Data, notebooks, and articles associated with the RSNA AI Deep Learning Lab at RSNA 2021


RSNA AI Deep Learning Lab 2021


Welcome Deep Learners!

This document provides all the information you need to participate in the RSNA AI Deep Learning Lab. This set of classes provides a hands-on opportunity to engage with deep learning tools, write basic algorithms, learn how to organize data to implement deep learning and improve your understanding of AI technology.

The classes will be held in the RSNA AI Deep Learning Lab classroom, which is located in the Lakeside Learning Center, Level 3. Here's the schedule of classes. CME credit is available for each session.


All lessons are designed to run in Google Colab, which is a free web-based version of Jupyter hosted by Google. You will need a Google account (eg, gmail) to use Colab. If you don't already have a Google account, please create one in advance at the account sign-up page. You can delete the account when you complete the lessons if you wish.

We recommend that you use a computer with a recent vintage processor running the Chrome browser.


Lesson : Pneumonia Detection Model Building (Beginner friendly)

Lesson : MedNIST Exam Classification with MONAI (Beginner friendly)

Lesson : DICOM Data Wrangling with Python (Beginner friendly)

Lesson : CT Body Part Classification (Beginner friendly): Notebook #1, Notebook #2

Lesson : YOLO: Bounding Box Segmentation & Classification: Practice Notebook, Complete Notebook

Lesson : Integrating Genomic and Imaging Data with TCGA-GBM

Lesson : Generative Adversarial Networks

Lesson : Object Detection & Segmentation (Beginner friendly)

Lesson : Working with Public Datasets: TCIA & IDC (Beginner friendly)

Lesson : NLP: Text Classification with RNNs & Transformers: Notebook #1, Notebook #2

Lesson : Multimodal Fusion for Pulmonary Embolism Detection Using CTs and Patient EMR

Lesson : Data Processing & Curation for Deep Learning (Beginner friendly)

Lesson : Basics of NLP in Radiology (Beginner friendly)

Class Schedule

Date / Time Class
Sun 10:30-11:30 am MedNIST Exam Classification with MONAI - Beginner friendly
Sun 1:00-2:00 pm DICOM Data Wrangling with Python - Beginner friendly
Sun 2:30-3:30 pm CT Body Part Classification - Beginner friendly
Mon 9:30-10:30 am YOLO: Bounding Box Segmentation & Classification
Mon 11:00 am-12:00 pm Integrating Genomic and Imaging Data with TCGA-GBM
Mon 1:30-2:30 pm Generative Adversarial Networks
Mon 3:00-4:00 pm Object Detection & Segmentation
Mon 4:30-5:30 pm Pneumonia Detection Model Building - Beginner friendly
Tue 11:00 am-12:00 pm Working with Public Datasets: TCIA & IDC - Beginner friendly
Tue 3:00-4:00 pm NLP: Text Classification with RNNs & Transformers
Wed 9:30-10:30 am Pneumonia Detection Model Building - Beginner friendly; Repeat
Wed 11:00 am-12:00 pm Working with Public Datasets: TCIA & IDC - Beginner friendly; Repeat
Wed 1:30-2:30 pm Multimodal Fusion for Pulmonary Embolism Detection Using CTs and Patient EMR
Wed 4:30-5:30 pm Data Processing & Curation for Deep Learning - Beginner friendly
Thu 11:00 am-12:00 pm Basics of NLP in Radiology - Beginner friendly
Source code for NAACL 2021 paper "TR-BERT: Dynamic Token Reduction for Accelerating BERT Inference"

TR-BERT Source code and dataset for "TR-BERT: Dynamic Token Reduction for Accelerating BERT Inference". The code is based on huggaface's transformers.

THUNLP 37 Oct 30, 2022
Learning What and Where to Draw

###Learning What and Where to Draw Scott Reed, Zeynep Akata, Santosh Mohan, Samuel Tenka, Bernt Schiele, Honglak Lee This is the code for our NIPS 201

Scott Ellison Reed 337 Nov 18, 2022
Invasive Plant Species Identification

Invasive_Plant_Species_Identification Used LiDAR Odometry and Mapping (LOAM) to create a 3D point cloud map which can be used to identify invasive pla

2 May 12, 2022
Official PyTorch Implementation of Convolutional Hough Matching Networks, CVPR 2021 (oral)

Convolutional Hough Matching Networks This is the implementation of the paper "Convolutional Hough Matching Network" by J. Min and M. Cho. Implemented

Juhong Min 70 Nov 22, 2022
Mixed Transformer UNet for Medical Image Segmentation

MT-UNet Update 2022/01/05 By another round of training based on previous weights, our model also achieved a better performance on ACDC (91.61% DSC). W

dotman 92 Dec 25, 2022
DeepMind Alchemy task environment: a meta-reinforcement learning benchmark

The DeepMind Alchemy environment is a meta-reinforcement learning benchmark that presents tasks sampled from a task distribution with deep underlying structure.

