Python library for loading and using triangular meshes.



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Trimesh is a pure Python (2.7-3.4+) library for loading and using triangular meshes with an emphasis on watertight surfaces. The goal of the library is to provide a full featured and well tested Trimesh object which allows for easy manipulation and analysis, in the style of the Polygon object in the Shapely library.

The API is mostly stable, but this should not be relied on and is not guaranteed: install a specific version if you plan on deploying something using trimesh.

Pull requests are appreciated and responded to promptly! If you'd like to contribute, here is an up to date list of potential enhancements although things not on that list are also welcome. Here are some tips for writing mesh code in Python.

Basic Installation

Keeping trimesh easy to install is a core goal, thus the only hard dependency is numpy. Installing other packages adds functionality but is not required. For the easiest install with just numpy, pip can generally install trimesh cleanly on Windows, Linux, and OSX:

pip install trimesh

The minimal install can load many supported formats (STL, PLY, GLTF/GLB) into numpy arrays. More functionality is available when soft dependencies are installed. This includes things like convex hulls (scipy), graph operations (networkx), faster ray queries (pyembree), vector path handling (shapely and rtree), XML formats like 3DXML/XAML/3MF (lxml), preview windows (pyglet), faster cache checks (xxhash), etc. To install trimesh with the soft dependencies that generally install cleanly on Linux, OSX, and Windows using pip:

pip install trimesh[easy]

Further information is available in the advanced installation documentation.

Quick Start

Here is an example of loading a mesh from file and colorizing its faces. Here is a nicely formatted ipython notebook version of this example. Also check out the cross section example or possibly the integration of a function over a mesh example.

import numpy as np
import trimesh

# attach to logger so trimesh messages will be printed to console

# mesh objects can be created from existing faces and vertex data
mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]],
                       faces=[[0, 1, 2]])

# by default, Trimesh will do a light processing, which will
# remove any NaN values and merge vertices that share position
# if you want to not do this on load, you can pass `process=False`
mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]],
                       faces=[[0, 1, 2]],

# some formats represent multiple meshes with multiple instances
# the loader tries to return the datatype which makes the most sense
# which will for scene-like files will return a `trimesh.Scene` object.
# if you *always* want a straight `trimesh.Trimesh` you can ask the
# loader to "force" the result into a mesh through concatenation
mesh = trimesh.load('models/CesiumMilkTruck.glb', force='mesh')

# mesh objects can be loaded from a file name or from a buffer
# you can pass any of the kwargs for the `Trimesh` constructor
# to `trimesh.load`, including `process=False` if you would like
# to preserve the original loaded data without merging vertices
# STL files will be a soup of disconnected triangles without
# merging vertices however and will not register as watertight
mesh = trimesh.load('../models/featuretype.STL')

# is the current mesh watertight?

# what's the euler number for the mesh?

# the convex hull is another Trimesh object that is available as a property
# lets compare the volume of our mesh with the volume of its convex hull
print(mesh.volume / mesh.convex_hull.volume)

# since the mesh is watertight, it means there is a
# volumetric center of mass which we can set as the origin for our mesh
mesh.vertices -= mesh.center_mass

# what's the moment of inertia for the mesh?

# if there are multiple bodies in the mesh we can split the mesh by
# connected components of face adjacency
# since this example mesh is a single watertight body we get a list of one mesh

# facets are groups of coplanar adjacent faces
# set each facet to a random color
# colors are 8 bit RGBA by default (n, 4) np.uint8
for facet in mesh.facets:
    mesh.visual.face_colors[facet] = trimesh.visual.random_color()

# preview mesh in an opengl window if you installed pyglet and scipy with pip

# transform method can be passed a (4, 4) matrix and will cleanly apply the transform

# axis aligned bounding box is available

# a minimum volume oriented bounding box also available
# primitives are subclasses of Trimesh objects which automatically generate
# faces and vertices from data stored in the 'primitive' attribute

# show the mesh appended with its oriented bounding box
# the bounding box is a trimesh.primitives.Box object, which subclasses
# Trimesh and lazily evaluates to fill in vertices and faces when requested
# (press w in viewer to see triangles)
(mesh + mesh.bounding_box_oriented).show()

# bounding spheres and bounding cylinders of meshes are also
# available, and will be the minimum volume version of each
# except in certain degenerate cases, where they will be no worse
# than a least squares fit version of the primitive.


