《Rethinking Sptil Dimensions of Vision Trnsformers》(2021)

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Deep Learningpit

Rethinking Spatial Dimensions of Vision Transformers

Byeongho Heo, Sangdoo Yun, Dongyoon Han, Sanghyuk Chun, Junsuk Choe, Seong Joon Oh | Paper




Vision Transformer (ViT) extends the application range of transformers from language processing to computer vision tasks as being an alternative architecture against the existing convolutional neural networks (CNN). Since the transformer-based architecture has been innovative for computer vision modeling, the design convention towards an effective architecture has been less studied yet. From the successful design principles of CNN, we investigate the role of the spatial dimension conversion and its effectiveness on the transformer-based architecture. We particularly attend the dimension reduction principle of CNNs; as the depth increases, a conventional CNN increases channel dimension and decreases spatial dimensions. We empirically show that such a spatial dimension reduction is beneficial to a transformer architecture as well, and propose a novel Pooling-based Vision Transformer (PiT) upon the original ViT model. We show that PiT achieves the improved model capability and generalization performance against ViT. Throughout the extensive experiments, we further show PiT outperforms the baseline on several tasks such as image classification, object detection and robustness evaluation.

Model performance

We compared performance of PiT with DeiT models in various training settings. Throughput (imgs/sec) values are measured in a machine with single V100 gpu with 128 batche size.

Network FLOPs # params imgs/sec Vanilla +CutMix +DeiT +Distill
DeiT-Ti 1.3 G 5.7 M 2564 68.7 68.5 72.2 74.5
PiT-Ti 0.71 G 4.9 M 3030 71.3 72.6 73.0 74.6
PiT-XS 1.4 G 10.6 M 2128 72.4 76.8 78.1 79.1
DeiT-S 4.6 G 22.1 M 980 68.7 76.5 79.8 81.2
PiT-S 2.9 G 23.5 M 1266 73.3 79.0 80.9 81.9
DeiT-B 17.6 G 86.6 M 303 69.3 75.3 81.8 83.4
PiT-B 12.5 G 73.8 M 348 76.1 79.9 82.0 84.0

Pretrained weights

Model name FLOPs accuracy weights
pit_ti 0.71 G 73.0 link
pit_xs 1.4 G 78.1 link
pit_s 2.9 G 80.9 link
pit_b 12.5 G 82.0 link
pit_ti_distilled 0.71 G 74.6 link
pit_xs_distilled 1.4 G 79.1 link
pit_s_distilled 2.9 G 81.9 link
pit_b_distilled 12.5 G 84.0 link


Our implementations are tested on following libraries with Python 3.6.9 and CUDA 10.1.

torch: 1.7.1
torchvision: 0.8.2
timm: 0.3.4
einops: 0.3.0

Install other dependencies using the following command.

pip install -r requirements.txt

How to use models

You can build PiT models directly

import torch
import pit

model = pit.pit_s(pretrained=False)
print(model(torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224)))

Or using timm function

import torch
import timm
import pit

model = timm.create_model('pit_s', pretrained=False)
print(model(torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224)))

To use models trained with distillation, you should use _distilled model and weights.

import torch
import pit

model = pit.pit_s_distilled(pretrained=False)
print(model(torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224)))


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    title={Rethinking Spatial Dimensions of Vision Transformers},
    author={Byeongho Heo and Sangdoo Yun and Dongyoon Han and Sanghyuk Chun and Junsuk Choe and Seong Joon Oh},
    journal={arXiv: 2103.16302},
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