Code and data of the EMNLP 2021 paper "Mind the Style of Text! Adversarial and Backdoor Attacks Based on Text Style Transfer"
Prepare Poison/Transfer Data
First, you need to prepare the poison/transfer data or directly using our preprocessed data in the data folder: ./data/transfer.
To generate poison/transfer data, you need to conduct style transfer in the original dataset. We implement it based on the code. Please move further to check the detail.
Backdoor Attack
For example, to run backdoor attack against BERT model using the bible style on SST-2:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --data sst-2 --poison_rate 20 --transferdata_path ../data/transfer/bible/sst-2 --origdata_path ../data/clean/sst-2 --transfer_type bible --bert_type bert-base-uncased --output_num 2
Here, you may change the --bert_type to experiment with different victim models (e.g. roberta-base, distilbert-base-uncased). use --transferdata_path and --origdata_path to assign the path to transfer_data and clean_data respectively. Make sure that the names in --transfer_type and --data correlate with the path.
If you want to experiment with other datasets, first perform style transfer following the code. Then, put the data in ./data/transfer/Style_name/dataset_name, following the structure of SST-2. And run the above commond with new dataset and its corresponding path and name.
Adversarial Attack
First, download the pre-trained Style-transfer models
For example, to run adversarial attack on SST-2:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --model_name textattack/bert-base-uncased-SST-2 --orig_file_path ../data/clean/sst-2/test.tsv --model_dir style_transfer_model_path --output_file_path record.log
Here, --model_name is the pre-trained model name in Hugging Face Models Zoo, --model_dir is the style_transfer_model_path, dwonloaded in the previous step. --orig_file_path is the path to original test set.
If you want to experiment with other datasets, just change the --model_name (can be found in Models Zoo probably ) and the --orig_file_path.