Weakly Supervised Segmentation by Tensorflow.



There are five weakly supervised networks in Simple Does It: Weakly Supervised Instance and Semantic Segmentation, by Khoreva et al. (CVPR 2017). Respectively, Naive, Box, Box^i, Grabcut+, M∩G+. All of them use cheap-to-generate label, bounding box, during training and don't need other informations except image during testing.

This repo contains a TensorFlow implementation of Grabcut version of semantic segmentation.

My Environment

Environment 1

  • Operating System:
    • Arch Linux 4.15.15-1
  • Memory
    • 64GB
  • CUDA:
    • CUDA V9.0.176
  • CUDNN:
    • CUDNN 7.0.5-2
  • GPU:
    • GTX 1070 8G
  • Nvidia driver:
    • 390.25
  • Python:
    • python 3.6.4
  • Python package:
    • tqdm, bs4, opencv-python, pydensecrf, cython...
  • Tensorflow:
    • tensorflow-gpu 1.5.0

Environment 2

  • Operating System:
    • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Memory
    • 64GB
  • CUDA:
    • CUDA V9.0.176
  • CUDNN:
    • CUDNN 7
  • GPU:
    • GTX 1060 6G
  • Nvidia driver:
    • 390.48
  • Python:
    • python 3.5.2
  • Python package:
    • tqdm, bs4, opencv-python, pydensecrf, cython...
  • Tensorflow:
    • tensorflow-gpu 1.6.0

Downloading the VOC12 dataset

Setup Dataset

My directory structure

├── Dataset
│   ├── Annotations
│   ├── CRF_masks
│   ├── CRF_pairs
│   ├── Grabcut_inst
│   ├── Grabcut_pairs
│   ├── JPEGImages
│   ├── Pred_masks
│   ├── Pred_pairs
│   ├── SegmentationClass
│   └── Segmentation_label
├── Model
│   ├── Logs
│   └── models
├── Parser_
├── Postprocess
├── Preprocess
└── Util

VOC2012 directory structure

└── VOCdevkit
    └── VOC2012
        ├── Annotations
        ├── ImageSets
        │   ├── Action
        │   ├── Layout
        │   ├── Main
        │   └── Segmentation
        ├── JPEGImages
        ├── SegmentationClass
        └── SegmentationObject
  • Put annotations in 'Annotations'
mv {PATH}/VOCtrainval_11-May-2012/VOCdevkit/VOC2012/Annotations/* {PATH}/Simple_does_it/Dataset/Annotations/ 
  • Put images in 'JPEGImages'
mv {PATH}/VOCtrainval_11-May-2012/VOCdevkit/VOC2012/JPEGImages/* {PATH}/Simple_does_it/Dataset/JPEGImages/
  • Put Ground truth in 'SegmentationClass' for computing mIoU and IoU
mv {PATH}/VOCtrainval_11-May-2012/VOCdevkit/VOC2012/SegmentationClass/* {PATH}/Simple_does_it/Dataset/SegmentationClass/

Demo (See Usage for more details)

Download pretrain model training on VOC12 (train set size: 1464)

  • Pretrain model
    • Move files from VOC12_CKPT to 'models'
  • Run test
    python ./Model/model.py --restore_target 1020
  • Run train (See Training for more details)
    python ./Model/model.py --is_train 1 --set_name voc_train.txt --restore_target 1020   
  • Performance
set CRF mIoU
train X 64.93%
train O 66.90%
val X 39.03%
val O 42.54%

Download pretrain model training on VOC12 + SBD (train set size: 10582)

  • Pretrain model
    • Move files from VOC12_SBD_CKPT to 'models'
  • Run test
    python ./Model/model.py --restore_target 538
  • Run train (See Training for more details)
    python ./Model/model.py --is_train 1 --set_name train.txt --restore_target 538
  • Performance
set CRF mIoU
train X 66.87%
train O 68.21%
val X 51.90%
val O 54.52%

Training (See Usage for more details)

Download pretrain vgg16

Extract annotations from 'Annotations' according to 'train.txt' or 'voc_train.txt' for VOC12 + SDB or VOC12

