigm and yields state-of-the-art performance on the task of multi-object tracking (MOT17) and segmentation (MOTS20).

TrackFormer casts multi-object tracking as a set prediction problem performing joint detection and tracking-by-attention. The architecture consists of a CNN for image feature extraction, a Transformer encoder for image feature encoding and a Transformer decoder which applies self- and encoder-decoder attention to produce output embeddings with bounding box and class information.


We refer to our docs/ for detailed installation instructions.

Train TrackFormer

We refer to our docs/ for detailed training instructions.

Evaluate TrackFormer

In order to evaluate TrackFormer on a multi-object tracking dataset, we provide the src/ script which supports several datasets and splits interchangle via the dataset_name argument (See src/datasets/tracking/ for an overview of all datasets.) The default tracking configuration is specified in cfgs/track.yaml. To facilitate the reproducibility of our results, we provide evaluation metrics for both the train and test set.


Private detections

python src/ reid
Train 68.1 67.6 816 207 33549 71937 1935
Test 65.0 63.9 1074 324 70443 123552 3528

Public detections (DPM, FRCNN, SDP)

python src/ with \
    reid \
    public_detections=min_iou_0_5 \
Train 67.2 66.9 663 294 14640 94122 1866
Test 62.5 60.7 702 632 32828 174921 3917


python src/ with \
    dataset_name=MOTS20-ALL \

Our tracking script only applies MOT17 metrics evaluation but outputs MOTS20 mask prediction files. To evaluate these download the official MOTChallengeEvalKit.

Train -- -- -- -- --
Test 54.9 63.6 2233 7195 278


To facilitate the application of TrackFormer, we provide a demo interface which allows for a quick processing of a given video sequence.

ffmpeg -i data/snakeboard/snakeboard.mp4 -vf fps=30 data/snakeboard/%06d.png

python src/ with \
    dataset_name=DEMO \
    data_root_dir=data/snakeboard \
    output_dir=data/snakeboard \
Snakeboard demo


If you use this software in your research, please cite our publication:

    title={TrackFormer: Multi-Object Tracking with Transformers},
    author={Tim Meinhardt and Alexander Kirillov and Laura Leal-Taixe and Christoph Feichtenhofer},
Tim Meinhardt
Ph.D. candidate at the Dynamic Vision and Learning Group, TU Munich
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