Adjust Decision Boundary for Class Imbalanced Learning


Adjusting Decision Boundary for Class Imbalanced Learning

This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of WVN-RS, introduced in Adjusting Decision Boundary for Class Imbalanced Learning.


  1. NVIDIA docker : Docker image will be pulled from cloud.
  2. CIFAR dataset : The "dataset_path" in should be

CIFAR datasets are available here.

How to use

Run the shell script.


To use Weight Vector Normalization (WVN), use --WVN flag. (It is already in the script.)


  1. Validation error on Long-Tailed CIFAR10
Imbalance 200 100 50 20 10 1
Baseline 35.67 29.71 22.91 16.04 13.26 6.83
Over-sample 32.19 28.27 21.40 15.23 12.24 6.61
Focal 34.71 29.62 23.28 16.77 13.19 6.60
CB 31.11 25.43 20.73 15.64 12.51 6.36
LDAM-DRW 28.09 22.97 17.83 14.53 11.84 6.32
Baseline+RS 27.02 21.36 17.16 13.46 11.86 6.32
WVN+RS 27.23 20.17 16.80 12.76 10.71 6.29
  1. Validation error on Long-Tailed CIFAR100
Imbalance 200 100 50 20 10 1
Baseline 64.21 60.38 55.09 48.93 43.52 29.69
Over-sample 66.39 61.53 56.65 49.03 43.38 29.41
Focal 64.38 61.31 55.68 48.05 44.22 28.52
CB 63.77 60.40 54.68 47.41 42.01 28.39
LDAM-DRW 61.73 57.96 52.54 47.14 41.29 28.85
Baseline+RS 59.59 55.65 51.91 45.09 41.45 29.80
WVN+RS 59.48 55.50 51.80 46.12 41.02 29.22


This codes use docker image "feidfoe/pytorch:v.2" with pytorch version, '0.4.0a0+0640816'. The image only provides basic libraries such as NumPy or PIL.

WVN is implemented on ResNet architecture only.

Baseline repository

This repository is forked and modified from original repo.


Byungju Kim ([email protected])

BibTeX for Citation

  author={B. {Kim} and J. {Kim}},
  journal={IEEE Access}, 
  title={Adjusting Decision Boundary for Class Imbalanced Learning}, 
Peyton Byungju Kim
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