  • Import meshes from binary/ASCII STL, Wavefront OBJ, ASCII OFF, binary/ASCII PLY, GLTF/GLB 2.0, 3MF, XAML, 3DXML, etc.
  • Import and export 2D or 3D vector paths from/to DXF or SVG files
  • Import geometry files using the GMSH SDK if installed (BREP, STEP, IGES, INP, BDF, etc)
  • Export meshes as binary STL, binary PLY, ASCII OFF, OBJ, GLTF/GLB 2.0, COLLADA, etc.
  • Export meshes using the GMSH SDK if installed (Abaqus INP, Nastran BDF, etc)
  • Preview meshes using pyglet or in- line in jupyter notebooks using three.js
  • Automatic hashing of numpy arrays for change tracking using MD5, zlib CRC, or xxhash
  • Internal caching of computed values validated from hashes
  • Calculate face adjacencies, face angles, vertex defects, etc.
  • Calculate cross sections, i.e. the slicing operation used in 3D printing
  • Slice meshes with one or multiple arbitrary planes and return the resulting surface
  • Split mesh based on face connectivity using networkx, graph-tool, or scipy.sparse
  • Calculate mass properties, including volume, center of mass, moment of inertia, principal components of inertia vectors and components
  • Repair simple problems with triangle winding, normals, and quad/tri holes
  • Convex hulls of meshes
  • Compute rotation/translation/tessellation invariant identifier and find duplicate meshes
  • Determine if a mesh is watertight, convex, etc.
  • Uniformly sample the surface of a mesh
  • Ray-mesh queries including location, triangle index, etc.
  • Boolean operations on meshes (intersection, union, difference) using OpenSCAD or Blender as a back end. Note that mesh booleans in general are usually slow and unreliable
  • Voxelize watertight meshes
  • Volume mesh generation (TETgen) using Gmsh SDK
  • Smooth watertight meshes using laplacian smoothing algorithms (Classic, Taubin, Humphrey)
  • Subdivide faces of a mesh
  • Minimum volume oriented bounding boxes for meshes
  • Minimum volume bounding spheres
  • Symbolic integration of functions over triangles
  • Calculate nearest point on mesh surface and signed distance
  • Determine if a point lies inside or outside of a well constructed mesh using signed distance
  • Primitive objects (Box, Cylinder, Sphere, Extrusion) which are subclassed Trimesh objects and have all the same features (inertia, viewers, etc)
  • Simple scene graph and transform tree which can be rendered (pyglet window, three.js in a jupyter notebook, pyrender) or exported.
  • Many utility functions, like transforming points, unitizing vectors, aligning vectors, tracking numpy arrays for changes, grouping rows, etc.


Trimesh includes an optional pyglet based viewer for debugging and inspecting. In the mesh view window, opened with, the following commands can be used:

  • mouse click + drag rotates the view
  • ctl + mouse click + drag pans the view
  • mouse wheel zooms
  • z returns to the base view
  • w toggles wireframe mode
  • c toggles backface culling
  • g toggles an XY grid with Z set to lowest point
  • a toggles an XYZ-RGB axis marker between: off, at world frame, or at every frame and world, and at every frame
  • f toggles between fullscreen and windowed mode
  • m maximizes the window
  • q closes the window

If called from inside a jupyter notebook, displays an in-line preview using three.js to display the mesh or scene. For more complete rendering (PBR, better lighting, shaders, better off-screen support, etc) pyrender is designed to interoperate with trimesh objects.

