This repository contains tutorials for the py4DSTEM Python package

  • Binder dev

    Binder dev

    • Binder link created, currently lands in Index.ipynb
    • data loaded as part of the notebooks, running all cells on notebooks inside binder will work.
    • Added which takes command-line arguments, which makes extending the download to more notebooks fairly straightforward.
    • Both notebooks work, make_probe_templates.ipynb required adding some clean-up steps to avoid going over 2GB ram limit, the alternative is to split them into more separate notebooks.
    • There's a slight issue that if people don't shutdown notebooks properly or if they have multiple notebooks over, they may cause kernel panics, both notebooks peak memory usage push the 2GB limit .
    • I haven't given much attention to style or formatting currently just wanted to get something functional and working to see if works as required.
    opened by alex-rakowski 1
  • SSB tutorial notebooks with new dataset

    SSB tutorial notebooks with new dataset

    These are two new tutorial notebooks I updated. One is for single-run reconstruction, the other is for interactive mode with ipywidgets and matplotlib visualization.

    opened by PhilippPelz 0
  • Binder dev

    Binder dev

    • Binder link created, currently lands in Index.ipynb
    • data loaded as part of the notebooks, running all cells on notebooks inside binder will work.
    • Added which takes command-line arguments, which makes extending the download to more notebooks fairly straightforward.
    • Both notebooks work, make_probe_templates.ipynb required adding some clean-up steps to avoid going over 2GB ram limit, the alternative is to split them into more separate notebooks.
    • There's a slight issue that if people don't shutdown notebooks properly or if they have multiple notebooks over, they may cause kernel panics, both notebooks peak memory usage push the 2GB limit .
    • I haven't given much attention to style or formatting currently just wanted to get something functional and working to see if works as required.
    opened by alex-rakowski 0
  • Add simulations for dynamical scattering

    Add simulations for dynamical scattering

    I found that there is almost no proper documentation for the dynamical scattering simulation in py4DSTEM unless you read the source code (actually I couldn't find the documentation for the whole diffraction module). So I created a tutorial using NaCl as an example. Hope I have done it right.

    opened by Taimin 0
  • py4DSTEM.process.virtualimage.get_virtualimage_circ (strain mapping tutorial)

    py4DSTEM.process.virtualimage.get_virtualimage_circ (strain mapping tutorial)

    in the strain mapping tutorial, this step doesn't work !


    Next, create a BF virtual detector using the the center beam position (qxy0, qy0)

    We will expand the BF radius slightly (+ 2 px).

    The DF virtual detector can be set to all remaining pixels.

    expand_BF = 2.0 image_BF = py4DSTEM.process.virtualimage.get_virtualimage_circ( dataset, qx0, qy0, probe_semiangle + expand_BF) image_DF = py4DSTEM.process.virtualimage.get_virtualimage_ann( dataset, qx0, qy0, probe_semiangle + expand_BF, 1e3)


    AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [168], in <cell line: 5>() 1 # Next, create a BF virtual detector using the the center beam position (qxy0, qy0) 2 # We will expand the BF radius slightly (+ 2 px). 3 # The DF virtual detector can be set to all remaining pixels. 4 expand_BF = 2.0 ----> 5 image_BF = py4DSTEM.process.get_virtualimage_circ( 6 dataset, 7 qx0, qy0, 8 probe_semiangle + expand_BF) 9 image_DF = py4DSTEM.process.virtualimage.get_virtualimage_ann( 10 dataset, 11 qx0, qy0, 12 probe_semiangle + expand_BF, 13 1e3)

    AttributeError: module 'py4DSTEM.process' has no attribute 'get_virtualimage_circ'

    Any tips to fix that ?

    py4DSTEM.process.virtualimage.virtualimage.get_virtualimage_circ or py4DSTEM.process.virtualimage.get_virtualimage_circ ?

    opened by lylofu 0
  • ACOM_03_Au_NP_sim.ipynb bugs

    ACOM_03_Au_NP_sim.ipynb bugs

    Running the ACOM_03 notebook as downloaded, cell 25 gives the following error:

    NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
    /var/folders/ts/tq6v7mks7hvg37ys5zvs1c2w0000gn/T/ipykernel_3012/ in <module>
         15 # Fit an ellipse to the elliptically corrected bvm
    ---> 16 qx0_corr,qy0_corr,a_corr,e_corr,theta_corr = py4DSTEM.process.calibration.fit_ellipse_1D(bvm_ellipsecorr,(qx0,qy0),(qmin,qmax))
         18 py4DSTEM.visualize.show_elliptical_fit(
    NameError: name 'qmin' is not defined

    I think someone changed qmin, qmax to be a list called qrange and never actually tested the notebook in a fresh state.

    opened by sezelt 0
  • AttributeError: module 'py4DSTEM.process' has no attribute 'diffraction'

    AttributeError: module 'py4DSTEM.process' has no attribute 'diffraction'

    When I run the "ACOM Tutorial Notebook 01", it gives a following error message.

    AttributeError: module 'py4DSTEM.process' has no attribute 'diffraction'

    version python 3.8.0 py4DSTEM 0.12.6 pywin32 302


    opened by nomurayuki0503 0
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