auto_code_complete is a auto word-completetion program which allows you to customize it on your need


auto_code_complete v1.3

purpose and usage

auto_code_complete is a auto word-completetion program which allows you to customize it on your needs. the model for this program is a combined model of a deep-learning NLP(Natural Language Process) model structure called 'GRU(gated recurrent unit)' and 'LSTM(Long Short Term Memory)'.

the model for this program is one of the deep-learning NLP(Natural Language Process) model structure called 'GRU(gated recurrent unit)'.

data preprocessing


model structure


how to use (terminal)

auto-code1 auto-code2

  • first, download the repository on your local environment.
  • install the neccessary libraries on your dependent environment.

pip install -r requirements.txt

  • change your working directory to auto-complete/ and execute the line below

python -m auto_complete_model

  • it will require for you to enter the data you want to train with the model
ENTER THE CODE YOU WANT TO TRAIN IN YOUR MODEL : tensorflow tf.keras tf.keras.layers LSTM
2022-01-08 18:24:14.308919: W tensorflow/core/platform/profile_utils/] Failed to get CPU frequency: 0 Hz
Epoch 1/100
3/3 [==============================] - 1s 59ms/step - loss: 4.7865 - acc: 0.0532
Epoch 2/100
3/3 [==============================] - 0s 62ms/step - loss: 3.9297 - acc: 0.2872
Epoch 3/100
3/3 [==============================] - 0s 58ms/step - loss: 2.9941 - acc: 0.5532
Epoch 31/100
3/3 [==============================] - 0s 75ms/step - loss: 0.2747 - acc: 0.8617
Epoch 32/100
3/3 [==============================] - 0s 65ms/step - loss: 0.2700 - acc: 0.8298
Now, Load the best weights on your model.
  • if you input your dataset successfully, it will ask for any uncompleted word to be entered.
ENTER THE UNCOMPLETED CODE YOU WANT TO COMPLETE : t tf te l la li k ke tf.kera tf.keras.l
t  - best recommendation : tensorflow
		 - all recommendations :  ['tensorflow']
tf  - best recommendation : tf.keras
		 - all recommendations :  ['tfkeras', 'tf.keras']
te  - best recommendation : tensorflow
		 - all recommendations :  ['tensorflow']
l  - best recommendation : list
		 - all recommendations :  ['list', 'layers']
la  - best recommendation : lange
		 - all recommendations :  ['layers', 'lange']
li  - best recommendation : list
		 - all recommendations :  ['list']
k  - best recommendation : keras
		 - all recommendations :  ['keras']
ke  - best recommendation : keras
		 - all recommendations :  ['keras']
tf.kera  - best recommendation : tf.keras
		 - all recommendations :  []
tf.keras.l  - best recommendation : tf.keras.layers
		 - all recommendations :  ['tf.keras.layers']
  • it will return the best matched word to complete and other recommendations
Do you want to check only the recommendations? (y/n) : y
['tfkeras', 'tf.keras'], 
['list', 'layers'], 
['layers', 'lange'], 

version update & issues

v1.2 update


  • change deep-learning model from GRU to GRU+LSTM to improve the performance

By adding the same structrue of new LSTM layers to concatenate before the output layer to an existing model, it shows faster learning and better accuracies in predicting matched recommendations for given incomplete words.

v1.3.1 update


  • fix the glitches in data preprocessing

We solved the problem that it wouldn't add a new dataset on an existing dataset.

  • add plot_history function in a model class

v1.3.2 update


  • add model_save,model_load mode in order that users can save and load their model while training a customized model
  • add data_split mode so that the big data can be trained seperately.
samp_model = auto_coding(new_code=samp_text,
                      # verbose=0,
                       model_name='samp_test', # samp_test/samp_test.h5
                       data_split_num=3 # the number into which users want to split the data

v1.3.3 update


  • add new metrics Accuracy for Recommendations to evaluate the model's instant performance when predicting the recommendation list for words.
t  - best match : tf
	 - all recommendations :  ['tensorflow', 'tf']
tup  - best match : tuple
	 - all recommendations :  []
p  - best match : pd
	 - all recommendations :  ['plt', 'pd', 'pandas']
li  - best match : list
	 - all recommendations :  []
d  - best match : dataset
	 - all recommendations :  ['dic', 'dataset']
I  - best match : Import
	 - all recommendations :  []
so  - best match : sort
	 - all recommendations :  ['sort']
m  - best match : matplotlib.pyplot
	 - all recommendations :  []
Accuracy for Best:  0.875
Accuracy for Recommendations :  1.0
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