Projects Using Trimesh

You can check out the Github network for things using trimesh. A select few:

  • Nvidia's kaolin for deep learning on 3D geometry.
  • Cura, a popular slicer for 3D printing.
  • Berkeley's DexNet4 and related work with robotic grasp planning and manipulation.
  • Kerfed's Kerfed's Engine for analyzing assembly geometry for manufacturing.
  • MyMiniFactory's P2Slice for preparing models for 3D printing.
  • pyrender A library to render scenes from Python using nice looking PBR materials.
  • urdfpy Load URDF robot descriptions in Python.
  • moderngl-window A helper to create GL contexts and load meshes.
  • vedo Visualize meshes interactively (see example gallery).
  • fsleyes View MRI images and brain data.

Which Mesh Format Should I Use?

Quick recommendation: GLB or PLY. Every time you replace OBJ with GLB an angel gets its wings.

If you want things like by-index faces, instancing, colors, textures, etc, GLB is a terrific choice. GLTF/GLB is an extremely well specified modern format that is easy and fast to parse: it has a JSON header describing data in a binary blob. It has a simple hierarchical scene graph, a great looking modern physically based material system, support in dozens-to-hundreds of libraries, and a John Carmack endorsment. Note that GLTF is a large specification, and trimesh only supports a subset of features: loading basic geometry is supported, NOT supported are fancier things like animations, skeletons, etc.

In the wild, STL is perhaps the most common format. STL files are extremely simple: it is basically just a list of triangles. They are robust and are a good choice for basic geometry. Binary PLY files are a good step up, as they support indexed faces and colors.

Wavefront OBJ is also pretty common: unfortunately OBJ doesn't have a widely accepted specification so every importer and exporter implements things slightly differently, making it tough to support. It also allows unfortunate things like arbitrary sized polygons, has a face representation which is easy to mess up, references other files for materials and textures, arbitrarily interleaves data, and is slow to parse. Give GLB or PLY a try as an alternative!

How can I cite this library?

A question that comes up pretty frequently is how to cite the library. A quick BibTex recommendation:

	author = {{Dawson-Haggerty et al.}},
	title = {trimesh},
	url = {},
	version = {3.2.0},
	date = {2019-12-8},


If you want to deploy something in a container that uses trimesh, automated debian:buster-slim based builds with trimesh and dependencies are available on Docker Hub with image tags for latest, git short hash for the commit in master (i.e. trimesh/trimesh:0c1298d), and version (i.e. trimesh/trimesh:3.5.27):

docker pull trimesh/trimesh

Here's an example of how to render meshes using LLVMpipe and XVFB inside a container.

  • Enhancement Ideas

    Enhancement Ideas

    I was pinged recently looking for some projects to help out with, here are some ideas. PR's are always appreciated!

    Updated 7/27/2020

    • (docs) Figure out how to get the examples embedded in the actual docs webpage. Right now when you build docs, example ipynb files are rendered to HTML which is just linked to from the examples page. It would be really nice if each example was embedded in sphinx somehow, and kept the sidebar on the left so one could navigate around between examples and back to the docs.
    • (feature) Mesh simplification, either through creating a meshlabserver interface or through implementing a vectorized numpy version of quadratic edge collapse:
    • (feature) MSH support, as requested in Probably via meshio
    • (feature) Color and line width in Path objects:
    • (feature) More 3MF tests. Trimesh has a 3MF importer, it would be great to put together a test corpus of various small- ish models (specifically interesting would be multibody assemblies with duplication) from various exporters.
    • (feature) Do whatever it takes to get pyinstaller to work with trimesh, as per #412
    • (infrastructure) Put all of Shapenet, Thingiverse 10k, GLTF samples, and all available meshes into an AWS S3 bucket, and continuously benchmark trimesh, pymesh, and assimp for percentage of files loaded and time. #510
    • (community) See if upstream numpy has interest in including TrackedArray or ndarray.crc #283
    • (speedup) Add broad-phase culling for mesh.slice_plane to speed up on large meshes: #630
    • (feature) Exact rather than approximate medial axis calculation as per #924
    opened by mikedh 27
  • scene.save_image() doesn't work

    scene.save_image() doesn't work

    Hi! I just tried the example in However, I cannot get the correct saved image. The saved image is just plain black. BTW, the mesh viewer can display the mesh correctly, but the rotation doesn't work (the camera view is never rotated).

