Customizable RecSys Simulator for OpenAI Gym


gym-recsys: Customizable RecSys Simulator for OpenAI Gym

Installation | How to use | Examples | Citation

This package describes an OpenAI Gym interface for creating a simulation environment of reinforcement learning-based recommender systems (RL-RecSys). The design strives for simple and flexible APIs to support novel research.


gym-recsys can be installed from PyPI using pip:

pip install gym-recsys

Note that we support Python 3.7+ only.

You can also install it directly from this GitHub repository using pip:

pip install git+git://

How to use

To use gym-recsys, you need to define the following components:


This describes a list of available user IDs for the simulation. Normally, a user ID is an integer.

An example of three users: user_ids = [0, 1, 2]

Note that the user ID will be taken as an input to user_state_model_callback to generate observations of the user state.


This describes the categories of a list of available items. The data type should be a list of strings. The indices of the list is assumed to correspond to item IDs.

An example of three items: item_category = ['sci-fi', 'romance', 'sci-fi']

The category information is mainly used for visualization via env.render().


This describe the popularity measure of a list of available items. The data type should be a list (or 1-dim array) of integers. The indices of the list is assumed to correspond to item IDs.

An example of three items: item_popularity = [5, 3, 1]

The popularity information is used for calculating Expected Popularity Complement (EPC) in the visualization.


This is an integer describing the number of most recently clicked items by the user to encode as the current state of the user.

An example of the historical sequence with length 3: hist_seq = [-1, 2, 0]. The item ID -1 indicates an empty event. In this case, the user clicked two items in the past, first item ID 2 followed by a second item ID 0.

The internal FIFO queue hist_seq will be taken as an input to both user_state_model_callback and reward_model_callback to generate observations of the user state.


This is an integer describing the size of the slate (display list of recommended items).

It induces a combinatorial action space for the RL agent.


This is a Python callback function taking user_id and hist_seq as inputs to generate an observation of current user state.

Note that it is generic. Either pre-defined heuristic computations or pre-trained neural network models using user/item embeddings can be wrapped as a callback function.


This is a Python callback function taking user_id, hist_seq and action as inputs to generate a reward value for each item in the slate. (i.e. action)

Note that it is generic. Either pre-defined heuristic computations or pre-trained neural network models using user/item embeddings can be wrapped as a callback function.


To illustrate the simple yet flexible design of gym-recsys, we provide a toy example to construct a simulation environment.

First, let us sample random embeddings for one user and five items:

user_features = np.random.randn(1, 10)
item_features = np.random.randn(5, 10)

Now let us define the category and popularity score for each item:

item_category = ['sci-fi', 'romance', 'sci-fi', 'action', 'sci-fi']
item_popularity = [5, 3, 1, 2, 3]

Then, we define callback functions for user state and reward values:

def user_state_model_callback(user_id, hist_seq):
    return user_features[user_id]

def reward_model_callback(user_id, hist_seq, action):
    return np.inner(user_features[user_id], item_features[action])

Finally, we are ready to create a simulation environment with OpenAI Gym API:

env_kws = dict(
env = gym.make('gym_recsys:RecSys-t50-v0', **env_kws)

Note that we created the environment with slate size of two items and historical interactions of the recent 3 steps. The horizon is 50 time steps.

Now let us play with this environment.

By evaluating a random agent with 100 times, we got the following performance:

Agent Episode Reward CTR
random 73.54 68.23%

Given the sampled embeddings, let's say item 1 and 3 lead to maximally possible reward values. Let us see how a greedy policy performs by constantly recommending item 1 and 3:

Agent Episode Reward CTR
greedy 180.86 97.93%

Last but not least, for the most fun part, let us generate animations of both policy for an episode via gym's Monitor wrapper, showing as GIFs in the following:

Random Agent

Greedy Agent


If you use gym-recsys in your work, please cite this repository:

  author={Zuo, Xingdong},
  title={gym-recsys: Customizable RecSys Simulator for OpenAI Gym},
Xingdong Zuo
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