DeepMind 188 Dec 25, 2022
Gas detection for Raspberry Pi using ADS1x15 and MQ-2 sensors

Gas detection Gas detection for Raspberry Pi using ADS1x15 and MQ-2 sensors. Description The MQ-2 sensor can detect multiple gases (CO, H2, CH4, LPG,

Filip Š 15 Sep 30, 2022
A memory-efficient implementation of DenseNets

efficient_densenet_pytorch A PyTorch =1.0 implementation of DenseNets, optimized to save GPU memory. Recent updates Now works on PyTorch 1.0! It uses

Geoff Pleiss 1.4k Dec 25, 2022
Source Code For Template-Based Named Entity Recognition Using BART

Template-Based NER Source Code For Template-Based Named Entity Recognition Using BART Training Training Inference Corpus ATIS (h

174 Dec 19, 2022
Object Database for Super Mario Galaxy 1/2.

Super Mario Galaxy Object Database Welcome to the public object database for Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2. Here, we document all object

Aurum 9 Dec 04, 2022
CMP 414/765 course repository for Spring 2022 semester

CMP414/765: Artificial Intelligence Spring2021 This is the GitHub repository for course CMP 414/765: Artificial Intelligence taught at The City Univer

ch00226855 4 May 16, 2022
Generative Autoregressive, Normalized Flows, VAEs, Score-based models (GANVAS)

GANVAS-models This is an implementation of various generative models. It contains implementations of the following: Autoregressive Models: PixelCNN, G

MRSAIL (Mini Robotics, Software & AI Lab) 6 Nov 26, 2022
Learning Versatile Neural Architectures by Propagating Network Codes

Learning Versatile Neural Architectures by Propagating Network Codes Mingyu Ding, Yuqi Huo, Haoyu Lu, Linjie Yang, Zhe Wang, Zhiwu Lu, Jingdong Wang,

Mingyu Ding 36 Dec 06, 2022
the code for our CVPR 2021 paper Bilateral Grid Learning for Stereo Matching Network [BGNet]

BGNet This repository contains the code for our CVPR 2021 paper Bilateral Grid Learning for Stereo Matching Network [BGNet] Environment Python 3.6.* C

3DCV developer 87 Nov 29, 2022
Code for the paper titled "Generalized Depthwise-Separable Convolutions for Adversarially Robust and Efficient Neural Networks" (NeurIPS 2021 Spotlight).

Generalized Depthwise-Separable Convolutions for Adversarially Robust and Efficient Neural Networks This repository contains the code and pre-trained

Hassan Dbouk 7 Dec 05, 2022
GalaXC: Graph Neural Networks with Labelwise Attention for Extreme Classification

GalaXC GalaXC: Graph Neural Networks with Labelwise Attention for Extreme Classification @InProceedings{Saini21, author = {Saini, D. and Jain,

Extreme Classification 28 Dec 05, 2022
EgGateWayGetShell py脚本

EgGateWayGetShell_py 免责声明 由于传播、利用此文所提供的信息而造成的任何直接或者间接的后果及损失,均由使用者本人负责,作者不为此承担任何责任。 使用 python3 urls.txt 目标 title:锐捷网络-EWEB网管系统 port:4430 漏洞成因 ?p

榆木 61 Nov 09, 2022
Implementation of Vaswani, Ashish, et al. "Attention is all you need."

Attention Is All You Need Paper Implementation This is my from-scratch implementation of the original transformer architecture from the following pape

Brando Koch 195 Dec 30, 2022
Using contrastive learning and OpenAI's CLIP to find good embeddings for images with lossy transformations

The official code for the paper "Inverse Problems Leveraging Pre-trained Contrastive Representations" (to appear in NeurIPS 2021).

Sriram Ravula 26 Dec 10, 2022
PROJECT - Az Residential Real Estate Analysis

AZ RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS -Decided on libraries to import. Includes pa

2 Jul 05, 2022