  • For VOC12 + SBD (train set size: 10582)
    • This will generate a 'train_pairs.txt' for 'grabcut.py'
    python ./Dataset/make_train.py 
  • For VOC12 (train set size: 1464)
    • This will generate a 'voc_train_pairs.txt' for 'grabcut.py'
    python ./Dataset/make_train.py --train_set_name voc_train.txt --train_pair_name voc_train_pairs.txt

Generate label for training by 'grabcut.py'

  • Result of grabcut for each bounding box will be stored at 'Grabcut_inst'
  • Result of grabcut for each image will be stored at 'Segmentation_label'
  • Result of grabcut for each image combing with image and bounding box will be stored at 'Grabcut_pairs'
  • Note: If the instance hasn't existed at 'Grabcut_inst', grabcut.py will grabcut that image
  • For VOC12 + SBD (train set size: 10582)
    python ./Preprocess/grabcut.py
  • For VOC12 (train set size: 1464)
    python ./Preprocess/grabcut.py --train_pair_name voc_train_pairs.txt

Train network

  • The event file for tensorboard will be stored at 'Logs'
  • Train on VOC12 + SBD (train set size: 10582)
    • This will consume lot of memory.
      • The train set is so large.
      • Data dtyp will be casted from np.uint8 to np.float16 for mean substraction.
    • Eliminate mean substraction for lower memory usage.
      • Change the dtype in ./Dataset/load.py from np.float16 to np.uint8
      • Comment mean substraction in ./Model/model.py
    python ./Model/model.py --is_train 1 --set_name train.txt   
  • Train on VOC12 (train set size: 1464)
    python ./Model/model.py --is_train 1 --set_name voc_train.txt   

Testing (See Usage for more details)

Test network

  • Result will be stored at 'Pred_masks'
  • Result combing with image will be stored at 'Pred_pairs'
  • Result after dense CRF will be stored at 'CRF_masks'
  • Result after dense CRF combing with image will be stored at 'CRF_pairs'
  • Test on VOC12 (val set size: 1449)
    python ./Model/model.py --restore_target {num}

Performance (See Usage for more details)

Evaluate mIoU and IoU

  • Compute mIoU and IoU
    python ./Dataset/mIoU.py 



  • Parse the command line argument


  • Generating train.txt and test.txt according to 'JPEGImages'
  • Not necessary
usage: divied.py [-h] [--dataset DATASET] [--img_dir_name IMG_DIR_NAME]
                 [--train_set_ratio TRAIN_SET_RATIO]
                 [--train_set_name TRAIN_SET_NAME]
                 [--test_set_name TEST_SET_NAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dataset DATASET     path to dataset (default: Util/../Parser_/../Dataset)
  --img_dir_name IMG_DIR_NAME
                        name for image directory (default: JPEGImages)
  --train_set_ratio TRAIN_SET_RATIO
                        ratio for training set, [0,10] (default: 7)
  --train_set_name TRAIN_SET_NAME
                        name for training set (default: train.txt)
  --test_set_name TEST_SET_NAME
                        name for testing set (default: val.txt)


  • Extract annotations from 'Annotations' according to 'train.txt'
  • Content: {image name}###{image name + num + class + .png}###{bbox ymin}###{bbox xmin}###{bbox ymax}###{bbox xmax}###{class}
  • Example: 2011_003038###2011_003038_3_15.png###115###1###233###136###person
usage: make_train.py [-h] [--dataset DATASET]
                     [--train_set_name TRAIN_SET_NAME]
                     [--ann_dir_name ANN_DIR_NAME]
                     [--train_pair_name TRAIN_PAIR_NAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dataset DATASET     path to dataset (default:
  --train_set_name TRAIN_SET_NAME
                        name for training set (default: train.txt)
  --ann_dir_name ANN_DIR_NAME
                        name for annotation directory (default: Annotations)
  --train_pair_name TRAIN_PAIR_NAME
                        name for training pair (default: train_pairs.txt)


