Unofficial Implementation of MLP-Mixer, gMLP, resMLP, Vision Permutator, S2MLPv2, RaftMLP, ConvMLP, ConvMixer in Jittor and PyTorch.



Unofficial Implementation of MLP-Mixer, gMLP, resMLP, Vision Permutator, S2MLPv2, RaftMLP, ConvMLP, ConvMixer in Jittor and PyTorch.

What's New

Rearrange, Reduce in einops for Jittor is support ! Easier to convert Transformer-based and MLP-based models from PyTorch to Jittor!

  • from .einops_my.layers.jittor import Rearrange, Reduce (shown in ./models_jittor/


  • Jittor and Pytorch implementaion of gMLP


import jittor as jt
from models_jittor import gMLPForImageClassification as gMLP_jt
from models_jittor import ResMLPForImageClassification as ResMLP_jt
from models_jittor import MLPMixerForImageClassification as MLPMixer_jt
from models_jittor import ViP as ViP_jt
from models_jittor import S2MLPv2 as S2MLPv2_jt
from models_jittor import ConvMixer as ConvMixer_jt
from models_jittor import convmlp_s as ConvMLP_s_jt 
from models_jittor import convmlp_l as ConvMLP_l_jt 
from models_jittor import convmlp_m as ConvMLP_m_jt 
from models_jittor import RaftMLP as RaftMLP_jt

model_jt = MLPMixer_jt(

images = jt.randn(8, 3, 224, 224)
with jt.no_grad():
    output = model_jt(images)
print(output.shape) # (8, 1000)


import torch
from models_pytorch import gMLPForImageClassification as gMLP_pt
from models_pytorch import ResMLPForImageClassification as ResMLP_pt
from models_pytorch import MLPMixerForImageClassification as MLPMixer_pt
from models_pytorch import ViP as ViP_pt
from models_pytorch import S2MLPv2 as S2MLPv2_pt 
from models_pytorch import ConvMixer as ConvMixer_pt 
from models_pytorch import convmlp_s as ConvMLP_s_pt 
from models_pytorch import convmlp_l as ConvMLP_l_pt 
from models_pytorch import convmlp_m as ConvMLP_m_pt 
from models_pytorch import RaftMLP as RaftMLP_pt

model_pt = ViP_pt(
    segments = 16,
    weighted = True

images = torch.randn(8, 3, 224, 224)

with torch.no_grad():
    output = model_pt(images)
print(output.shape) # (8, 1000)

############################## Non-square images and patch sizes #########################

model_jt = ViP_jt(
    image_size=(224, 112),
    patch_size=(16, 8),
    segments = 16,
    weighted = True
images = jt.randn(8, 3, 224, 112)
with jt.no_grad():
    output = model_jt(images)
print(output.shape) # (8, 1000)

############################## 2 Stages S2MLPv2 #########################
model_pt = S2MLPv2_pt(
    in_channels = 3,
    image_size = (224,224),
    patch_size = [(7,7), (2,2)],
    d_model = [192, 384],
    depth = [4, 14],
    num_classes = 1000, 
    expansion_factor = [3, 3]

############################## ConvMLP With Pretrain Params #########################
model_jt = ConvMLP_s_jt(pretrained = True, num_classes = 1000)

############################## RaftMLP #########################
model_jt = RaftMLP_jt(
        layers = [
            {"depth": 12,
            "dim": 768,
            "patch_size": 16,
            "raft_size": 4}
        gap = True


    title   = {MLP-Mixer: An all-MLP Architecture for Vision},
    author  = {Ilya Tolstikhin and Neil Houlsby and Alexander Kolesnikov and Lucas Beyer and Xiaohua Zhai and Thomas Unterthiner and Jessica Yung and Daniel Keysers and Jakob Uszkoreit and Mario Lucic and Alexey Dosovitskiy},
    year    = {2021},
    eprint  = {2105.01601},
    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
    primaryClass = {cs.CV}
    title   = {Vision Permutator: A Permutable MLP-Like Architecture for Visual Recognition},
    author  = {Qibin Hou and Zihang Jiang and Li Yuan and Ming-Ming Cheng and Shuicheng Yan and Jiashi Feng},
    year    = {2021},
    eprint  = {2106.12368},
    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
    primaryClass = {cs.CV}
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  author={Liu, Hanxiao and Dai, Zihang and So, David R and Le, Quoc V},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.08050},
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  author={Touvron, Hugo and Bojanowski, Piotr and Caron, Mathilde and Cord, Matthieu and El-Nouby, Alaaeldin and Grave, Edouard and Joulin, Armand and Synnaeve, Gabriel and Verbeek, Jakob and J{\'e}gou, Herv{\'e}},
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  title={S $\^{} 2$-MLPv2: Improved Spatial-Shift MLP Architecture for Vision},
  author={Yu, Tan and Li, Xu and Cai, Yunfeng and Sun, Mingming and Li, Ping},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.01072},
  title={ConvMLP: Hierarchical Convolutional MLPs for Vision},
  author={Li, Jiachen and Hassani, Ali and Walton, Steven and Shi, Humphrey},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.04454},
  title={RaftMLP: Do MLP-based Models Dream of Winning Over Computer Vision?},
  author={Tatsunami, Yuki and Taki, Masato},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.04384},
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