kyle's vision of how datadog's python client should look


kyle's datadog python vision/proposal

not for production use

See examples/ for a mostly working example of the proposed API.

📈 🐶 ❤️ 🐍

The Datadog Python products are great but the Python offering is fragmented.

One has to configure and initialize 4 different clients (metrics, logs, tracing, profiling) to get a cohesive experience.

It's time to unify and provide a great user experience out of the box for users.

proposed API

from datadog import DDClient, DDConfig

# Options are
#  - type-checked + validated
#  - available as corresponding environment vars
ddcfg = DDConfig(
        tracing_modules=["django", "redis", "psycopg2"],
        tracing_sampling_rules=[("my-python-service", "prod", 0.02)],
ddclient = DDClient(config=ddcfg)

# metrics

# logs
log = ddclient.getLogger()
ddclient.DDLogHandler()  # or datadog.DDLogHandler()

# tracing

# profiling

package structure

|- DDClient
|- DDConfig


I propose datadog-run which will install a default DDClient, initialized only via environment variable to datadog.client. Essentially would just be something like:

import datadog
from datadog import DDConfig, DDClient

  tracing_patch=True,  # different from the default when using the library manually
  # ... rest of defaults

datadog.client = DDClient(DDConfig(default_config=_DEFAULT_CONFIG))

open questions/concerns

  • What API is exposed for flushing data?
    • Unified for entire client?
      • Reuse connections/batch data for performance.
    • Must allow both automatic + manual strategies
      • Buffer size
      • Flush period
  • What to use to locate an agent?
    • UDS vs HTTP(S) support
    • URL is weird/not intuitive with unix sockets
  • Should config values store whether they are user defined?
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