    Could you help resolve the save_image() issue? Thanks!

    opened by weikaichenusc 24
  • rendering using camera matrices

    rendering using camera matrices

    Hello Mike, Thank you for the wonderful library! Really appreciate the effort. This is more of an inquiry of how to render the scene only using camera_pose_wrt_world, camera intrinsics, and mesh vertices. I have tried using the dot product of 3D vertices with camera matrix but I'm getting very different points than I get by rendering an image using scene.save_image() in Trimesh. As I need it to be in real time, I am only allowed to use numpy to tackle this problem.

    Thank you!

    opened by DHarshil32 23
  • Possible bug in Pillow rasterization

    Possible bug in Pillow rasterization

    Rasterization using PIL doesn't create a clean image when sectioning a mesh

    geometry = trimesh.load_mesh(path)
    slice = geometry.section(place_origin=[0, 0, 0.15], plane_normal = [0,0,1])
    planar, _ = slice.to_planar(normal=[0, 0, 1])
    im_origin = planar.bounds[0]
    im = planar.rasterize(resolution, im_origin)

    the file used is here :

    I believe the issue is inside Pillow. I copied the rastization implementation and I just used scikit-image to draw ,instead of Pillow, and it fixed the issue.

    from skimage import draw
    def rasterize(
        path: trimesh.path.Path2D, pitch: npt.NDArray, origin: npt.NDArray, resolution=None
    ) -> npt.NDArray:
        pitch = np.asanyarray(pitch, dtype=np.float64)
        origin = np.asanyarray(origin, dtype=np.float64)
        # if resolution is None make it larger than path
        if resolution is None:
            span = np.vstack((path.bounds, origin)).ptp(axis=0)
            resolution = np.ceil(span / pitch) + 2
        im = np.zeros(resolution.astype(int)).astype(bool)
        # get resolution as a (2,) int tuple
        discrete = [((i - origin) / pitch).round().astype(np.int64) for i in path.discrete]
        roots = path.root
        enclosure = path.enclosure_directed
        for root in roots:
            outer = draw.polygon(discrete[root][:,0],discrete[root][:,1], shape = im.shape)
            im[outer] = 1
            for child in enclosure[root]:
                hole = draw.polygon(discrete[child][:,0],discrete[child][:,1], shape = im.shape)
                im[hole] = 0 
        return im

    I can make a pull request if interested

    opened by rockandsalt 17
  • Binvox voxel IO/representations

    Binvox voxel IO/representations

    Hi Mike, Apologies for making this rather large. I understand you might not be looking to extend functionality in this direction, but I was writing this stuff for my own work anyway and so figured I'd offer it up. As an overview:

    • The original motivation was just to add binvox support.
    • binvox uses run-length-encodings, and many operations can be performed on the RLE rather than the dense version - see trimesh.rle and the trimesh.voxel.VoxelBase implementation VoxelRle.
    • for some reason the binvox specification is for axis ordering 'xzy'. I've implemented this in a separate VoxelTranspose class, which represents a lazily transposed VoxelBase.
    • The Binary RLE (brle-prefixed) stuff isn't commonly used AFAIK, but it's an obvious direction to take things if you ask me and I've found it useful in my own work.

    I'm very happy to restructure it/remove parts/add additional tests to your liking - I just thought I'd seek some high-level feedback before I go over everything with a fine tooth-comb.

