Source code of our work: "Benchmarking Deep Models for Salient Object Detection"

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Deep LearningSALOD


Source code of our work: "Benchmarking Deep Models for Salient Object Detection".
In this works, we propose a new benchmark for SALient Object Detection (SALOD) methods.

We re-implement 14 methods using same settings, including input size, data loader and evaluation metrics (thanks to Metrics). Hyperparameters of optimizer are different because of various network structures and objective functions. We try our best to tune the optimizer for these models to achieve the best performance one-by-one. Some other networks are debugging now, it is welcome for your contributions on these networks to obtain better performance.


  1. A unify interface for new models. To develop a new network, you only need to 1) set configs; 2) define network; 3) define loss function. See methods/template.
  2. We build a new dataset by collecting several prevalent datasets in SOD task.
  3. Easy to adopt different backbones (Available backbones: ResNet-50, VGG-16, MobileNet-v2, EfficientNet-B0, GhostNet, Res2Net)
  4. Testing all networks on your own device. By input the name of network, you can test all available methods in our benchmark. Comparisons includes FPS, GFLOPs, model size and multiple effectiveness metrics.
  5. We implement a loss factory that you can change the loss functions using command line parameters.

Available Methods:

Methods Publish. Input Weight Optim. LR Epoch Paper Src Code
DHSNet CVPR2016 320^2 95M Adam 2e-5 30 openaccess Pytorch
NLDF CVPR2017 320^2 161M Adam 1e-5 30 openaccess Pytorch/TF
Amulet ICCV2017 320^2 312M Adam 1e-5 30 openaccess Pytorch
SRM ICCV2017 320^2 240M Adam 5e-5 30 openaccess Pytorch
PicaNet CVPR2018 320^2 464M SGD 1e-2 30 openaccess Pytorch
DSS TPAMI2019 320^2 525M Adam 2e-5 30 IEEE/ArXiv Pytorch
BASNet CVPR2019 320^2 374M Adam 1e-5 30 openaccess Pytorch
CPD CVPR2019 320^2 188M Adam 1e-5 30 openaccess Pytorch
PoolNet CVPR2019 320^2 267M Adam 5e-5 30 openaccess Pytorch
EGNet ICCV2019 320^2 437M Adam 5e-5 30 openaccess Pytorch
SCRN ICCV2019 320^2 100M SGD 1e-2 30 openaccess Pytorch
GCPA AAAI2020 320^2 263M SGD 1e-2 30 Pytorch
ITSD CVPR2020 320^2 101M SGD 5e-3 30 openaccess Pytorch
MINet CVPR2020 320^2 635M SGD 1e-3 30 openaccess Pytorch
Tuning ----- ----- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- -----
*PAGE CVPR2019 320^2 ------ ------ ----- ----- openaccess TF
*PFA CVPR2019 320^2 ------ ------ ----- ----- openaccess Pytorch
*F3Net AAAI2020 320^2 ------ ------ ----- ----- Pytorch
*PFPN AAAI2020 320^2 ------ ------ ----- ----- Pytorch
*LDF CVPR2020 320^2 ------ ------ ----- ----- openaccess Pytorch


# model_name: lower-cased method name. E.g. poolnet, egnet, gcpa, dhsnet or minet.
python3 model_name --gpus=0

python3 model_name --gpus=0 --weight=path_to_weight 

python3 model_name --gpus=0

# To evaluate generated maps:
python3 --pre_path=path_to_maps


We report benchmark results here.
More results please refer to Reproduction, Few-shot and Generalization.

Notice: please contact us if you get better results.


Methods #Param. GFLOPs Tr. Time FPS max-F ave-F Fbw MAE SM EM Weight
DHSNet 15.4 52.5 7.5 69.8 .884 .815 .812 .049 .880 .893
Amulet 33.2 1362 12.5 35.1 .855 .790 .772 .061 .854 .876
NLDF 24.6 136 9.7 46.3 .886 .824 .828 .045 .881 .898
SRM 37.9 73.1 7.9 63.1 .857 .779 .769 .060 .859 .874
PicaNet 26.3 74.2 40.5* 8.8 .889 .819 .823 .046 .884 .899
DSS 62.2 99.4 11.3 30.3 .891 .827 .826 .046 .888 .899
BASNet 80.5 114.3 16.9 32.6 .906 .853 .869 .036 .899 .915
CPD 29.2 85.9 10.5 36.3 .886 .815 .792 .052 .885 .888
PoolNet 52.5 236.2 26.4 23.1 .902 .850 .852 .039 .898 .913
EGNet 101 178.8 19.2 16.3 .909 .853 .859 .037 .904 .914
SCRN 16.3 47.2 9.3 24.8 .896 .820 .822 .046 .891 .894
GCPA 42.8 197.1 17.5 29.3 .903 .836 .845 .041 .898 .907
ITSD 16.9 76.3 15.2* 30.6 .905 .820 .834 .045 .901 .896
MINet 47.8 162 21.8 23.4 .900 .839 .852 .039 .895 .909


Methods #Param. GFLOPs Tr. Time FPS max-F ave-F Fbw MAE SM EM Weight
DHSNet 24.2 13.8 3.9 49.2 .909 .830 .848 .039 .905 .905
Amulet 79.8 1093.8 6.3 35.1 .895 .822 .835 .042 .894 .900
NLDF 41.1 115.1 9.2 30.5 .903 .837 .855 .038 .898 .910
SRM 61.2 20.2 5.5 34.3 .882 .803 .812 .047 .885 .891
PicaNet 106.1 36.9 18.5* 14.8 .904 .823 .843 .041 .902 .902
DSS 134.3 35.3 6.6 27.3 .894 .821 .826 .045 .893 .898
BASNet 95.5 47.2 12.2 32.8 .917 .861 .884 .032 .909 .921
CPD 47.9 14.7 7.7 22.7 .906 .842 .836 .040 .904 .908
PoolNet 68.3 66.9 10.2 33.9 .912 .843 .861 .036 .907 .912
EGNet 111.7 222.8 25.7 10.2 .917 .851 .867 .036 .912 .914
SCRN 25.2 12.5 5.5 19.3 .910 .838 .845 .040 .906 .905
GCPA 67.1 54.3 6.8 37.8 .916 .841 .866 .035 .912 .912
ITSD 25.7 19.6 5.7 29.4 .913 .825 .842 .042 .907 .899
MINet 162.4 87 11.7 23.5 .913 .851 .871 .034 .906 .917

Create New Model

To create a new model, you can copy the template folder and modify it as you want.

cp -r ./methods/template ./methods/new_name

More details please refer to python files in template floder.

Loss Factory

We supply a Loss Factory for an easier way to tune the loss functions. You can set --loss and --lw parameters to use it.

Here are some examples:

loss_dict = {'b': BCE, 's': SSIM, 'i': IOU, 'd': DICE, 'e': Edge, 'c': CTLoss}

python ... --loss=bd
# loss = 1 * bce_loss + 1 * dice_loss

python ... --loss=bs --lw=0.3,0.7
# loss = 0.3 * bce_loss + 0.7 * ssim_loss

python ... --loss=bsid --lw=0.3,0.1,0.5,0.2
# loss = 0.3 * bce_loss + 0.1 * ssim_loss + 0.5 * iou_loss + 0.2 * dice_loss
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