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If it is helpful to you, please star it for easy browsing. Thanks for your support!Plotly Crash Course This course was designed to help you get started using Plotly. If you ever felt like your data visualization skills could use an u
DiscoStats cool statistics generated using your discord data. How? DiscoStats is not a service that breaks the Discord Terms of Service or Community G
Minimal Ethereum fee data viewer for the terminal, contained in a single python script. Connects to your node and displays some metrics in real-time.
An ipywidgets wrapper of regular-table for Jupyter. Examples Two Billion Rows Notebook Click Events Notebook Edit Events Notebook Styling Notebook Pan
pygram11 Simple and fast histogramming in Python accelerated with OpenMP with help from pybind11. pygram11 provides functions for very fast histogram
plotnine Latest Release License DOI Build Status Coverage Documentation plotnine is an implementation of a grammar of graphics in Python, it is based
Elegant-Plot Plot toolbox based on Matplotlib, simple and elegant. 绘制效果 绘制过程 数据准备 每种图标类型的目录下有data.csv文件,依据样例数据填入自己的数据。
Media Player Gesture Control Gesture controller for media player with MediaPipe, VLC and OpenCV. Contents About Setup About A tool for using gestures
Smarthome Dashboard with Grafana & InfluxDB This is a complete overhaul of my Raspberry Dashboard done with Flask. I switched from sqlite to InfluxDB
jsonschema jsonschema is an implementation of JSON Schema for Python. from jsonschema import validate # A sample schema, like what we'd get f
PyFlow is a general purpose visual scripting framework for python. State Base structure of program implemented, such things as packages disco
binja-import-header (v1.0.0) Author: matteyeux Import header file to Binary Ninja types view Description: Binary Ninja plugin to import types from C h
NorthPitch is a python soccer plotting library that sits on top of Matplotlib.
Show Data is to generate html tables for large scale image dataset, especially for the dataset in remote server. It provides some useful commond line tools and fully customizeble API reference to gen
Pandas Profiling Documentation | Slack | Stack Overflow Generates profile reports from a pandas DataFrame. The pandas df.describe() function is great
Let's Have A Look At Some Graphs! Graph 1: State Mentions in Congressperson's Tweets on 10/01/2017 The graph below uses this data set to demonstrate h
jut - JUpyter notebook Terminal viewer. The command line tool view the IPython/Jupyter notebook in the terminal. Install pip install jut Usage $jut --
BrowZen BrowZen correlates your emotional states with the web sites you visit to give you actionable insights about how you spend your time browsing t
Visualize tensors in a plain Python REPL using Sparklines
ggfortify This package offers fortify and autoplot functions to allow automatic ggplot2 to visualize statistical result of popular R packages. Check o