    Thanks again for the package!

    opened by jackd 17
  • Big Endian failures

    Big Endian failures

    Another issue that came up in Fedora. We build packages on the first available builder and sometimes that's Big Endian (ppc64 on Fedora 28 or s390x anywhere). Apparently, the tests fail a lot on those.

    Mos likely load_stl_binary is broken and load_stl_ascii is called for binary STLs on Big Endian.

    + /usr/bin/python3 -m pytest -v -k 'not test_export and not test_remote'
    ============================= test session starts ==============================
    platform linux -- Python 3.6.6, pytest-3.4.2, py-1.5.4, pluggy-0.6.0 -- /usr/bin/python3
    cachedir: .pytest_cache
    rootdir: /builddir/build/BUILD/trimesh-2.35.24, inifile:
    collecting ... collected 193 items
    tests/ PASSED                  [  0%]
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    tests/ FAILED                 [ 96%]
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    tests/ FAILED                     [ 97%]
    tests/ FAILED                     [ 97%]
    tests/ FAILED                     [ 98%]
    tests/ PASSED                        [ 98%]
    tests/ PASSED                     [ 99%]
    tests/ FAILED                        [100%]
    ============================= 10 tests deselected ==============================
    ============ 53 failed, 130 passed, 10 deselected in 124.47 seconds ============


    opened by hroncok 17
  • Split mesh using a splitting plane

    Split mesh using a splitting plane

    I want to split a mesh using a plane, similar to cross_section but returning both halves of the mesh as closed meshes instead of the polyline boundary of the intersection surface. I wrote the following code to achieve this:

    def split_mesh(mesh, plane_origin, plane_normal):
        Splits mesh by intersection with a plane, 
        returns closed mesh for positive and negative side of plane 
        plane_normal = unit_vector(plane_normal)
        polyline, triangles_edge = trimesh.intersections.mesh_plane(bbox_mesh, 
                                                               plane_origin= plane_origin, 
                                                               plane_normal= plane_normal, 
        vertices_negative = []
        vertices_positive = []
        for vertex_id, vertex in enumerate(bbox_mesh.vertices):
            # TODO: add threshold
            signed_distance =, np.subtract(vertex, plane_origin))
            if signed_distance < 0:
        triangles_negative = []
        triangles_positive = []
        # For each triangle check how many points on either side of the plane
        for triangle in bbox_mesh.faces:
            triangle_negative_check = [vertex_id in vertices_negative for vertex_id in triangle]
            # If all points on the negative side this triangle is not affected
            if all(triangle_negative_check):
            elif any(triangle_negative_check):
                # Get section line for this triangle on edge
                section = polyline[np.all(np.isin(bbox_mesh.faces[triangles_edge], np.array(triangle)), axis=1)][0]
                assert section.shape == (2,3)
                # If two points on negative side
                if sum(triangle_negative_check) == 2:
                    vertex_1, vertex_2 = bbox_mesh.vertices[triangle[triangle_negative_check]]
                    triangles_negative.extend(unordered_to_triangles([section[0], section[1], vertex_1, vertex_2]))
                    vertex_3 = bbox_mesh.vertices[triangle[np.logical_not(triangle_negative_check)]]
                    triangles_positive.append(np.vstack([section[0], section[1], vertex_3]))
                elif sum(triangle_negative_check) == 1:
                    vertex_3 = bbox_mesh.vertices[triangle[triangle_negative_check]]
                    triangles_negative.append(np.vstack([section[0], section[1], vertex_3]))
                    vertex_1, vertex_2 = bbox_mesh.vertices[triangle[np.logical_not(triangle_negative_check)]]
                    triangles_positive.extend(unordered_to_triangles([section[0], section[1], vertex_1, vertex_2]))
            # If all points on the positive side this triangle is not affected
        # Get triangulation of the split surface
        vertices_splitsurface = []
        for a, b in polyline:
            for vertex in [a,b]:
                if tuple(vertex) not in vertices_splitsurface:
        triangles_splitsurface = unordered_to_triangles(vertices_splitsurface)
        # Add triangles of split surface to both the positive and negative side
        # Create Trimesh from triangles for positive and negative
        mesh_negative = trimesh.Trimesh(*to_face_indices(triangles_negative))
        mesh_positive = trimesh.Trimesh(*to_face_indices(triangles_positive))
        return mesh_positive, mesh_negative

    Would it be useful to improve and create a pull request, or is there a much more simple way to achieve this with trimesh?