  • Grabcut a traditional computer vision method
  • Input bounding box and image then generating label for training
usage: grabcut.py [-h] [--dataset DATASET] [--img_dir_name IMG_DIR_NAME]
                  [--train_pair_name TRAIN_PAIR_NAME]
                  [--grabcut_dir_name GRABCUT_DIR_NAME]
                  [--img_grabcuts_dir IMG_GRABCUTS_DIR]
                  [--pool_size POOL_SIZE] [--grabcut_iter GRABCUT_ITER]
                  [--label_dir_name LABEL_DIR_NAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dataset DATASET     path to dataset (default:
  --img_dir_name IMG_DIR_NAME
                        name for image directory (default: JPEGImages)
  --train_pair_name TRAIN_PAIR_NAME
                        name for training pair (default: train_pairs.txt)
  --grabcut_dir_name GRABCUT_DIR_NAME
                        name for grabcut directory (default: Grabcut_inst)
  --img_grabcuts_dir IMG_GRABCUTS_DIR
                        name for image with grabcuts directory (default:
  --pool_size POOL_SIZE
                        pool for multiprocess (default: 4)
  --grabcut_iter GRABCUT_ITER
                        grabcut iteration (default: 3)
  --label_dir_name LABEL_DIR_NAME
                        name for label directory (default: Segmentation_label)


  • Deeplab-Largefov
usage: model.py [-h] [--dataset DATASET] [--set_name SET_NAME]
                [--label_dir_name LABEL_DIR_NAME]
                [--img_dir_name IMG_DIR_NAME] [--classes CLASSES]
                [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--epoch EPOCH]
                [--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE] [--momentum MOMENTUM]
                [--keep_prob KEEP_PROB] [--is_train IS_TRAIN]
                [--save_step SAVE_STEP] [--pred_dir_name PRED_DIR_NAME]
                [--pair_dir_name PAIR_DIR_NAME] [--crf_dir_name CRF_DIR_NAME]
                [--crf_pair_dir_name CRF_PAIR_DIR_NAME] [--width WIDTH]
                [--height HEIGHT] [--restore_target RESTORE_TARGET]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dataset DATASET     path to dataset (default:
  --set_name SET_NAME   name for set (default: val.txt)
  --label_dir_name LABEL_DIR_NAME
                        name for label directory (default: Segmentation_label)
  --img_dir_name IMG_DIR_NAME
                        name for image directory (default: JPEGImages)
  --classes CLASSES     number of classes for segmentation (default: 21)
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        batch size for training (default: 16)
  --epoch EPOCH         epoch for training (default: 2000)
  --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
                        learning rate for training (default: 0.01)
  --momentum MOMENTUM   momentum for optimizer (default: 0.9)
  --keep_prob KEEP_PROB
                        probability for dropout (default: 0.5)
  --is_train IS_TRAIN   training or testing [1 = True / 0 = False] (default:
  --save_step SAVE_STEP
                        step for saving weight (default: 2)
  --pred_dir_name PRED_DIR_NAME
                        name for prediction masks directory (default:
  --pair_dir_name PAIR_DIR_NAME
                        name for pairs directory (default: Pred_pairs)
  --crf_dir_name CRF_DIR_NAME
                        name for crf prediction masks directory (default:
  --crf_pair_dir_name CRF_PAIR_DIR_NAME
                        name for crf pairs directory (default: CRF_pairs)
  --width WIDTH         width for resize (default: 513)
  --height HEIGHT       height for resize (default: 513)
  --restore_target RESTORE_TARGET
                        target for restore (default: 0)


  • Compute mIoU and IoU
usage: mIoU.py [-h] [--dataset DATASET] [--set_name SET_NAME]
               [--GT_dir_name GT_DIR_NAME] [--Pred_dir_name PRED_DIR_NAME]
               [--classes CLASSES]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dataset DATASET     path to dataset (default:
  --set_name SET_NAME   name for set (default: val.txt)
  --GT_dir_name GT_DIR_NAME
                        name for ground truth directory (default:
  --Pred_dir_name PRED_DIR_NAME
                        name for prediction directory (default: CRF_masks)
  --classes CLASSES     number of classes (default: 21)


  • Loading data for training / testing according to train.txt / val.txt


  • Save result during testing


  • Map the class to grayscale value


  • Map the grayscale value to RGB


  • Dense CRF a machine learning method
  • Refine the result


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