Wikidated 1.0 is a dataset of Wikidata’s full revision history, which encodes changes between Wikidata revisions as sets of deletions and additions of RDF triples.
This repository contains the code used to generate it as well as a Python API to process it.
We are currently in the process of refactoring the code and preparing the dataset for initial public release. It will be available here soon.
We describe the Wikidated dataset and our methodology for generating it in our publication: Schmelzeisen, Dima, Staab (2021). Wikidated 1.0: An Evolving Knowledge Graph Dataset of Wikidata’s Revision History. [email protected]. If you find this dataset useful or use it in any academic work, please cite it as:
@inproceedings{conf/semweb/SchmelzeisenDS21, author = {Lukas Schmelzeisen and Corina Dima and Steffen Staab}, title = {{Wikidated 1.0: An Evolving Knowledge Graph Dataset of Wikidata’s Revision History}}, booktitle = {[email protected]}, series = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings}, volume = {2982}, publisher = {}, year = {2021} }
Copyright 2021 Lukas Schmelzeisen. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.