    Looking forward to your reply!

    opened by themmes 17
  • mesh loading not order preserving?

    mesh loading not order preserving?

    I realized recently that when a mesh is loaded, the vertex order is not preserved? That is, mesh.vertices[0] is not the first vertex in the original mesh file.

    the format I'm using is OFF.

    I feel this is fundementally problematic, and can cause serious confusion to users.

    opened by riaqn 17
  • save mesh as an image

    save mesh as an image


    Thank you for the great library.

    Is there a way to save the current mesh as an image, but to return a numpy array (or other type of arrays) instead. I know that data = scene.save_image(resolution=(1080,1080)) return an image, but in bytes :(

    Thank you in advance!

    opened by pvnieo 16
  • [WIP] Texture Support

    [WIP] Texture Support

    Opening a PR to track progress; this is slowly getting there. Fixes #218

    • [x] TextureVisual object
    • [ ] Finalize TextureVisuals data structure (multiple materials? manage UV for multiple materials?)
    • [x] Material Objects: PBR, Basic
    • [ ] Finalize Material data structure
    • [X] Assets resolver for file system, ZIP, and remote
    • [x] OBJ load texture
    • [x] UV/Texture to color
    • [x] GLTF load texture
    • [x] GLTF exports don't crash on texture
    • [x] PLY load texture
    • [x] Figure out why PLY textures are mapping wrong
    • [x] Pyglet viewer show texture

    Post-PR Scope

    • GLTF export texture
    • PLY export texture
    • OBJ export texture
    • shaders for PBR in pyglet viewer trimesh.viewer.windowed

    Other major changes: and renamed to and, as io is a builtin library that we were previously stomping on and relying on import precedence. exchange isn't so great but is better than anything else I could think of, and is used elsewhere to mean this (Hoops Exchange is basically a bunch of importers/exporters).

    opened by mikedh 15
  • pyembree ray casting acceleration

    pyembree ray casting acceleration

    Hi @mikedh and thanks for the nice work with trimesh. I am quite new with it but it really gets in hand.

    My question now is related with the ray casting approach based on the pyembree acceleration. I need to ray cast quite a few rays in a 3D scene, approx. 18060108 rays and maybe even more. Imagine that I have a scene with 16676 faces and from each face center I need to cast 1083 rays (i.e. 16676x1083 = 18060108).

    As you understand I want to avoid for loops and I cast all the rays at once. Also I am using the pyembree based solution, as it states to accelerate the casting procedure in comparison to normal version, as follows:

    import trimesh
    import numpy as np
    mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=vertices, faces=faces, face_normals=normals, process=False, use_embree=True) # create mesh from given data
    intersection_points, index_ray, index_tri = mesh.ray.intersects_location(origins, drays, multiple_hits=False) # where origins are my triangle centers and drays my rays direction vectors

    but this seems to perform quite slow as well, even though I am using pyembree acceleration. Is this the best I can get or I am doing something wrong?

    opened by ttsesm 14
  • Update


    According to the GMSH documentation, these are the available algorithms: 3D mesh algorithm (1: Delaunay, 3: Initial mesh only, 4: Frontal, 7: MMG3D, 9: R-tree, 10: HXT)

    This tiny patch makes sure that trimesh is up-to-date with the latest GMSH.

    opened by kotsaloscv 0
  • Geometry that doesn't have mtl information is being combined with another geometry in the scene

    Geometry that doesn't have mtl information is being combined with another geometry in the scene

    Hi, thanks for this amazing project!

