Differential fuzzing for the masses!

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Deep Learningnezha


NEZHA is an efficient and domain-independent differential fuzzer developed at Columbia University. NEZHA exploits the behavioral asymmetries between multiple test programs to focus on inputs that are more likely to trigger logic bugs.


NEZHA features several runtime diversity-promoting metrics used to generate inputs for multi-app differential testing. These metrics are described in detail in the 2017 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland) paper - NEZHA: Efficient Domain-Independent Differential Testing.

Getting Started

The current code is a WIP to port NEZHA to the latest libFuzzer and is non-tested. Users who wish to access the code used in the NEZHA paper and the respective examples should access v-0.1.

This repo follows the format of libFuzzer's fuzzer-test-suite. For a simple example on how to perform differential testing using the NEZHA port of libFuzzer see differential_fuzzing_tutorial.


We welcome issues and pull requests with new fuzzing targets.

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    Building WolfSSl and mbedTLS


    I would like to test out Nezha on the WolfSSL and mbedTLS libraries. Could you share out the below files, please? Thanks!

    build_wolfssl_lf.sh build_mbedtls_lf.sh

    opened by ghost 0
  • Unable to install LibFuzzer (for Nezha v0.1)

    Unable to install LibFuzzer (for Nezha v0.1)


    I cloned nezha-0.1 and run the ./utils/build_helpers/setup.sh but the setup was terminated when I received an error message "FAILED" during the Installation of LibFuzzer.

    I opened the README.txt in the directory /nezha-0.1/examples/src/libs/libFuzzer/ and it says "libFuzzer was moved to compiler-rt in https://reviews.llvm.org/D36908"

    Did you encounter the same issue? thanks!

    opened by ghost 0
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    When I try to follow the tutorial by running mkdir -p out && ./a.out -diff_mode=1 -artifact_prefix=out/ I get the following error:

    INFO: Seed: 3228985162
    a.out: ./FuzzerTracePC.cpp:52: void fuzzer::TracePC::InitializeDiffCallbacks(fuzzer::ExternalFunctions *): Assertion `EF->__sanitizer_update_counter_bitset_and_clear_counters' failed.
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  • Problems found in nezha v-0.1

    Problems found in nezha v-0.1


    In the file "/examples/bugs/boringssl-f0451ca3/README.md", the 27th line says "cmd:./test_boringssl ..." and the 43rd line says "cmd:./test_libressl ...". The "./test_boringssl ..." and "./test_libressl ..." were run in the directory "sslcert" but the bash said "./test_boringssl: No such file or directory" and "./test_libressl: No such file or directory".
    Do the "./test_boringssl" and "./test_libressl"point to "./test_boringssl.pem.dbg" or "./test_boringssl.der.dbg" or "./test_libressl.pem.dbg" or "./test_libressl.der.dbg" which are generated after executing "./make_all_tests.sh"? If not, how to generate them?


    In the same file, the same line says "...18010_0_18010_..." and the 36th line says "openssl: 18010". Does the "18010" in the 36th line refer to the first "...18010_..." or the second "...0_18010..." in the 27th line?


    In the same file, the 51st line says "libressl: 1 (ok)". Is the number "1" the return value of LibreSSL? If yes, why "18010_0_18010" instead of "18010_1_1801" in the 27th line?

    On the contrary, the 57th line of the file "examples/bugs/libressl-2.4.0/README.md" says "openssl: 1 (ok) and the 48th line ("1_libressl_9010_0689e3080ef6eedb9fee46e0bf9ed8fe__MIN") starts with "1".


    In the 48th line of the file "examples/bugs/libressl-2.4.0/README.md", "1_libressl_9010_0689e3080ef6eedb9fee46e0bf9ed8fe__MIN" does not have the same format as in the 27th line of "/examples/bugs/boringssl-f0451ca3/README.md", i.e., "1_libressl_9010" vs "18010_1_1801".


    (This problem has been deleted since it was solved.)


    In the file "/examples/bugs/boringssl-f0451ca3/README.md", the "stdout" (from the 32nd line to the 35th line) is the output of "./test_openssl.der.dbg" instead of "./test_boringssl.der.dbg". The 36th line, i.e., "openssl: 18010" is not output by the "./test_boringssl.der.dbg". Similarly, the 51st line is not output by "./test_libressl.der.dbg".

    In the file "examples/bugs/libressl-2.4.0/README.md", the 57th line is not output by the "./test_openssl.der.dbg"; the 69th line is not output but the "[LSSL] [cert:0x62000000f080 sz:3494] ret=0 depth=2 err=13" is got; the 70th and 71st line are not output by "./test_openssl.der.dbg".

    Thanks a lot!

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