    I have a following issue:

    After adding three objects as OBJ in the scene by using add_geometry method, I manually changed the name of material of each object, except one that doesn't have a material(no mtl file).

    for index,id_name in enumerate(mesh.geometry):
                    geo_mesh = mesh.geometry[id_name]
                    if hasattr(geo_mesh.visual, "material"):
                   = id_name

    Here is the output of the mesh.geometry.keys(): OrderedDict([('2362ec480b3e9baa4fd5721982c508ad_support_table', <trimesh.Trimesh(vertices.shape=(512, 3), faces.shape=(284, 3))>), ('cup_9_watertight', <trimesh.Trimesh(vertices.shape=(44592, 3), faces.shape=(89180, 3))>), ('pitcher_1', <trimesh.Trimesh(vertices.shape=(4973, 3), faces.shape=(9344, 3))>)])

    The one that doesn't have a matrial, its visual is <trimesh.visual.color.ColorVisuals object at 0x7f2c8c04ef10>

    Then I export the mesh as a OBJ file and reload it using: trimesh.load(path)

    However, when I checked the mesh.geometry again, I found there are only two geometries in the scene. The output of the mesh.geometry.keys(): OrderedDict([('pitcher_1', <trimesh.Trimesh(vertices.shape=(4674, 3), faces.shape=(9344, 3))>), ('2362ec480b3e9baa4fd5721982c508ad_support_table', <trimesh.Trimesh(vertices.shape=(44736, 3), faces.shape=(89464, 3))>)])

    It seems like the geometry that doesn't have mtl information is being combined with another geometry(support_table) in the scene. This is unexpected. Could you please give me some hints where the problem could be? I suppose it's possible to add the mesh to the scene that doesn't have mtl information right?

    Thanks in advance! Best Regards, Cai

    opened by caixiaoniweimar 0
  • Analyze the individual sections of every sides.

    Analyze the individual sections of every sides.


    I am new to trimesh and just a beginner with it. I have a problem where I have an stl object and i would like to analyze individual section of the parts and slice / crop them in 3D. For ex: 3D object of a car door panel and i would like to slice only the part where there is nuts / bolts in them. I have couple of questions related to that please.

    1. Is there any direct / easy method to analyze every sides and their individual sections of the panel after applying the mesh ?
    2. How to crop / slice the portion on each section of the sides, where there is a screw & nuts

    Regards, Rudy

    opened by NiRu-hub 0
  • PR access denied

    PR access denied

    Hi, I would like to open a small PR regarding this issue. When I try to push my brnach thoug, I get the following error message:

    ERROR: Permission to mikedh/trimesh.git denied to anna-charlotte.
    fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
    Please make sure you have the correct access rights
    and the repository exists.

    How can I open a PR?

    opened by anna-charlotte 1
  • Apply_scale doesn't work (as expected) for trimesh.primitives

    Apply_scale doesn't work (as expected) for trimesh.primitives

    Following setup:

    import trimesh
    s = trimesh.primitives.Sphere()
    # array([2., 2., 2.])    -- Fine
    # array([2., 2., 2.])    -- Not fine
    # 1.0 -- Also not fine

    I think this is due to the fact that the scaling information is encoded in the transform matrix:

    # TrackedArray([[0.5, 0.  , 0.  , 0.  ],
    #              [0.  , 0.5, 0.  , 0.  ],
    #              [0.  , 0.  , 0.5, 0.  ],
    #              [0.  , 0.  , 0.  , 1.  ]])

    But I think it would be much more helpful if the parameters were updated accordingly by e.g. overriding apply_scale().

    I deal with this problem (having primitives and Trimeshes in the same scene) currently by a big if-else-branch.

    Any thoughts? Thanks!

    opened by clemense 0
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